The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British "Special Airborne Forces" previously stationed in Afghanistan had killed prisoners of war and unarmed civilians on many occasions. What is s

2024/06/2122:18:33 military 1896

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British "Special Airborne Forces" previously stationed in Afghanistan had killed prisoners of war and unarmed civilians on many occasions. What is shocking about is that they also launched a "competition in the number of people killed" to see who could kill more people. In addition, the investigation also found that the relevant troops were suspected of faking the scene to cover up the killing of innocent civilians, and that the superiors failed to report the incident.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

The BBC reported that a military report showed that one of the squadrons, which mainly operated in the Helmand province of Afghanistan, may have illegally killed as many as 54 Afghans during a six-month deployment. .

Ibrahim was one of the Afghan men who was killed. The British military report stated that Ibrahim was killed because he was wielding a grenade . However, the investigation by and by the United Nations showed that Ibrahim was just an unarmed civilian and did not pose any security threat.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

Ibrahim's son Abdul Wali: His hands were tied in front and he was killed, they shot him in the corner of his eye and then they shot my father in the chest. Our family didn't have any weapons and they found nothing. They had been here a few days before that, searching the whole house, but they found nothing.

"Killing Competition" to compete "who kills more people"

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

The report quoted several former members of the British "Special Airborne Forces" as saying that several squadrons under its jurisdiction launched a competition on the number of kills, and was investigated by the BBC This squadron is trying to "catch up" with another squadron that was previously deployed here.

The British army was accused of faking the scene

Covering up the crime of killing civilians

Reports said that the British "Special Airborne Forces" killed many Afghan men on the grounds of "hidden weapons" and "exchange of fire". However, witnesses said they witnessed the force killing civilians in night raids. They said they saw British military personnel using the so-called "air-dropped weapons" method, which is to place AK-47 rifles at the scene to fake the scene, thereby concealing the killing of unarmed civilians. At the same time, investigations revealed that there were no reports of injuries to any British military personnel during these raids.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

Former Australian special forces lawyer David McBride: Obviously, this was a well-planned murder operation.

The former head of the British Special Forces did not report the knowledge

Reports pointed out that the former head of the British Special Forces Mark Carlton-Smith had been briefed on the "unlawful killings" of his troops long ago, but did not transfer the evidence to the British The Royal Military Police, even after the Royal Military Police began investigating the matter, he still did not submit this evidence.

The British Ministry of Defense said it could not comment on the specific allegations. The British Labor Party and others called for an investigation into the matter.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

Reports of British troops killing Afghans indiscriminately caused an uproar on the Internet. Some netizens said, "The war crimes they (British troops) committed in the Middle East and Afghanistan are far more than what has been reported, and the West must be responsible for their actions." Some netizens said, "Yes, I have witnessed the British The army kills civilians every day, and the Australian army does the same. They even kill farmers and passers-by. It’s so cruel.”

News link: Australian soldiers have been exposed for killing Afghan prisoners and civilians indiscriminately

As netizens said, Australian soldiers have also been exposed before. Afghanistan massacres civilians. In March 2020, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation exposed a footage recorded by the body camera of an Australian special forces soldier in May 2012.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

Australian soldier: Do you want me to kill this person?

Faced with an unarmed and non-threatening Afghan, the Australian soldier shot him three times and killed him.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

On November 19, 2020, the Australian military released a report admitting that Australian soldiers had killed prisoners of war and innocent civilians in Afghanistan. The Australian military confirmed that between 2005 and 2016, 25 Australian special forces soldiers killed 39 Afghans, including civilians, in 23 incidents.

(Original title - British media exposed the indiscriminate killing of Afghans by British special forces: the person in charge of the killing competition did not report the knowledge)

Source: CCTV News Client

Editor: Wang Yaqun

Proofreader: Kang Ning Shao Shiyu

Producer: Zhu Xilin

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The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on an investigation it launched on the 12th. Investigations have shown that the British

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