The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t

2024/06/2314:16:33 military 1725

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most brutal and inhumane weapon of destruction. is not a nuclear weapon , but it is better than a nuclear weapon . Is the war situation between Russia and Ukraine about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. First, ordered to mobilize one million troops to prepare for a counterattack. Then suddenly announced that it would cut off diplomatic relations with North Korea. . Who gave Zelensky the courage to be so rampant? If you support the fighting nation, please type the word "Ula" in the comment area so that more people can see it! Then let’s get back to business. There is news that the reason why Ermaozi is so rampant may be because the United States is going to provide the most powerful modern weapons to Ukraine . So what is this most powerful modern weapon?

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

dirty bomb

is very likely to be the infamous "dirty bomb ". According to news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense , 1.3 million dirty bombs are about to flow into Ukraine in the near future, and these The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews.3 million dirty bombs are The bombs previously stored by the United States in Kimchi Country have been smuggled away since April this year. At that time, it was a critical moment in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, so it is very likely that the United States will provide assistance to Ermaozi. So why is this "dirty bomb" Will Russia take it seriously? Let's move on.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

depleted uranium bombs

Speaking of "dirty bombs", do you think of dirty bombs that are covered with dirt or rust? In fact, it is not the case. The "dirty bomb" here refers to a bomb that uses uranium 238 as the main raw material. It is called a depleted uranium bomb . Because uranium 238 is relatively weak in radioactivity, it is called depleted uranium by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. , mainly used as counterweights to keep the aircraft flying smoothly, or radioactive material cargo boxes, etc. In the military, it is mainly used as the main material for depleted uranium bombs and armor plates. The original goal of military experts was to extract uranium 235 from metal uranium that could be used to make nuclear weapons raw materials. They accidentally obtained its by-product, uranium 238, which is less radioactive than uranium 235 and is defined by experts as "depleted uranium." ", but despite its weak radioactivity, its power cannot be underestimated, and it has properties that cannot be replaced by other metals. For example, its density is 19.04g/cubic centimeter, which is twice that of lead and 2.4 times that of steel. has high density, High toughness, high hardness and explosive properties.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

The application of uranium 238 in the military

Military experts have taken advantage of its high hardness and high density characteristics, and after fusing it with other metals, it has been used as an armor protection material for tanks armored vehicles . It is difficult for ordinary bullets to penetrate , which has greatly improved the country's armor protection capabilities. Almost all armored vehicles in the United States have a layer of depleted uranium alloy on the outside. In addition, it can also be made into the core of the armor-piercing projectile, which greatly improves the strength of armor penetration.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

The application of depleted uranium bullets in actual combat

In combat, the tank gun can fire depleted uranium bullets while traveling, relying on its own hardness and powerful kinetic energy to destroy enemy tanks or armored vehicles and other targets. In 1991 During the Gulf War , the United States used about 800,000 depleted uranium bombs to penetrate very thick bunkers and directly deliver a fatal blow to the Iraqi army's tanks, causing all the bombs in the vehicles to explode. The T-72 tank alone Thousands of vehicles were blown over. The United States also tasted the "sweetness" in this battle, and later used more than 10,000 bombs in the Bosnian War. In the 1999 Kosovo War, depleted uranium bombs appeared again. NATO countries dropped 31,000 depleted uranium bombs against Yugoslavia , causing heavy losses to Yugoslavia. More than 20 hospitals were destroyed, more than 300 schools collapsed, and nearly one million people became refugees. Take a look. There is absolutely nothing "humanitarian" about these places bombed by NATO countries.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

The dangers of depleted uranium bombs

However, if it only destroys tanks, it does not need to be so hated by people. The most hateful thing is that it has a certain degree of radioactivity. Although the explosion power is not as scary as a nuclear bomb, the radioactive materials it releases will bring terrible consequences to human society. Obliterating damage. The depleted uranium bomb contains a kind of flammable and explosive powder , which can spontaneously ignite at normal temperatures. When the depleted uranium bomb collides with a tank or armored vehicle, a high temperature will definitely be generated. At this time, the depleted uranium powder will burn, generating a high temperature of 6,000 degrees, which will kill the enemy. The party's armored vehicle will become softer and softer until the depleted uranium bomb penetrates it. In this case, the combatants and command equipment inside the armored tank vehicle will no longer exist.

