Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round.

2024/07/0310:29:33 migrant 1037

Immigration may have been desired by many people in the past, but now as information spreads faster and faster. Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense.

Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round.

The United States, which claims to be liberal and democratic, has just repealed the Abortion Freedom Act not long ago. There will also be crazy zero-yuan purchases from time to time, making merchants live on tenterhooks every day.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

Japan, which has always been known for its clean and tidy streets and extremely high-quality people, turns out to have a dirty side.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

Everyone is becoming more and more aware that our country has surpassed foreign countries by so much without even realizing it.

But there are still a small number of people who firmly believe that the air in foreign countries is so fresh and sweet.

finally left his hometown, taking his family with him, and went to the distant "beautiful country" in his heart.

What I want to tell you today is such a strange person, her name is Fiona.

She is a native of Hong Kong, and her profession is a people's teacher. Her husband Awen is a bus driver, and they have two lovely children.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

Although the life of a family of four is not very wealthy, it can definitely be called a well-off family.

Because her and her husband’s combined salaries can earn up to HK$60,000 per month. Sometimes the couple gets bonuses, and their monthly income can reach HK$70,000.

is converted into RMB, which is almost 60,000 yuan.

has such a monthly income, which makes the life of a family of four enjoyable. Fiona still has enough money to hire Filipino maids to take care of her children and clean the house. The only flaw in

is that the two of them are in Hong Kong. Even if they earn tens of thousands a month, they can only live in a small house that they can't even turn around.

Gradually, Fiona became bored and started thinking about immigrating.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

She enjoys a wonderful life abroad, a spacious and bright house, friendly and kind people, everything in Britain is so beautiful.

Fiona couldn't wait any longer. After getting her husband's support, the couple quickly started preparing for immigration and applied for a BNO (British Passport) visa.

couldn’t even wait for the passport to be approved, so he applied for the [Leave Outside The Rules] (LOTR) express application.

took his two children and a small amount of savings with him and rushed to the UK excitedly.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

After arriving in the UK, the two temporarily lived in Crewe.

Crewe is a small town located in northwest England. It is small in size and has a small population. Apart from cheap rent and low prices, there are no advantages.

After living here for a while, Fiona's original determined immigration mentality was somewhat shaken.

She regretted it and wanted to return to Hong Kong.

I thought that when I came to the UK, I would live a good life and live in a big house.

Who knew that houses in Hong Kong are small, and houses in the UK are also small, and it is difficult to place a sofa in the living room.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

This was completely different from Fiona's original imagination. Fiona persuaded her husband to go back.

But her husband firmly disagreed and told Fiona.

Even if he becomes a beggar and goes out to beg for food, he will never go back.

Because of this incident, the two had an unprecedented quarrel.

No matter how Fiona tried to persuade her, she could not shake her husband Awen's determination, so the two had no choice but to stay in the UK.

In order to survive, the two began to apply for jobs everywhere.

Finding a job is so easy.

My husband Awen used to be a bus driver. After coming to the UK, he couldn't even find a decent job because of the language barrier. In the end, in order to survive, I had no choice but to work from dawn to dusk to deliver food.

Even though he is exposed to wind and rain every day and is exhausted, his income is very meager.

works non-stop for six days a week and can only earn 1,200 pounds in a month, which is about 10,000 yuan.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

Fiona, who was once a respected teacher, was not recognized by the British.

She was wandering around Crewe like a headless fly. Not to mention becoming a teacher, Fiona was also willing to be a teaching assistant.

Unfortunately, all the resumes she submitted came to nothing.

There is only one biscuit factory, which extended an olive branch to her.

When Fiona first entered the factory, she met some Hong Kong people who, like herself, had immigrated to the UK.

What surprised Fiona even more was that they once had a bright future just like herself.

There are top scorers in the Hong Kong College Entrance Examination, dentists, and even former district councilors.

generally has a master's degree in and a master's degree in , but now, like her, he has become a dispensable assembly line worker in a biscuit factory.

is doing complicated, boring and repetitive work, and receiving pitiful wages compared to before.

They lost more than that, they also lost their past generous life and noble status.

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

Since arriving in the UK, Fiona has become more and more frustrated every day, and the number of quarrels between her and her husband Awen has also exploded.

It is said that poor and humble couples are always miserable, and this is the case for these two. They often have fierce quarrels because they cannot make ends meet.

Fiona even said bluntly that she and Awen would definitely get divorced in the future.

The above are all Fiona's real experiences, from a documentary broadcast not long ago by Singapore's media " Asia News Channel ".

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

It has been six months since they left Hong Kong. Compared with the smiles and expectations they had when they first stepped out of their homeland, Fiona and Awen are now exhausted.

But they have no way to look back. They can only stay in that small and remote Crewe and continue to work hard and live!

What do you think of this matter? What do you think about immigration?

Through the Internet, we gradually see a real foreign country without any pretense. Many of us have gradually realized that the moon in foreign countries is not that round. - DayDayNews

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