I have accepted the United States as my elder brother, and my younger brother Japan has fulfilled his responsibilities very well. The elder brother said, I want to open the Indo-Pacific economic framework. Japan raised its hand, and I will participate. The elder brother said, I w

2024/06/2412:14:32 military 1900

I have accepted the United States as my elder brother, and my younger brother Japan has fulfilled his responsibilities very well. The elder brother said, I want to open the Indo-Pacific economic framework. Japan raised its hand, and I will participate. The elder brother said, I w - DayDayNews

Japan vividly interprets the power of dogs and humans. With the support of the United States, it can be said that it is as active as returning to the past. I have accepted the United States as my elder brother, and my younger brother Japan has fulfilled his responsibilities very well. The elder brother said, I want to open the Indo-Pacific economic framework. Japan raised its hand, and I will participate. The elder brother said, I want to open a four-party security dialogue. Japan raised its hand, and I participated. . Not only that, Japan also wants to strengthen its alliance with the United States. Japan was even more excited about his eldest brother's visit to Asia and stayed awake for several days and nights. In order to welcome his eldest brother, he got up early in the morning and started preparing.

During the tea party between the United States and Japan, he talked openly about China and asked the United States to deploy military teams in Japan. Prior to this, Japan also attended a meeting of the NATO Military Committee. In order to get rid of military constraints and military expansion, Japan has been exaggerating that China is a threat and will label China at all costs. It seems that Japan is going to take a preemptive strike against China.

I have accepted the United States as my elder brother, and my younger brother Japan has fulfilled his responsibilities very well. The elder brother said, I want to open the Indo-Pacific economic framework. Japan raised its hand, and I will participate. The elder brother said, I w - DayDayNews

Not long ago, the Japanese government revised its national security strategy and proposed that Japan should have "counterattack capabilities" against missile attacks from other countries. On the basis of changing the name, "command and control functions" are also included in the attack targets. Not only that, it also listed China as a "major threat." At the end of last year, Japan intentionally developed preemptive strike capabilities, including using fighter jets and other offensive weapons to directly enter enemy territory and launch bombing operations, targeting China directly. Russian.

Everything Japan does in international affairs is to get rid of the shackles of the post-war system, especially the peace constitution, and expand its military influence. Moreover, the United States is now shrinking from the Middle East and investing in a major power war. Japan feels that this is the best opportunity. With the support of the United States behind it, it is crazy to provoke China and Russia.

I have accepted the United States as my elder brother, and my younger brother Japan has fulfilled his responsibilities very well. The elder brother said, I want to open the Indo-Pacific economic framework. Japan raised its hand, and I will participate. The elder brother said, I w - DayDayNews

Just as the United States and Japan were having a tea party, China and Russia also took action. The two companies joined forces to launch a joint strategic cruise, which scared Japan into hiding in a corner and did not dare to speak out. But just recently, Japan suddenly straightened its waist and directly clamored that the Japanese frigate should also go to Taiwan for a trip and go to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk for training. Not only that, he also bluntly stated that he wanted to share nuclear weapons with the United States and hoped to introduce the United States' nuclear weapons to Japan. China and surrounding countries should remain highly vigilant against this series of dangerous actions. Just when Japan's arrogance was rising, three ballistic missiles flew from the west and headed straight into the waters east of the peninsula. According to relevant media reports, the missile may have landed outside Japan's exclusive economic zone. Japan is already surrounded by powerful neighbors. If it wants to disrupt regional stability and peace, its neighbors will not have a hard time with it!

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