In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you,

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In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have a lot of money. You will have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, are you ready?

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

As the temperature continues to rise in summer, for the mainstay of the family, don’t forget to eat more nutritious food. Especially for many friends who work outdoors, it is easy to sweat in the hot summer. At this time, our body easily loses calcium, potassium and other nutrients. At this time, we need to eat more nutritious food.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, friends who are not short of money must eat more of these three foods. They will keep you energetic and energetic, and you can spend the summer safely. What ingredients should you eat more of? Without further ado, let me share some practical information with you.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

NO.1 Mutton

It’s hot in the dog days of summer, and many friends like to stay in air-conditioned rooms. Staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time can easily lead to increased coldness in the body. At this time, you must remember to eat more mutton. Eating more mutton in summer can remove , dampness and cold from the body.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: Mutton soup

Prepare ingredients: sheep bones, mutton, carrots , white radish, refined salt, pepper

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. First prepare fresh sheep bones, chop them into small pieces, and then soak them in clean water. half an hour. Cut 500 grams of mutton into small pieces and put it in a bowl, put it in water, and soak it for two to three hours and set aside.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. Add an appropriate amount of water to the frying pan, and put the prepared mutton and mutton bones into it. Add onion and ginger to remove the smell, and bring to a boil over high heat without covering. After the water boils, skim off the foam, turn to medium heat and continue boiling for five minutes.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. After cooking, take it out and put it in cold water to clean it, and put the prepared mutton and mutton bones into the pot. Add appropriate amount of warm water inside, cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Peel the white radish and cut it into cubes, and cut the carrot into cubes as well.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. Put radish into the mutton and continue to boil over medium heat for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, add a little salt and pepper to taste and it is ready to serve.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

NO.2Golden cicada

In July and August, it is the season to eat golden cicadas every year. Golden cicada is rich in protein, dietary fiber, fat and other nutrients. Eating more golden cicadas in summer has many benefits for our bodies.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

Recommended recipe: Fried golden cicada

Prepare ingredients: golden cicada, refined salt, cooking oil

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. First prepare 20 fresh golden cicadas and put them in clean water to wash them, then prepare a small handful of refined salt and put them in the golden cicadas Mix it evenly with your hands. Marinate for five minutes and set aside.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. Heat the wok and add a wide amount of oil. Heat the oil until it is 50% hot and add the prepared golden cicada. Fry without lid over medium heat until golden brown. Fry until the surface is crispy and you can take it out and eat it.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

NO.3 Pork liver

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork liver

Ingredients to prepare: Pork liver, green pepper, green onion and ginger, dried pepper segments, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, refined salt, cooking oil.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. First prepare a piece of pork liver and wash it in clean water, then cut it into thick slices and put it in a bowl. One green pepper, cut into hob pieces and put in a bowl. Cut a green onion into slices. Cut the ginger into thin slices and place in a bowl. Set aside.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. Heat the wok and add cooking oil. After the oil is hot, put the prepared pork liver in and stir-fry over high heat until it changes color. Then take it out and put it in a bowl for later use. Heat the wok and add cooking oil. After the oil is hot, add the prepared onion, ginger, and dried chili segments and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the prepared green pepper and the prepared pork liver. Stir-fry over high heat until fragrant.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, refined salt and sugar to taste. Stir fry evenly over high heat. Add a spoonful of water starch into it, stir well again, and it is ready to serve.

In the dog days of summer, I suggest men: Eat more of these three kinds of food if you don’t have any money, so that you can have enough energy and strength to spend the summer comfortably. Hello, everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today it’s time to share delicious food with you, - DayDayNews

Okay, the above is the specific sharing about this article. Do you also know what ingredients men should eat more during the dog days of summer? Welcome to share it with us in the comment area. If you like this article, remember to bookmark it and forward it. See you next time.

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