Source: Overseas Network An immigration truck tragedy occurred in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (Data map) Overseas Network, July 1. According to reports from the New York Times and the San Antonio Express on June 30, the remains of dozens of illegal immigrants were recently found in

Source: Overseas Network

The immigration truck tragedy occurred in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (Data map)

Overseas Network, July 1st According to reports from the US " New York Times " and "San Antonio Express" on June 30, the remains of dozens of illegal immigrants were recently found in a truck in San Antonio, Texas, USA. attracted widespread attention. Newly revealed details show that a bewildered police officer at the scene made a desperate plea for help, saying there were "too many bodies" to deal with.

In a live recording, San Antonio police officers used a police walkie-talkie to call for help, saying "I have too many bodies found here." The recording also revealed that the local police initially estimated that only 20 immigrants died in the sweltering van, but later statistics found that 48 people died, and five more died soon after, bringing the death toll to 53. According to the recording, during the search for truck driver Zamorano, a police officer described a description of the driver as being "on methamphetamine and in a state of extreme excitement."

The U.S. Department of Justice issued a statement on June 29 saying that four people involved in the case have been prosecuted. Among them, the driver Zamorano from Texas and the 28-year-old man Martinez were charged with participating in human smuggling and resulted in immigrant deaths. US media reported that if convicted, the two men may face life imprisonment, or the death penalty. (Overseas Network/Zhang Ni Intern Compiler/Zhang Yaxuan)

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