The business jet broke into the restricted area of ​​the East China Sea. It turned out to be a U.S. military jet. The military: handle it according to domestic laws

2020/11/0603:08:27 military 870

The business jet broke into the restricted area of ​​the East China Sea. It turned out to be a U.S. military jet. The military: handle it according to domestic laws - DayDayNews

The picture shows the US military CL604 reconnaissance plane

. Recently, according to media reports, a business jet broke into a restricted area in the eastern waters. After identification and verification, it turned out to be a US CL604 military jet posing as a US military aircraft. Some netizens said that the US military was going to provoke. ?

Recently, the United States has increased its provocations in the Asia-Pacific region. US reconnaissance planes have patrolled the surrounding waters many times, and even were very close to the coasts of the countries concerned. Although the country has strongly protested against this move, the US military still does not take it seriously. In a dangerous move, a reconnaissance aircraft disguised as a business aircraft suddenly entered the air defense identification zone in the eastern seas, so blatantly breaking into the restricted zone is tantamount to challenging the bottom line of the countries surrounding the sea.

The business jet broke into the restricted area of ​​the East China Sea. It turned out to be a U.S. military jet. The military: handle it according to domestic laws - DayDayNews

The picture shows that the US military's

air defense identification zone is an air defense zone delineated near a country's airspace. The purpose is to prevent possible air threats. The air defense zone in the eastern sea area was officially designated many years ago. The relevant country clearly stated, All aircraft entering this area must be reported. Obviously, the U.S. military entered the area without authorization this time. Regarding the behavior of the U.S. military, the relevant military stated that it will deal with it in accordance with relevant domestic laws, including the right to order the interception and forced landing of the military aircraft.

The business jet broke into the restricted area of ​​the East China Sea. It turned out to be a U.S. military jet. The military: handle it according to domestic laws - DayDayNews

The picture shows Trump

. Before this, the Trump team has repeatedly sanctioned other countries in the fields of technology and military, especially against some Asian countries. This is nothing but to divert domestic conflicts and establish the prestige of the United States in the world. The epidemic in the United States has not yet been fully controlled, and its severity is still the highest in the world, and safe and effective vaccines have not been developed. In addition, many domestic companies have laid off their employees and closed down, and the unemployment rate has continued to rise. The people at the bottom can only rely on meagre relief funds. The whole society was filled with dissatisfaction with high-level rations. Therefore, many large-scale demonstrations and protests broke out. In order to save the current chaos, Trump was merciless in suppressing other countries. However, this This extreme method cannot exchange people's trust in him.

The business jet broke into the restricted area of ​​the East China Sea. It turned out to be a U.S. military jet. The military: handle it according to domestic laws - DayDayNews

The picture shows the US epidemic

Some experts reminded that similar provocations by the US military in the Asia-Pacific region will occur in the future. After all, this is the usual method of the US government, but no matter what the US military does, relevant countries will unswervingly safeguard their territorial and sovereign integrity. For the current United States, the development of a vaccine and the control of the domestic epidemic are the primary issue. If the high-level leaders remain obsessed, the number of confirmed cases of the epidemic may continue to rise. At that time, the United States cannot guarantee itself and cannot continue to exercise hegemony. It is worth mentioning. What the U.S. military did is that instead of inciting a local military conflict, it made itself completely embarrassed. Indonesia and other countries have already made it clear that they refused to provide landing bases for U.S. reconnaissance planes. It can be said that the U.S. military has long been unpopular in the eastern waters. More countries will shut it out.

Generally speaking, in the case of domestic failure to fight the epidemic, Trump can only regain the confidence of the people by vigorously creating external contradictions. In order to fight for the interests of his team, he has begun to do whatever it takes. It does not rule out that he will directly provoke the right For military conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region, relevant countries must remain vigilant and not careless.

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