The large amount of light yellow clouds produced during combustion contain uranium oxide , which will adhere to the surface of tanks and armored vehicles, soil, rivers, etc., forming a radioactive pollution source that will automatically enter the human body. After being absorbed by the human body, will damage the inside of the human body. Various organs can cause renal failure, respiratory diseases, neurological disorders, etc., and may even lead to cancer . If exposed to a pregnant woman, the fetus in the abdomen is likely to be malformed. In addition to the human body In addition to suffering injuries, the surrounding environment cannot avoid it. When a depleted uranium bomb explodes, its radioactive material will spread with the air, water, and soil, contaminating a large area and lasting as long as a hundred years. It is a great threat to both people and the environment, so depleted uranium bombs It appears, first of all, it is easy for people's psychological defenses to collapse. It is an out-and-out "dirty" weapon.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

However, the United States does not care about the life and death of other countries. It still insists on developing a large number of depleted uranium bombs, and also whitewashes externally, claiming that " depleted uranium bombs will not cause any harm to human health ". This kind of disregard of facts and only serves its own selfish interests. His behavior is simply disgusting to the world. Take the Gulf War that year as an example. After the United States bombed Iraq with more than 800,000 depleted uranium bombs, nearly 1 million Iraqi people were poisoned by radioactive substances. Many Iraqi soldiers suffered from kidney diseases. , even 20 years after the war ended, many local civilians are still suffering from depleted uranium bombs. According to surveys, the cancer mortality rate of local residents is ten times higher than before the war. The most distressing one is that of children. The cancer mortality rate is as high as 16 per 1,000 people, which is simply a shameless bomb that "destroys the race".

There was also the 1999 Kosovo War. NATO countries, led by the United States, actually changed their "patterns" to bomb Yugoslavia. They divided bombs containing depleted uranium raw materials into four categories. Some were specialized in bombing buildings, while others were specialized in bombing Yugoslavia. Used to pierce armored tanks, a uranium-containing cluster bomb was even developed for airport runways. These depleted uranium bombs seriously damaged the local ecological environment and threatened the health of hundreds of thousands of people. Post-war investigations showed that , a large proportion of babies born after 1999 suffer from brain tumors and blood diseases. Looking at these data, we can also feel how shameless this depleted uranium bomb is without a lower limit.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

However, the shamelessness of the United States is beyond our imagination. Without it, it would not be possible. On the one hand, the U.S. Department of Defense claims that the depleted uranium bombs it uses will not cause harm to the human body. On the other hand, it hides the truth from its NATO allies and takes protective measures on its own. , during the Kosovo War, the US military fought wearing gas masks, while those NATO allies were like "headless flies", fighting behind the butt of the old United States. After the war, many soldiers of those NATO allies suffered When it comes to the poisoning of depleted uranium bombs, 8 Italian soldiers died of leukemia , and about 30 soldiers suffered from cancer. 5 soldiers in Spain also died of cancer, and many soldiers from other countries also appeared. Symptoms include physical decline, joint pain, sleep disorders and other symptoms. Even the US military, which is well protected, has many veterans diagnosed with kidney failure, polyuria and other diseases.

The United States may assist Ukraine with the most inhumane weapons of destruction, which are not nuclear weapons, but are better than nuclear weapons. The situation in the Russia-Ukraine war is about to change? Recently, Zelensky has become more and more bold. He first ordered t - DayDayNews

Although those NATO allies are dissatisfied and want an explanation from Laos and the United States, Laos and the United States just refuse to admit it. They also store a large number of depleted uranium bombs in Japan, South Korea and other countries. During the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Laos and the United States secretly Nearly 1.3 million depleted uranium bombs were transferred from South Korea, which makes people wonder whether the United States is going to transport this batch of depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. In addition, some time ago, Kimchi Country also specially provided a batch of gas masks to Ermaozi. The authenticity of this incident has been further confirmed. Many netizens have suggested to Emperor Putin that if Ermaozi really has this idea, please ask the fighting nation to directly use a nuclear bomb to solve Ukraine. What do you think about this? Welcome to comment Leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and we’ll see you in the next issue.

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