Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat

2024/05/0922:32:33 news 1454

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal fire, and you can spend the summer safely in hot weather.

The hot weather in summer makes the human body easy to get angry, heatstroke and other phenomena, so , for daily diet in summer, it is recommended to choose some cool vegetables. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eating some cool vegetables in summer is beneficial to clearing away heat and reducing internal heat, eliminating irritability and heat, clearing away heat and detoxifying, detoxifying and laxative.

So, which vegetables are cold vegetables?

The first category is melon vegetables such as winter melon, cucumber, bitter melon, and loofah. Most melons can clear away heat and dampness, help eliminate toxins, and are good foods for cooling down and preventing heatstroke.

The second category is tomatoes, eggplants, celery, spinach, lettuce and other cool vegetables.

It’s hot. Eat these cool vegetables regularly to get rid of internal heat and spend the summer peacefully. No matter how hot the weather is, let’s take a look at some home-cooked recipes for these vegetables:

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

Home-cooked Cold Dishes Ingredients required: 2 cucumbers, 4250 grams of mung bean sprouts, 41 carrots, 43 sheets of dried tofu, 1 coriander, 1 tablespoon of chili oil, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 rice vinegar tablespoon, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce,


1. Prepare the required materials, peel and wash the carrots, wash the coriander, and filter the mung bean sprouts to remove the skin. Common cucumbers on the market are divided into green-fleshed cucumbers and white-fleshed cucumbers. The green-fleshed cucumbers have high water content, good taste, and strong fragrance. Cucumber peel is rich in nutrients and should be eaten raw. However, in order to prevent pesticide residues from harming the human body, cucumbers should be soaked in salt water for 15-20 minutes before being washed and eaten raw.

2. Cut the dry tofu into thin strips, cut the carrots into thin strips, cut the coriander into small pieces, smash the garlic and chop into pieces. Carrots can be eaten raw. You have to cut them into thin strips and mix them directly without blanch them. After blanching, the texture will become softer and less crispy. If you don’t like to eat carrots raw, you can also blanch them.

3. Cut the cucumber into slices first and then into shreds.

4. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add in shredded dried tofu and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Take out the dried tofu and put it in cold water to cool. Take it out and squeeze the water for later use.

5. Re-boil the water in the pot, add the mung bean sprouts to blanch the water, blanch the mung bean sprouts until they are raw, take out the mung bean sprouts, put them in cold water and cool them, take them out and squeeze out the water. After blanching the mung bean sprouts, rinse them in cold water to keep the mung bean sprouts crisp and tender.

6. Place cucumber shreds, dry tofu shreds , carrot shreds, and mung bean sprouts in a larger basin, then add coriander, minced garlic, chili oil, sesame oil, salt, sugar, rice vinegar, and light soy sauce. Use chopsticks to quickly stir from bottom to top and mix evenly, scoop out and serve on a plate, and a refreshing and appetizing cold dish is ready.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[Bitter Melon Stir-fried] Ingredients required: 2 bitter melons, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 3 cloves of garlic, 20-30 peppercorns, 1 teaspoon of cooked sesame seeds,


1. Wash the bitter melon, cut off the head and tail, and then Cut the bitter melon in half lengthwise, and use a spoon to scrape off the pulp, especially the white part.

2. Cut the bitter melon into sections about 5 cm long, and then cut the bitter melon into strips of even thickness.

3. Prepare the seasoning and mince the garlic.

4. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add a little salt and blanch the bitter melon. After the water boils, blanch the bitter melon for about 1 minute and take it out.

5. After taking out the bitter melon, immediately put it into cold water to cool down the bitter melon quickly. Take out the bitter melon, drain the water and set aside.

6. Heat the oil in the pot, add the Sichuan peppercorns, fry the Sichuan peppercorns over low heat until slightly burnt, turn off the heat, take out the Sichuan peppercorns, and the Sichuan peppercorns oil will be fried.

7. Put the bitter melon into a large bowl, pour in the peppercorn oil, add salt and minced garlic, stir evenly with chopsticks, take it out and put it on a plate, sprinkle sesame seeds and it is ready.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[ Luffa Scrambled Eggs ] Ingredients required: 2 loofahs, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 2 cloves of garlic,


1. If you want to make delicious dishes, you must first choose loofah: you should choose light The colored loofah is relatively tender and delicious when fried, while the darker the loofah, the older it is. Next, look at the texture. Generally, choose a loofah with smooth skin. If the texture is more prominent and obvious, the longer the loofah is. Look at the shape of the loofah and choose a long, straight loofah to buy. The greater the curvature at the root of the loofah, the older it will be. Finally, look at the feel and choose one that feels solid. Knead it with your hands first. If it is slightly elastic, it is fresher. If it is softer, it is older.

