Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode! "Stable" immigration majors and university recommendations from Western Australia! Sydney sets record for wettest July It's only been 15 days of this month and Sydney has already set a record for the w

2024/07/0307:07:33 migrant 1664

Sydney sets record for highest rainfall in July! Western Australia is on robbing mode! "Stable" immigration majors and university recommendations from Western Australia!

Sydney records rainfall for most July

Only 15 days into the month, Sydney has already set a record for rainfall in July.

The previous rainfall record for July was 336.1 millimeters in 1950, but that rain lasted for the entire month. The rainfall in July has reached 342.2 mm.

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Most areas of Sydney have experienced continuous rainfall this month. Coupled with the previous period of continuous heavy rain, 2022 will become the wettest year in Sydney's history. As of July 14, Sydney's total annual rainfall was 1889.6 millimeters.

Although Sydney has not yet broken the annual rainfall record of 2194mm set in 1950, it is not far away. With only a few months to go until the end of the year, meteorological experts say Sydney is likely to break the record this year.

Due to continuous heavy rains, flooding has occurred in many places in Sydney. Trains have been suspended, making it difficult for Sydney residents to travel.

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Western Australia is in robbing mode! Recommendations for immigration majors and universities that "stable" obtain Western Australia's state visa

At the end of last month, Western Australia took the lead in announcing the state visa policy for the new fiscal year. The list of Western Australian graduates will add 194 occupations, plus the existing total of more than 100 occupations. There are 331 occupations that can be applied for to stimulate more international students to study and work in Western Australia.

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

In fact, in recent financial years, Western Australian graduate stream has been receiving priority invitations from the state government. You can take a look at the number of stream190 and 491 pre-invitations issued to graduates this fiscal year.

The application requirements for the Western Australian graduate stream require that in addition to completing a 2-year academic course in Western Australia with at least a Certificate III, you also need to meet work experience and corresponding language requirements.

Well, the first immigration major for Western Australian graduates to "reliably" win state qualifications is Engineering.

Western Australia is rich in minerals, and engineering has always been a favorite among Western Australian students. plus the two major engineering majors 233999 and 233914 newly added in the new fiscal year, basically cover all fields of engineering. For example, the Mining Engineering major of University of Western Australia and Curtin University is a major certified by the EA Engineering Career Assessment Agency. It is easier to apply for the necessary job evaluation for immigration.

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

University of Western Australia

Sydney records record rainfall for July! Western Australia is on robbing mode!

Curtin University

The second one is Nursing.

The Nursing Bachelor courses of Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University are all accredited majors by the Nursing Professional Assessment Agency AHPRA. The only difficulty in nursing is that both admission and career assessment require language scores equivalent to IELTS 4 and 7, but employment and state jobs after graduation are stable. The basic minimum annual salary for registered nurses in Western Australia is now over 70,000.

The nursing and engineering majors shared above do not require work experience to obtain job evaluation. In addition, half a year of relevant work experience or half a year of full-time job offer can be submitted to Western Australia. For students who are still planning to study abroad and immigrate, Western Australia can be said to be a good choice. Interested students can add customer service to make plans early.

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