In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com

2024/06/2409:18:33 military 1713

In the spring of 1966, Founding Marshal Peng Dehuai was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Committee for half a year.

On this day, accompanied by comrades of the Southwest Construction Committee, inspected the national key construction project at that time: Southwest Gongzui Power Station.

During the meeting, Marshal Peng Dehuai asked three questions, causing the engineer responsible for building the southwest Gongzui Power Station to exclaim : "Mr. Peng, your questions are all very professional jargon. You are really an expert. It’s really amazing.”

Peng Dehuai spent half his life in the military and is good at military affairs. Why is he so familiar with the power station industry? So, what three questions did Peng Dehuai ask that actually convinced engineers who had always had a high self-esteem and called them experts?

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | President Peng Dehuai

On November 30, 1965, was removed from the post of Minister of Defense. Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal who had been idle at home for 6 years, finally came back to work.

Only this time, Peng Dehuai did not enter the central front-line command position. Instead, he was sent to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, as the third deputy director of the Southwest Third Front Construction Committee.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Marshal Peng Dehuai

This is the lowest position that Peng Dehuai has held since he joined the Communist Party of China. It is absolutely different from the high and powerful positions held by the founding marshal and defense minister in the past.

But Peng Dehuai did not feel happy about things or sad about himself, and he was not disappointed at all. After simply packing his luggage, he boarded the train to Chengdu with excitement.

In his opinion, All members of the Communist Party are comrades, and there is no distinction between high and low positions. As long as they can do some practical things for the party, the country, and the people, they can go anywhere and do whatever they want.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | President Peng Dehuai

After Peng Dehuai took up the post of third deputy director of the Construction Committee of the Three Southwest Counties, he quickly corrected his mentality and began to conduct in-depth investigations at the grassroots level to understand the real situation of the people.

One day, it was drizzling in Chengdu, Sichuan. Accompanied by comrades from the construction committee, Peng Dehuai came to the Mingguang Instrument Factory in Guang'an County, Sichuan Province to visit and investigate . When Peng Dehuai arrived, he had already received the news and he also served as the construction committee of the three southwest counties of . Comrade Yan Xiufeng, deputy director, has been waiting for a long time.

At noon, after inspected the Mingguang Instrument Factory, Peng Dehuai ate in the factory canteen. However, he did not ask to turn on the small stove, but happily tasted the big pot rice cooked by the employees of the instrument factory.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai with the masses

When he saw that there were very few vegetables in the employees’ meals and the supply was not available, he specifically told the person in charge of the Guang’an County Party Committee:

“The employees of the instrument factory are all from major universities across the country. Those who came from the city responded to the revolutionary call of Chairman Mao and the country and came to the impoverished mountainous areas to support the construction of the third front.

Therefore, you, the leading cadres of the county party committee, must also care about the work and life of every worker. Just eating whole grains is not enough. There must be an adequate supply of vegetables so that they are nutritious."

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | CEO Peng Dehuai

After lunch, Peng Dehuai did not bother to rest, so he proposed to go to the factory in the rain to continue his investigation and research, and came to the blast furnace workshop. At that time, Peng Dehuai pointed to two very dilapidated-looking blast furnaces and asked: "What is going on here? Is it the former site of the factory?"

The accompanying personnel replied in a non-arrogant manner: "Director Peng, this was the national initiative of the year. When building steel, a steel plant was planned and constructed.

However, because the preliminary inspection work was not done properly, after the steel plant was established, the production of subway ore was seriously insufficient, so the cost of pig iron was too high and the internal sulfur content was high. It was too big and substandard, so the project was urgently cancelled."

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai CEO

After hearing this, Peng Dehuai fell into a brief silence. After a long time, he raised his head with a melancholy face and said sincerely: "At that time, the country proposed that most of the steel was made of steel, which was a mandatory requirement of the basic national policy. If a country wants to catch up with European and American Western countries and revitalize its economy, it must develop industry.

But after all, our New China is a brand-new country built from the ruins. The common people's education level is generally low, there are no specialized technical experts, and there is a lack of experience in making iron and steel, so we have been forced to leave a lot. What a detour. "

" However, this abandoned old blast furnace should not be abandoned. " Peng Dehuai's face was a little ugly: "We don't have the conditions now, so we should temporarily renovate the old buildings of these steel plants.

Then reuse it, reduce land acquisition, try not to disturb the normal life of the people, and also reduce unnecessary expenditures of the country, run the factory well, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, this is correct. "

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai

Then, Peng Dehuai, accompanied by the cadres of the Construction Committee and Mingguang Instrument Factory, inspected the completed factory assembly workshop, processing workshop, tool workshop and other workplaces.

looked at various engineering projects that had been completed one after another. On the horse, the workers were working enthusiastically, and a long-lost happy smile appeared on Peng Dehuai's face. In the factory workshop, Peng Dehuai randomly checked several produced component samples:

"Comrades, I only emphasize one thing, that. It's about quality. Work is not just for completing production tasks. There is no point in competing for speed and time. It is absolutely unfeasible to waste time and effort but only produce some unqualified semi-finished products.