2. Scrape off the outer skin of the loofah. Do not remove too much, leaving a thin greenish color. Wash it with clean water and cut off the head and tail. The rind of the four melons has a rough texture and is generally eaten after peeling.

3. Cut the loofah into hob blocks. The way to cut the hob blocks is to hold down the loofah with your left hand and hold the knife in your right hand to cut diagonally. Make a cut and turn the loofah with your left hand, so that it becomes a hob block.

4. Crack the eggs into the bowl and use chopsticks to beat the egg liquid evenly until it foams. The scrambled eggs are soft and delicious.

5. Heat oil in a pan, pour in the egg liquid, spread it out, heat until the egg liquid becomes slightly solidified, then stir-fry into pieces, and set aside for later use. Do not overcook the eggs.

6. Add a little more oil to the pot, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant, then add loofah pieces and stir-fry, add salt and stir-fry evenly.

7. Pour in a little water and cook the loofah until it becomes soft. Do not cover the pot, otherwise the loofah will turn yellow.

8. Add the egg cubes and stir-fry evenly over high heat, turn off the heat, remove and serve on a plate.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[Fried Eggs with Tomatoes] Ingredients required: 2 tomatoes, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 section of green onion, 1 slice of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, a few drops of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar,


1. Preparation Good ingredients, generally we use 2-3 eggs with tomatoes of the same size. The ratio of eggs to tomatoes is critical. If there are too few tomatoes, the scrambled eggs will taste insufficient and greasy, and the fried dishes will be dry. If there are too many tomatoes, the soup will be too sour and too watery.

2. Make a cross on the top of the tomatoes with a knife, put it in a bowl, pour in boiling water, and blanch it in the boiling water for 1-2 minutes, so that the skin of the tomatoes can be peeled off easily.

3. Cut off the stems of the peeled tomatoes, and then cut each tomato into 8 pieces on average, and cut them into orange-sized pieces.

4. Then use a knife to cut off the flesh of the tomatoes, and use the blade to separate the flesh and pulp of the tomatoes. open.

5. Crack the eggs into a bowl, pour in a few drops of vinegar, and beat evenly to fully combine the egg yolk and egg white. Chop the green onion, mince the ginger, and slice the garlic.

6. Add oil to the pot and heat it up. The amount of oil is a little more than usual for cooking. Before pouring the eggs, shake the oil pan so that the oil covers the bottom of the pot, so that the eggs will not stick to the walls of the pot. Pour in the egg liquid, spread the egg cake, wait until the egg liquid is slightly solidified, then stir-fry the eggs into pieces, take the eggs out for later use, add a little more oil, so that the scrambled eggs will be fragrant and fluffy. . If there is less oil, the egg liquid will stick to the pan more easily.

7. Add a little more oil to the pot and heat it up, add chopped green onion and minced ginger and sauté until fragrant, then add tomato pulp and stir-fry until the juice comes out. Since tomato pulp contains a lot of water, water will analyze out.

8. Add the scrambled egg cubes, add sugar, stir-fry evenly, and cook over low heat for a while to fully integrate the flavors of the egg cubes and tomatoes.

9. Add the tomato pulp, then add a little salt and garlic slices, stir-fry over high heat evenly, turn off the heat and serve on a plate.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[Eggplant with Garlic] Ingredients required: 1 pound of eggplant, 1 coriander, half a tablespoon of sesame oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce,


1. Prepare the required materials. Choose the more tender eggplants. It is easy to cook, tender when eaten, and has a good taste. Remove the stems of the eggplant and wash it, and wash the coriander.

2. Cut the coriander into sections and mince the garlic.

3. Add water to the steamer, bring it to a boil, and put the eggplant into the steamer.

4. Cover the pot, turn on the steam, and steam for 10 minutes.

5. After the time is up, open the lid of the pot and pierce the eggplant with chopsticks. If you can easily pierce the eggplant, it means the eggplant is ripe.

