Australia's skilled immigrants are mainly divided into three categories: 189 Independent Skilled Migration Visa, 190 State Sponsored Skilled Migration Visa and 491 Remote Area State Sponsored Skilled Migration Visa: 1.189 visa currently has the highest requirements among all skil

The update of Australian immigration news on July 6 has given many friends the idea of ​​​​immigrating to Australia. Recently, many friends have been asking: "What are the specific categories of Australian skilled immigrants? What are the requirements? What are the EOI scoring standards?" ..." Next, the editor will answer them one by one for everyone.

1. What are the main categories of skilled immigrants?

Australian skilled immigrants are mainly divided into three categories: 189 independent skilled immigrant visa, 190 state sponsored skilled immigrant visa and 491 remote area state sponsored skilled immigrant visa:

①. The 189 visa is currently the most demanding of all skilled immigration categories in Australia, and it is also the most liberal. If you apply for immigration based entirely on your own conditions and meet the relevant requirements of the Federal Immigration Bureau, you can obtain Australian permanent residence status in one step without any additional restrictions.

②. The 190 visa requires applicants to meet the federal immigration requirements and additional state nomination requirements. Applicants who are nominated by the state can get an extra 5 points in the EOI score. 190 is also a one-step way to obtain permanent residence status, but the holder needs to live in the nominated state for two years.

③. The 491 visa is a temporary residence visa valid for 5 years. The holder needs to work and live in a designated remote area for 3 years. The main applicant or accompanying spouse can transfer to 191 permanent residence after either the main applicant or the accompanying spouse meets the conditions. Applicants who are nominated for regional state sponsorship can receive an additional 15 points in the EOI score.

2. What is a career skills assessment?

Friends, if you decide to immigrate to Australia as a skilled worker, generally speaking, you need to select a nominated occupation and then conduct a skill assessment. The career assessment mainly compares your academic qualifications and work experience with the requirements of the occupation in Australia to determine that your skill level can be roughly consistent with the local level in Australia, so that you can quickly use your skills in local jobs. .

Different nominated occupations have very different requirements for applicants. Some have work experience requirements, some must have relevant academic qualifications, some have English requirements, and some require on-the-spot operations to confirm that they meet the Australian requirements. skill level.

three. What is EOI?

When we apply for skilled immigrants, one word that must be mentioned is EOI. So what exactly is EOI? EOI is Expression of Interest.

An EOI score of 65 points is the basic requirement for Australian skilled immigrants. The Immigration Bureau will announce the EOI invitation status every month. For the 189 independent skilled immigrants, the Immigration Bureau directly issues invitations in order of scores from high to low and submission time from front to back. Invitations for 190 visas and 491 visas are issued in accordance with the immigration policies of the sponsoring states and regions.

Applicants for Australian skilled immigrants must submit an EOI on the Skill Select system of the Australian Immigration Bureau, and based on personal information, nominate occupation, academic qualifications, English and other EOI scoring items for evaluation.

IV. Australian Skilled Immigration Score Table

Although EOI can be submitted if it reaches 65 points, the minimum invitation score of 189 is now 85-90 points, and popular occupations must reach 100 points to be invited. 190 has a 5-point bonus, and 491 has a 15-point bonus. If your 190 score is not enough to get an invitation, you can choose to submit a 491 application.

Five. Which one should I choose between temporary residence or permanent residence for skilled immigrants?

Skilled immigrant visas are not all one-step permanent residence visas. For example, 491 is a temporary residence visa, and you need to meet certain requirements before you can apply for a permanent residence visa. Take the 491 visa as an example. After 491 applicants meet the three-year residence and work requirements in remote areas, they can submit the 191 permanent residence visa application in Australia.

The Immigration Bureau will strictly examine whether the applicant has been working in the past three years, whether he lives in non-remote areas (except areas Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane), and whether he meets the requirements of having an annual income of no less than $53,900. Income requirements. Under a complete regulatory system, state governments can issue 491 state guarantees to everyone with relative peace of mind. 491 visa holders are also full of benefits in Australia, including Medicare, Australia’s national health insurance, free compulsory education for children from primary school to high school, etc.

6. About Job Offer

190/491 Australian state government sponsored skilled immigrant visa and 186/191/482/494 employer sponsored immigrant visa will often mention the job invitation letter Job Offer.

For the 190 state sponsored permanent residence visa and 491 remote area state government temporary residence visa in the skilled immigration category:

1. Whether the applicant needs a job invitation letter needs to see the specific requirements for state sponsorship of this position;

2. Many positions In each state, priority will be given to local job offers or applicants with local work experience.

3. Applicants are usually required to provide a Job Offer under these circumstances:

4. The state government requires a job invitation letter issued by a local, qualified enterprise;

5. The state government requires a job invitation letter for certain skilled positions. ;

6. Bring your own job invitation during the application process.

It is worth noting here that when the state guarantees a job offer, it does not mean that you must eventually accept the employer's offer and join the company. To put it simply, when you applied for a visa, you submitted an offer from company A, but after the visa was approved, you did not work in company A but went to work in another company.

The main reason why this situation is allowed is that the Immigration Bureau has no rigid follow-up requirements for Job Offers. Therefore, the state government hopes to sponsor more competitive applicants so as to allow them to develop locally.

For some occupations that do not require a job offer, if the applicant can submit a job offer for the occupation, generally speaking, he can be given priority and increase the success rate of signing;

For those that do require a job offer, For occupations, there are more applicants with certificates, and the state government uses this to select the best;