In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco

2024/06/2415:22:32 military 1628

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

htmlOn July 13, the US guided missile destroyer USS Benford illegally broke into China's Xisha territorial waters without our approval. We have effectively tracked and monitored them and have a real-time grasp of the dynamics of the US military in relevant sea areas. It is said that although their warships' artillery and fire control radars did not perform exercises this time, they were extremely rare and in the starting position. The strategic situation in the South China Sea is also perceived, and their "Reagan" aircraft carrier strike group has also appeared in the waters of the Nansha Islands.

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

The fundamental reason for their purpose of disrupting the South China Sea is to suppress the big Eastern countries. After the end of the Cold War , the superpowers originally paid little attention to or intervened in South China Sea affairs. In the past 20 years, although there have been occasional minor disputes in the South China Sea, the South China Sea has generally maintained a momentum of continuous improvement, and relevant countries can also maintain good relations with each other. Manage differences well.

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

However, since the superpowers concocted the "Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" strategy and the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", the situation in the South China Sea has begun to change in the past decade or so. The superpowers seem to be more anxious and caring than the countries in the South China Sea. Once the situation calms down, they will send ships and aircraft to cause nuisance.

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

Let me talk about three points. First, we must maintain strategic focus. There is no land for them in the South China Sea. Showing off one's power requires paying a high cost. This will not only fail to divert domestic conflicts, but may also pay a heavy price. We should monitor as much as we should and drive away as much as we should. We should not let them mess up the rhythm. We should tell the world about their illegal behavior and let the countries in the region see clearly their hegemony and aggressive nature.

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

Second, strengthen the militarization of existing islands and reefs. Since they are knocking on our door, our militarized construction of islands and reefs has a reason. If they dare to make a mistake, they must go to see the Sea Dragon King immediately. Facing the encroaching enemy at our doorstep, the great Eastern countries are fully capable of standing up and becoming stronger.

In order to divert the growing domestic conflicts, the superpowers have begun to step up their efforts to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and have begun to strengthen military deterrence in the South China Sea. Moreover, the intensity is increasing, the movements are beco - DayDayNews

Third, we might as well treat others in their own way and go to the waters near Hawaii, Alaska , Guam , and put the artillery and fire control radar in the starting position to see what their capabilities are. How big is the psychological shadow area?

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