When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the "38th Parallel" and attacked the city and captured territory. South Korea's Rhee Syngman's army retreated steadily. From September 15th to 28th, after the U.S. military successfully landed in Inchon, the situatio

2024/06/2702:44:32 military 1517

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

The Korean War broke out. The Korean People's Army crossed the ''38th Parallel'' and attacked the city all the way. South Korea's Syngman Rhee 's troops were retreating steadily. From September 15th to 28th, after the US military successfully landed in Incheon, the situation began to take a turn for the worse. The Korean People's Army was quickly disintegrated while being attacked from the back and belly, and began to flee north. The North Korean government had to order the conscription of all men aged 16 to 45 in the country to join the war.

North Korea has always been wary of China. At first, the Soviet Union asked for help, but the Soviet Union "politely refused". On October 1, Stalin sent a message, "Please consult with Chinese comrades."

Our government, which was originally prepared to liberate the Taiwan region, had to turn its attention to the Korean Peninsula because the US military entered our country the Taiwan Strait on June 27, 1950. And repeatedly issued a statement: The US military must not cross the "38th Parallel".

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

At that time, the U.S. strategy was: first, to absolutely ensure U.S. control of Japan; second, to take advantage of the trend and overthrow the new regime in mainland China, and try its best to support the Chiang Kai-shek group, so that China would fall back into division and melee, in order to restore its own power. Chinese interests.

The Soviet Union’s strategy is: if North Korea’s Kim Il Sung regime fails and flees to Northeast China, and the Americans burn the flames of war into China, China will definitely ask the Soviet Union for help, and the Soviet Union can regain its original interests in Northeast China. On the contrary, the Korean peninsula can be used to replace the ice-free port in Northeast China, and then get a piece of the pie in Japan. Regardless of victory or defeat, the Soviet Union was sure to gain strategic initiative.

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

Our strategic goal is: to defend the newly regained Northeastern sovereignty at all costs; to defend the new people's power!

After the outbreak of the Korean War, the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek clique was as excited as if they had been given blood, and frantically clamored for a counterattack on the mainland. The United States is least willing to see China reunified and China becoming stronger. Because this means that the United States has another potential opponent that will compete with it for resources in the future. MacArthur once declared that he would use powerful naval and air forces to block Communist Red China: "Destroy its potential to carry out armed aggression within a generation."

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

Since 1840, China has been passively beaten, bullied and enslaved everywhere in the world. How can the arrogant and arrogant U.S. Empire take seriously the righteous statement of New China? ! The U.S. military not only crossed the 38th Parallel with impunity, but also advanced to the banks of the Yalu River without any scruples, burning the flames of war into our country.

I can't bear it anymore. There is no need to bear it anymore. When the Soviet Union did not send its air force to provide cover, the Chinese People's Volunteers resolutely entered North Korea to participate in the war on October 19.

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

The United States has mobilized 1/3 of the total strength of the Army, 1/5 of the total strength of the Air Force, and 1/2 of the total strength of the Navy, and gathered 16 slave countries. On average, it consumes NATO one and a half years of supplies per month. , the "United Nations Army" composed of 18 countries including the United States and South Korea is still nailed to the "38th Parallel" by the Chinese Volunteer Army. In the end, he had to bow his head and give in, reluctantly signing the armistice agreement.

During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the goal of safeguarding Northeastern sovereignty and defending the new regime was achieved. And curbed the expansion of the United States in and in the Far East. It was the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea that convinced the Soviets that their investment would not be in vain like the U.S. aid to the Kuomintang regime that was unable to support the Kuomintang regime. Therefore, the Soviet government later provided us with a large amount of assistance. This was the largest export of the entire industrial system in human history, and our country began to embark on the road to industrialization.

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

The most important thing is that the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea re-established the nation’s self-confidence. Many scientists living overseas rushed to choose to return to the country and devote themselves to the upsurge of building a new China.The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea was a "demonstration" given by New China to the U.S. Empire. It accumulated extremely high "credibility" for our country in subsequent games on the international stage. From then on, no country in the world dared to do so. We are looked down upon with contempt. In the subsequent Vietnam War, China warned the United States not to cross the 17th parallel, but the United States did not dare to cross the line from beginning to end.

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

In short, fighting with words is not impulsive or "angry youth", and retreating and compromising are not always rational and calm. This principle applied in the past, applies now, and will apply in the future.

An inch of rivers and mountains are filled with blood, a handful of loess is filled with dead souls, and the flower of peace is poured with blood.

The epic War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea is an eternal monument and an inexhaustible source of motivation for us to overcome the ups and downs, make persistent efforts, and forge ahead bravely!

When the Korean War broke out, the Korean People's Army crossed the

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