Products must pay attention to quality. If the quality problem is passed, the follow-up work can proceed steadily. The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire. This is the truth. Otherwise, it will be irresponsible for the burden of war and the lives of soldiers, so in production You must not be careless when doing this. ”

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai and Premier Zhou took a photo

Mingguang Instrument Factory covers a large area, so the factory workshops are relatively far apart from each other. All workshops are backed by mountains and are very scattered. The roads are winding and bumpy, with uphill and downhill slopes. It is very difficult to walk.

Especially now that it is raining heavily, it is even muddy. Before walking very far, Peng Dehuai’s clothes and hat were soaked by the heavy rain, and even his shoes and trouser legs were stained. Mud.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | CEO Peng Dehuai

Peng Dehuai was 67 years old at the time, and his health was not as good as before. The comrades accompanying him were worried about his health, so they all advised:

"Director Peng, why don't we come here first today? , don’t continue visiting. The spring rain in Sichuan and Chongqing is very cold. If the cold invades, it is not worth hurting the body. How about we wait until the rain stops before continuing? If you have physical problems, we can't afford it. "

But Peng Dehuai patted the raindrops on his body with disdain: "It's okay, it's okay. How much rain is it? When I was at war, what kind of bad weather did I not see? Don't worry, I know my body and there will be no problem.

Look at those construction workers, aren’t they also braving the heavy rain to build roads? I am not a pampered gentleman in the old society. Since I have come to inspect, I must read it all and finish it on the same day. "

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai's young photos

The staff accompanying him knew Peng Dehuai's temper. Once he decided on something, even nine oxen could not get him back, so the staff couldn't defeat him, so they specially found a few umbrellas for him to hold. Umbrella continues to visit.

After turning around, it was already dark. Boss Peng Dehuai was quite satisfied with the construction of Mingguang Instrument Factory. He couldn't help nodding and praising:

"The quality of your factory building project is very good, it doesn't cost much, and the construction speed is very fast. We have designed a new product just after it was put into production. This is good. I am very satisfied."

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai and General Gan Siqi took a photo

As he said that, Peng Dehuai pointed to the mountains around the factory and repeatedly warned: "Mingguang. The instrument factory is located in a rural area, so it is necessary to fully consider the increase in crop production in nearby villages and communes.

should appropriately support farmers with fertilizers during busy farming periods and actively organize workers to help with harvesting if there are droughts or floods. In times of disaster, farmers’ water issues must also be given top priority.

The founding of New China has liberated the workers and peasants living at the bottom of society. You are one, so you must help each other, you know? But it’s an old tradition of our revolution.”

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | President Peng Dehuai with the masses

Finally, Peng Dehuai visited the factory’s staff dormitory and shook hands with the comrades of the workers cordially, greeting each other without any pretense. The accompanying staff were so excited that they nodded repeatedly, with tears in their eyes. They were deeply moved by the thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness of Mr. Peng Dehuai.

As the saying goes: "Before the troops are deployed, food and grass must be put first" . If you want to do a good job in industrial development and construction, electricity consumption always comes first, and whether electricity can be implemented normally has always affected the heart of CEO Peng Dehuai.

So in March 1966, half a year after Peng Dehuai was transferred to the Third Line Construction Committee of Southwest China as the third deputy director, he, accompanied by comrades from the Construction Committee, came to Gongzui Power Station, a national key project of China, for an inspection.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Gongzui Power Station

"Director Peng, at present, Gongzui Power Station is the largest power station project in the southwest." At the construction site of Gongzui Power Station, the comrades from the construction committee who accompanied Peng Dehuai on inspection and investigation did not dare to If there is anything to hide, he said clearly:

"Now the country has listed Gongzui Power Station as a key supporting engineering facility for the construction of the entire southwest. Now a large-scale military factory is being built nearby, and it is basically completed. status, waiting for the Gongzui Power Station to provide power.

Wires and circuits are the pioneers of the country’s industrialization, so the Gongzui Power Station is stepping up construction now. "

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Gongzui Power Station

Peng Dehuai looks up to this tiger. Gongzui Power Station in Longpan suddenly asked curiously: "This power station is indeed not small. It seems that it can take on more power generation tasks in the future?

I want to know the design and construction of the river dam at Gongzui Power Station. How high and long is it, and what materials are used for construction? "Director Peng, for the barrage dam of Gongzui Power Station, we strictly use reinforced concrete gravity dam . The design height of the dam is About 530 meters, the relative height reaches 85 meters, and the length of the dam is designed to be 447 meters. "

The engineer who designed the Gongzui Power Station reported happily to Peng Dehuai.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Old photos of the construction of Gongzui Power Station

Hearing this, Peng Dehuai nodded in disbelief. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the dam in front of him, as if he was calculating this thing.

