Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for "getting married in a carpool" claimed to be the groom and bride who received the least blessings on the Internet. No, there is another couple who received the least blessings from the entire Internet. They got ma

2024/05/2322:14:33 news 1448

Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for "carpooling marriage" claimed to be the groom and bride with the least blessings on the Internet.

Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for

No, there is another couple who received the least blessings from the entire Internet.

got married and received few blessings. Instead, they were all about academic qualifications, which also affected the entire Internet.

"The bride's junior high school classmate" "The bride's high school classmate" "The bride's undergraduate classmate" "The bride's master's classmate" "The bride's doctoral classmate"

Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for

I dare to ask, what do you think when you first see these tags?

The bride classified her classmates according to this label and arranged them to eat together.

A good friend of the bride thought that this classification was quite new, so he made a video to joke about it.

never expected to stir up a stir on the Internet. Netizens had different opinions on the bride’s approach.

The comments were generally divided into two Direction -

1. Netizens who think that the bride engages in academic discrimination

"It has nothing to do with academic qualifications, it's about emotional intelligence"

"Yes, it hurts people, just leave my words"

"This bride's emotional intelligence is not very high. This will not make everyone feel Isn't it embarrassing?"

"It's okay if I don't want this friend."

"For the sake of reading this, it's really good."

"Not bad, I'll go for this and just lift the table."

"The bride wrote this just to show off her high education. If Even if you have low education, you won’t be able to write like this.”

Some netizens satirized the bride:

“How about the poor sit at the same table and the rich sit at the same table, so as not to discriminate against anyone”

“Or put millions, tens of millions, billions The millionaires, the public servants, and the wage earners all share separate tables so that they don’t have a common language."

Or simply joke: "There is a table for singles and a table for married people, which makes it easier to find a partner."

Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for

2. I think the bride is not discriminating. Netizen

"Who is being discriminated against by classmates at different stages?"

"The bride just separates classmates from different stages. It has nothing to do with academic qualifications."

"I don't mean to discriminate. Who said that classmates from primary school are not doctors? It's just that they are different at each stage." They are just different classmates."

"Those who think they are discriminating are actually because they have low self-esteem."

"If you just put 'the bride's elementary school classmate', the bride's junior high school classmate, the bride's high school classmate, and the bride's college classmate', you won't be bullied. There are always people who feel uncomfortable walking up.”

Some netizens hypothesized: I am the bride’s college classmate, master’s classmate, and doctoral classmate, where should I sit?

I think the bride may have thought of this level herself, but she still classified it in this way. Is there a possibility that the bride does not have such classmates? Even if she has one, it depends on which table has fewer people sitting at it.

At first glance, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just divided into stages. What’s so great about it?

Later I took a closer look, and it was not unreasonable to be said to be discriminated against by academic qualifications -

"Bride's undergraduate classmate" "Bride's master's classmate" "Bride's PhD classmate"

Read it carefully. If you don't find anything wrong, we will label it There is an extra word "的" in it

"the bride's undergraduate classmate" "the bride's master's classmate" "the bride's doctoral classmate"

If you read it again, it is obviously different. No wonder you are said to engage in academic discrimination. The bride is not unjustly misunderstood.

Some time ago, a newlywed couple who was ridiculed by netizens for

There is "的" but not "的" here, and the meaning is the same.

I believe the new couple’s original intention was not to discriminate against anyone? I just want people I know to sit together without being embarrassed.

The groom also came out to explain. He made it clear that he was not discriminating.

The bride is not wrong, and neither are the netizens.

The only fault is that the charm of Chinese characters is so fascinating.

Different people understand the same phrase differently.

In fact, it would be better to put it another way.

For example: change the original to "the bride's classmates in junior high school", "the bride's classmates in high school", "the bride's classmates in undergraduate studies", "the bride's classmates in master's degree", "the bride's classmates in doctoral studies". There is nothing wrong with


As for what netizens said, there is no need to divide tables. Everyone knows each other. They will automatically divide tables when they come, and there is no need for newcomers to worry.

I personally think it is necessary to divide the table. Everyone's life is at different stages, and the friends they know at each stage are also different. Not all the bride's friends know each other.

Sitting at the same table with people you don’t know is very embarrassing and uncomfortable for some people (such as those with social anxiety).

divided the tables in advance to consider everyone's feelings.

What do you think?

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