I once traveled all over the world for my dream, and once in high school I secretly signed up for the military physical examination without knowing it from my family in order to wear the military uniform I dreamed of. I only told my family that I signed up for the military when I

I once traveled all over the world for my dream. In order to put on the military uniform I dreamed of, I secretly signed up for the military physical examination without telling my family when I was in high school. I only told my family that I signed up for the military when I needed the political review materials. My family actually wanted me to Go to college and become a teacher. Because my sister teaches mathematics in a junior high school in the town, I feel relatively stable and her work is relatively stress-free. In the end, I joined the army and became a glorious member of the People's Liberation Army of China!

Female soldiers in the army

We, a group of recruits, boarded the train bound for the army from our hometown. After a bumpy night in the green leather car , we arrived at Zhengzhou Railway Station. They lined up to gather at the exit of Zhengzhou Railway Station, took roll call, and then climbed into the open-top car of the Great Liberation. After another 2 hours of bumpy ride, we arrived at our destination at dawn. After opening the big convertible, we jumped out of the car one by one, only to find that we were pulled into a mountain nest, a very large playground, surrounded by mountains. We recruits jumped out of the large liberation vehicle one after another, and the companies of each company They lined up in a row, and each person had a list in his hand. Whoever's name was read would be assigned to which company. More than 20 of our recruits were assigned to the third recruit company. After arriving at the company, we were divided into squads again, and I was assigned to the sixth platoon. The squad leader took us to the canteen for a meal. The meal was a welcome meal, tomatoes and egg noodles .

Female soldiers in the army

Recruit company After three months of training, we started with a few push-ups per person, and by the time we were in the company, each person could do at least 200. 200 sit-ups, and the single and parallel bars assessment must meet the standards. When I was in the company, I was assigned to the cooking class , and I also worked part-time to raise the two pigs in the company. There are four people in the cooking squad, including a division chief, a cooking squad leader, and two two-year soldiers. After I divided them, it became 5 people.

Troop training

Being in the cooking class has the advantage that you don’t have to do exercises every morning, but you get up at 4:30 every morning and start making breakfast for more than 100 people in the company. In the morning, it is basically steamed buns and Hanaki, so you have to get up early to make the steamed buns Knead one out and steam it. In the morning, there are usually four side dishes and porridge, one for each team, and one big round table. The steamed buns were not allowed to be left over. If anyone was found to throw leftover steamed buns into the trash can, it would be a disaster. The company commander would ask him to pick it out from the swill bucket and eat it. Once, we found that our company commander caught a recruit throwing leftover steamed buns into the trash can. The company commander ordered him to pick it out from the bucket and eat it. I rarely find leftovers anymore.

Female soldiers in the army

The work of our cooking class is relatively simple. The best meal in the morning is basically fine. After everyone has finished eating, we clear the dining table, add some cornmeal to the remaining dishes, and mix them evenly. Carrying the big bucket to feed the two fat pigs in the company. I basically did all this work. Because I am a new recruit, I definitely have more work to do. After taking a break, I start preparing lunch dishes, so at the end of the day, I basically have no time to spare.

Female soldier in the army

When I have nothing to do, I will also think about how I, a soldier, came to the army to become a cook and feed the pigs. I don’t do any of these things at home, and to be honest I feel a little regretful. They come, the security. Do your best to do the things in front of you in a down-to-earth manner. Our job is also very important, ensuring food security for the entire company and whether we can train well mainly depends on our logistics support. When the art troupe in the second year was recruiting special soldiers, I learned the saxophone when I was a child. Fortunately, I was transferred and went to the art troupe of the army.

Female Soldiers in the Army

However, the life in the cooking class has always been unforgettable for me. I often think of the scene of getting up in the morning to steam steamed buns, make flower rolls, and stir-fry vegetables with a big shovel, which I will never forget!

Female soldiers in the army

Female soldiers in the army

Female soldiers in the army