As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i

2024/05/1915:12:33 news 1598

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

As long as a family does not lose filial piety, the family will be prosperous. If filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos.

This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will inevitably fail.

The ancients created the word "teaching" for education, writing filial piety first and then writing essays!

Educating children to practice filial piety first, and then practice literature, this is called ancient etiquette.

Many people don't understand

So Confucius believed that politics is based on virtue, and filial piety is the foundation of virtue, which is the foundation of all cultures and the foundation of life.

As long as you lose your filial piety, you will not be an adult.

Our prosperity today depends on our attitude towards our parents, our respect for our parents, and our return to our parents for their upbringing.


Confucius said: Only by being filial to parents can we extend the spirit of filial piety to brothers. To extend the spirit of filial piety and brotherhood to politics is to participate in politics.

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

Don't complain about your parents' slowness

I once watched a video that made people very sad

My son bought a house in the city and took his mother over.

After my mother moved in, instead of enjoying the blessings, she became a "nanny" and took over all the housework.

The most disgusting thing is that my son and his wife not only were not grateful, but also blamed my mother for being too slow and not being able to eat when she came back from get off work every day. meal.

The most terrible evil in human nature is that people are ungrateful and unfilial to their relatives, and are not as good as grass and trees.

Not complaining about their parents' illness, birth, old age, sickness and death. It is destined to be a natural law that people cannot avoid.

When one day your parents are sick, how much can you do?

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

Is it true that someone who has been sick for a long time has no filial son?

Of course not

A good friend of mine has a filial daughter, Wenzhou people

She spent 8 years working while taking care of her seriously ill mother. For the sake of her mother, she never married

Until her death, she continued to study and practice diligently. , according to her words, she just fulfilled the responsibility of a child.

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

There was a female teacher "Wang Youzhen" in Jurong Village, Zhenjiang, who unfortunately suffered a car accident when she was approaching retirement. High amputation The three siblings of the Wang family took care of their mother for 22 years.

Even neighbors often praise: after so many years, the Wang family has always had bright windows and laughter, without any of the weirdness and gloom that often occurs in the homes of paralyzed patients.

These real examples in life all tell us: There is a filial son at the bedside of a long-term illness.

Think back to when we were young, when we were sick or injured or bleeding, weren't our parents so frightened that they couldn't sleep all night?

As the saying goes: Filial piety comes first I hope you will remember it

As long as their parents are alive, children have obligations and responsibilities Take good care of it!

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

Talk about filial piety " Tolerating parents is enough to tolerate the world "

"Time waits for no one, seize the day" If it is destined that our parents can only accompany us for a certain distance, then why not give them more patience and companionship?

Being kind to your parents is not only a person’s greatest education, but also a life lesson that everyone must learn.

I once saw an argument on the Internet: Parents are a disaster. In

's posts, everyone gnashed their teeth and complained about all the faults of their parents, and labeled their parents "disasters" with hatred.

They blame their parents for their failure to live up to their ambitions;

They blame their parents for their various shortcomings, including selfishness, indifference, arrogance, and even irresponsibility...

Yes, it must be admitted that there are indeed many in this world. "Dereliction of duty" parents

But it is undeniable that most parents love their children more than themselves, even their lives.

Our parents are not saints, there will always be various imperfections, and there will always be various small mistakes.

More or less big and small, sometimes they are harsh, sometimes they are in a bad mood, sometimes they have old-fashioned ideas, and sometimes they have read too little and don’t understand. educate.

But as long as they are not heinous, as long as they have selflessly poured enough love into us

and tried their best to raise us up, these mistakes can be forgiven.

The kindness of childbirth is always greater than the hatred of a slap in the face.

Remember ⚠️Unsatisfactory life is mostly due to lack of filial piety

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

Don't be unfilial

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have pursued the fine virtue of "filial piety comes first"

However, in later generations, some people recognized and followed it, and some But people abandon their worn-out shoes.

As a child, it is your bounden duty to be filial to your parents and elders. This is also the best way to accumulate blessings for yourself and your children.

Everyone gets old when they are reincarnated from generation to generation. When you look back, you will find that you have been unfilial. Immediately the retribution returned to his body.

You must know that people are doing it, God is watching, and your heart and your children are watching


If you want your family to form a filial piety to the elders and a positive cycle of blessings, which can be passed down from generation to generation, then you must set an example and do Good role model.

As long as a family maintains filial piety, the family will be prosperous; if filial piety is lost, the family will be in chaos. This is the root of this. If you want your children to become talented, education based on filial piety will win, and education based on benefit will i - DayDayNews

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