A few minutes later, CEO Peng Dehuai continued to ask: "Then let me ask you again, if, I mean if, the flood season comes, and the land upstream of the Gongzui Power Station dam is completely submerged, how big will it be? capacity of the reservoir?"

The engineer of Gongzui Power Station glanced at Peng Dehuai curiously, seeming to be surprised that the founding marshal who conquered the world on horseback could ask such professional questions.

The design height and length of the dam, the materials used for the construction of the dam, and the capacity of the reservoir formed after the upstream of the dam is flooded. These three issues are all sharp and hit the mark. If you don’t have a certain amount of professional knowledge in relevant areas, you simply can’t ask this kind of question.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Gongzui Power Station

As the saying goes, laymen only see the excitement, while insiders see the door. Therefore, when the engineer heard the question from CEO Peng Dehuai, his face immediately changed and he explained carefully:

"Mr. Peng, we have this question. When the hydropower station dam was built, it had been specially measured and it could probably form a reservoir with a total capacity of more than 300 million cubic meters." Peng Dehuai nodded after hearing this, and seemed to think that the value given by the engineer was probably correct. Gongzui Power Station. During the trip, Peng Dehuai saw a lot, talked a lot, and learned a lot.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai is lecturing the soldiers

In the evening, Peng Dehuai finished his inspection work and was about to leave by car, but he was stopped by the accompanying Gongzui Power Station engineer:

"Mr. Peng, don't leave in a hurry, otherwise Please give us instructions and give us encouragement. Comrades have a lot of work to do every day and are in urgent need of spiritual encouragement."

Peng Dehuai waved his hands again and again and said with some embarrassment: "No, no, no, you are the ones. Experts, I am just a layman. I came here this time for inspection and research, but in fact I am just here to learn.

Through your explanation and investigation, I only have an idea of ​​how complex and how big the tasks of Gongzui Power Station are. "

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Founding Marshal Peng Dehuai

"Mr. Peng, don't be humble." The engineer said to Peng Dehuai sincerely: "What you said and the questions you asked are all jargon. You are not a layman. He is a professional and an expert. "

" What are you talking about?" Peng Dehuai scratched his head and smiled modestly: "You think I said something right and asked some professional questions. Question.

It was only after I saw your work summary report on the construction of Sanmenxia Power Station in 1958 that I gained a lot of professional knowledge. , after all, it is against the rules."

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Boss Peng Dehuai

However, because he could not resist the request of the Gongzui Power Station engineer, Peng Dehuai smiled bitterly, sat cross-legged on the floor, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave each of them one.

He himself took out a short pipe, struck a match, lit tobacco, , took a deep breath, slowly exhaled the smoke, and then organized his words and said:

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I will simply say Two comments, of course I am not a professional, please bear with me if I am wrong.

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai

First, if you build a dam to block water, it will inevitably flood a large area of ​​land upstream. This situation is inevitable. Avoid, so nearby villages and communes must move to higher places.

It is emotionally difficult for farmers to leave the land where their ancestors have lived. Therefore, you must do a good job in ideological work for these people and never bully the people. , corresponding compensation must be provided.

It is best not to let me hear about forced demolitions and violent destruction of people’s property;

Secondly, dam construction must not be careless, and quality and quantity must be guaranteed. The power station is a large one. If a quality accident occurs in a project, it will be serious, and it is likely to displace thousands of people. This is absolutely unacceptable.

So everyone must find a way to build Gongzui Power Station into a high-quality project that not only cannot seep water, but also cannot sink. Do you understand? "

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Peng Dehuai and the masses together

Everyone listened carefully and took notes in their own notebooks, saying that they would strictly follow the instructions of Mr. Peng Dehuai, and the work would be implemented to prevent the people from suffering.

This At that time, the sun set and night fell, Peng Dehuai went down the mountain accompanied by the comrades of the construction committee. That night, Peng Dehuai lived in the work shed with the workers and ate exactly the same big pot rice with the workers . Boss Peng Dehuai used silent actions Tell the workers: Marshal and soldiers will be together forever

In the spring of 1966, Peng Dehuai, the founding marshal of the People's Republic of China, was transferred away from the front-line command post due to his job transfer. He was transferred to Chengdu, Sichuan, where he served as deputy director of the Third-line Construction Com - DayDayNews

Picture | Marshal Peng Dehuai

Mr. Peng Dehuai worked in the Southwest Third Front Construction Committee for a total of one year and one month, but he used his own will to overcome various difficulties and traveled throughout the Southwest. On the third line, he inspected dozens of large-scale construction sites,

ate and lived with soldiers and workers, and made a significant contribution to the construction of the third line in the southwest. This year, he also became the boss of Peng Dehuai, which was the most special in his lifetime of fighting. One page article of


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