6. Let the eggplant cool, then tear the eggplant into strips of even thickness with your hands.

7. Place the torn eggplant strips in a large bowl, add minced garlic, and pour in soy sauce and sesame oil. Use chopsticks to stir evenly, sprinkle with chopped coriander, transfer to a plate, and a light and delicious plate of garlic-mixed eggplant is ready.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

Oyster Sauce Lettuce Materials required: head lettuce 1 heads, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of chicken essence, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of starch, a little sugar,

1. It is ball lettuce, which is also called western lettuce , round lettuce, etc.

2. Peel off the lettuce leaves, wash them clean, drain the water, and then tear the leaves into large pieces.

3. Cut the garlic into mince, add half a bowl of water to the bowl, then add oyster sauce, starch, chicken essence, light soy sauce, a little salt and sugar, stir well and set aside.

4. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add a little salt and a few drops of oil, blanch the lettuce for 10-15 seconds, and take out the lettuce.

5. After taking out the lettuce, immediately put it into cold water to cool down the lettuce quickly. Take out the lettuce and drain the water.

6. Put the lettuce on the plate and set aside.

7. Heat the oil in the pot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry over low heat until the minced garlic becomes fragrant.

8. Stir the prepared juice evenly, pour it into the pot, heat the juice until it becomes thick, and turn off the heat.

9. Pour the juice on the lettuce on the plate, and a plate of crisp and delicious oyster sauce lettuce is ready.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[Celery Stir-fried Lily] Ingredients required: half a pound of celery, dried lilies, 41 handfuls, 10 wolfberries, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of chicken essence, appropriate amount of water starch,


1. Dried lilies Wash them with clean water and soak them in warm water for about 1 hour. The dried lilies will become larger and softer.

2. Pick off the leaves of celery, cut off the roots, wash them, and then cut them into sections about 3 cm long with a diagonal knife. Wash the wolfberries with clean water and cut the garlic into mince.

3. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add a little salt and a few drops of oil. Add the celery and lily. Blanch the water. After the water boils, cook for 1-2 minutes. Cook the celery until it turns dark green. Add the celery and lily. Fish them out together.

4. After taking it out, immediately put it in cold water to cool down the celery quickly. Take out the celery and lily together, drain the water and set aside.

5. Heat the oil in the pot, add the minced garlic and sauté until fragrant.

6. Add celery and lily, stir-fry over high heat for about 1 minute.

7. Add salt and chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water starch, thicken the gravy, stir-fry for a few times over high heat, turn off the heat, sprinkle with wolfberries, take it out and serve on a plate. A fried celery and lily with full color and aroma. It's done.

Introduction to this issue: When the weather is hot, eat these cool vegetables regularly to prevent heatstroke and eliminate internal heat. You can also spend the summer safely in hot weather. The hot weather in summer makes it easy for the human body to suffer from internal heat - DayDayNews

[Sesame Spinach] Ingredients required: 1 pound of spinach, 2 tablespoons of sesame paste, 1 spicy millet, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 2 cloves of garlic,


1. Pick off the spinach. Wash the leaves and roots and drain the water.

2. Chop the garlic into small pieces. When choosing sesame paste, avoid choosing sesame paste with too much floating oil in the bottle, because the less floating oil, the fresher it is.

3. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add a little salt and add the spinach stems. After changing color, push the spinach leaves into the pot and blanch them for about half a minute. The color of the spinach will turn dark green. Take the spinach out.

4. After taking out the spinach, immediately put it in cold water to cool it thoroughly. When blanching spinach, add a little salt to the water to make the color of the spinach greener. After blanching, put it in cold water to cool, which can keep the spinach crisp and tender, and the color of the spinach will not turn yellow.

5. Pinch the water from the spinach, then cut the spinach into segments and put them on a plate for later use.

6. Put the sesame paste in a bowl, add salt, then add sesame oil, stir continuously with chopsticks, stir clockwise, while stirring, pour in cold boiled water in batches, pay attention to adding water in batches, then the sesame paste will be It will gradually be diluted. Just stir the sesame sauce until it has a fluid feel. Add light soy sauce and minced garlic. Stir evenly, so that the sesame sauce is ready.

7. Pour the prepared sesame sauce over the spinach and decorate it with chili rings. A fragrant plate of spinach with sesame sauce is ready. Just stir it before eating.

Tips: It should be noted that patients with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more of these cold vegetables.

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