Australia's Global Talent Independent Program (GTI), the full name of which is the Global Talent Independent program, is a permanent residence category for Australian immigrants. Applicants who meet the requirements will receive rapid approval, allowing them to bring their whole

2024/07/0304:33:33 migrant 1007

Australia's Global Talent Independent Program GTI, the full name of which is the Global Talent Independent program, is a permanent residence category for Australian immigrants. Applicants who meet the requirements will receive rapid approval, allowing them to bring their whole family to get permanent residence in one step. Applicants to the

GTI program need to prove that they are good enough, including but not limited to outstanding achievements in the field, high salary income, high academic qualifications, etc. Starting from July 2022, applicants' salary needs to meet Australia's latest high-income threshold - annual income 62,000 Australian dollars. A major advantage of the

GTI project is that, in addition to requiring applicants to prove that they have achieved outstanding results in the field, there are no strict requirements for the applicant's age, English test scores, etc.

Australia's Global Talent Independent Program (GTI), the full name of which is the Global Talent Independent program, is a permanent residence category for Australian immigrants. Applicants who meet the requirements will receive rapid approval, allowing them to bring their whole  - DayDayNews

In Australia’s GTI Global Outstanding Talent Immigration Program, “education” is listed as one of the target areas for recruiting talents. In order to improve educational capabilities, Australia has always welcomed educational talents. An education system with outstanding research talent can directly support the flourishing development of many industries and technologies in Australia.

Many friends have asked me, I am a teacher at a university, can I apply for GTI? What does it take to be competitive? What kind of applicants does GTI want to invite?

If you also have the above questions, Australian immigration lawyers may be able to help you through the background introduction of the following two applicants in the education field who have been successfully invited.

CASE 1: Psychology researcher Professor A

Professor A is a psychologist, well-known for his work in the field of psychiatry. He has published many books, is also the author of many internationally renowned articles, and is an excellent consultant. Professor

A uses his knowledge and experience to communicate complex psychological concepts to the public through his writing, making cutting-edge insights accessible to even non-specialist audiences. and reveal how these concepts apply to daily life. Professor

A was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford and a member of the research group at the Oxford Center for Emotion and Affective Neuroscience (OCEAN).

Australia's Global Talent Independent Program (GTI), the full name of which is the Global Talent Independent program, is a permanent residence category for Australian immigrants. Applicants who meet the requirements will receive rapid approval, allowing them to bring their whole  - DayDayNews

CASE 2: Mr. B related to digital admissions platform

Mr. B is the co-founder of a platform in the field of digital admissions. His digital platform helps education providers share real campus experiences with applicants around the world. His work in this key strategic growth market will help Australian universities showcase their diverse offerings and attract more international students.

GIT recognized education field

Australian immigration lawyers remind everyone that the "education" field in the Australian GTI project does not refer to ordinary faculty and staff, but refers to senior talents who have made innovations in pedagogy, education system and school management development. For example, deans, principals, education-focused innovators, individuals engaged in research with commercialization capabilities and talents related to innovation centers/regions.

Specifically, the priority education fields recognized by Australia's GTI include the following occupations:

  • Senior management of universities and other institutions of higher learning. Examples include principals, deans and heads of schools or international equivalents;
  • Senior academics and researchers Australian academic grade D or E or their international equivalent;
  • Researchers and academics with innovative results in education including:
  1. Research and educational infrastructure;
  2. characterization (technology revolutionizing modern science, medicine, engineering and industry in advanced microscopy and microscopic analysis);
  3. curriculum development;
  4. digital data, education delivery and electronic research platforms; or
  5. humanities, arts and social sciences Innovation platform.
  • Scholars and researchers in the field of education research;
  • University research funding and school development;
  • Research commercialization;
  • Educational Technology (Edtech);

Australia's GTI Global Talent Program is currently recruiting, if you qualify for priority approval Among the ten major areas, you might as well seize the opportunity and give yourself one more choice.

Australia's Global Talent Independent Program (GTI), the full name of which is the Global Talent Independent program, is a permanent residence category for Australian immigrants. Applicants who meet the requirements will receive rapid approval, allowing them to bring their whole  - DayDayNews

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