There are many types of British immigration visas. When applicants submit applications, the types of visas they apply for are naturally different according to different circumstances. Before applying for a visa, you must have a basic knowledge to avoid application errors and fail

There are many types of British immigration visas. When applicants submit applications, the types of visas they apply for are naturally different according to different situations. Before applying for a visa, you must have a basic knowledge to avoid errors and a smooth application. Get a visa.

The types of British immigration visas are as follows:

1. High-skilled immigration visa

The high-skilled immigration plan that the British government has been brewing for a long time was officially implemented in 2003 after a trial run. This plan aims to attract outstanding talents from all over the world to fill the British labor market and revitalize the British economy. The market potential is huge. With a score of 65 or above, talents from various industries who have the ability to find a job or be self-employed in the UK can apply. HSMP has no hard language requirements, as long as your language level meets the needs of the job.

2. British Investment Immigration Visa

Investors who have a personal net worth of 1 million pounds (approximately 14 million yuan) or more and plan to invest 750,000 pounds in the UK can apply to settle in the UK with their family members.

3. Entrepreneurs or individuals self-employed immigrants

invest more than .2 million pounds (approximately 2.8 million yuan) in the UK, can work full-time, and can employ 2 British or European Community employees, and can apply for family members to accompany them. Settled in the UK.

4. The Chinese company or the only representative of the company stationed in the UK

is the British chief representative visa.

has not established a branch, subsidiary or other representative agency in the UK. A Chinese company can establish a branch in the UK and send its senior staff to the UK as a representative.

5. Writers, composers and artists

are engaged in the profession of writers, composers and artists in China, and have published works outside of newspapers and magazines, or held exhibitions; do not plan to engage in work outside this industry; can use their own savings Or the income from working in this industry can cover the living expenses of yourself and your family, and you can apply to settle in the UK with your family.

Writers include novel authors, essayists, playwrights, poets, and journalists (whose works have been published in books/volumes).

Composer mainly refers to music composers.

Artists include painters, sculptors, international level photographers, cartoonists or illustrators.

6. Innovative immigrants

have good entrepreneurial ideas and business plans. If they do not meet the html investment of 1.2 million pounds, they can also move their families to settle in the UK.

7. Retirement immigration

html Retirees over the age of 160 can apply to settle in the UK if their annual income is more than 25,000 pounds.

8. Spouse Reunion

1 The spouse of a British permanent resident or citizen who is over 116 years old can apply to settle in the UK, and can apply for permanent residence after one year.

9. Fiancé(e) marriage reunion

html The fiancé(e) of a British permanent resident or citizen who is over 116 years old can apply to go to the UK to get married. After the application is approved, a 6-month marriage preparation period will be given to go to the UK.

10. Dependent children

British permanent residents or citizens, children under the age of 18 who have been adopted through legal procedures can directly apply for British permanent residency or citizenship.

11. Special category work visa

The British government determines the industry categories that encourage the introduction of employees based on employment in the country, and issues special category work visas

12. Internal exchange

Chinese companies send their employees to work in British branches or joint ventures, and senior staff are long-term Residence, general staff return to the country after expiration

The types of British immigration visas are complicated. People who plan to immigrate to the UK should choose a visa based on their own circumstances.

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