U.S. law enforcement officers discovered a large number of immigrant remains in an abandoned truck in San Antonio, Texas, on June 27, local time. According to the latest news, as of the 29th local time, the death toll has risen to 53. This is one of the most serious immigrant dea

U.S. law enforcement officers discovered a large number of immigrant remains in an abandoned truck in San Antonio, Texas, on June 27, local time. According to the latest news, as of the 29th local time, the death toll has risen to 53. This is one of the most serious immigrant deaths in the United States in recent years.

Francisco Garduño, director of Mexico’s National Immigration Service, said that at least 27 of the deceased have been confirmed to be from Mexico, 7 from Guatemala, 4 from Honduras , and 2 from El Salvador. .

Currently, the US police have arrested three people. Some US media reported that one of the suspects among the three was a truck driver. According to law enforcement officials, the driver involved had consumed a large amount of methamphetamine when he was arrested and had to be sent to the hospital. He is expected to appear in federal court on smuggling charges on the 29th. Two Mexican suspects involved in the case have been indicted in U.S. federal court.

After the accident, Texas memorial services were held for the victims in many places. They said that this tragedy should not have happened.

American community event organizer Jessica Azua: When I was fourteen years old, I also came here in a truck. I also fainted from the heat, but I was lucky enough to wake up later. It's been really hard, I'm so tired, I've had enough, it shouldn't be like this.

San Antonio The acting special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations said the human trafficking incident was "the worst we have seen in the United States." These groups are becoming increasingly violent, treating immigrants "as a commodity".

CNN 29 reported on the 29th that these immigrants are facing increasing risks when they come to the United States. Immigrant rights advocates criticized that these deaths are the latest example of an increasingly tragic trend, due to various problems in the United States. Border policies, immigrants are forced to adopt increasingly dangerous ways to come to the United States. Last year, the number of migrant deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border reached the highest level since data began to be recorded in 2014, with at least 650 people dying while crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

CCTV reporter Liu Xiaoqian : According to data from the United Nations International Organization for Migration, in the first six months of 2022, at least 290 people have died while crossing the US-Mexico border. Local immigration rights organizations in the United States stated that the federal government's border policies directly caused immigrants to adopt dangerous methods to come to the United States. If they continue to be implemented, similar tragedies will continue to occur.

(Original title: The death toll in the Texas immigration incident in the United States rose to 53, and memorial services were held in many places)

Source: CCTV News Client

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