Morrison said the government needed to consider how temporary visa holders could be used to fill severe labor shortages in order to truly create jobs in the economy, particularly in Australia's regional economies to sustain growth and services, but the reality was that Australian

2024/06/0323:18:33 migrant 1327

At this week's "Australian Financial Review Business Summit", the Australian Prime Minister stated that the Australian government is open to reforming immigration policies after being affected by the epidemic.

Morrison said the government needed to consider how temporary visa holders could be used to fill severe labor shortages in order to truly create jobs in the economy, particularly in Australia's regional economies to sustain growth and services, but the reality was that Australian - DayDayNews

Morrison said the government needed to consider how temporary visa holders could be used to fill critical labor shortages to truly create jobs in the economy, particularly in Australia's regional economies to sustain growth and services. The reality was that Australians These jobs cannot be filled.

According to the latest report from Australia's SBS TV station, since the pandemic, Australia's population growth has plummeted to the lowest level since World War II.

The latest federal government budget estimates that immigration will result in a loss of 72,000 people in the 2020-21 financial year. It is not expected that net overseas migration will return to positive levels until 2022-23.

As of 1:00 pm on December 31, 2020, Australia’s total population was 25,737,645; in comparison, Shanghai’s permanent population in 2018 was 24.23 million.

In the past year, due to the new crown epidemic and travel The impact of the ban has caused Australia's population growth rate to drop significantly.

The annual growth rate of Australia’s population in fiscal year 2020 was only 1.3%, a new low since 2006.

Looking at the overall population growth trend, the local population growth has not been greatly affected, but the number of overseas immigrants has dropped rapidly.

Comparing the population changes in various states, we can see that the natural population growth is the largest in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia. These four regions are also the areas with the largest immigration growth.

Morrison said the government needed to consider how temporary visa holders could be used to fill severe labor shortages in order to truly create jobs in the economy, particularly in Australia's regional economies to sustain growth and services, but the reality was that Australian - DayDayNews

However, considering the issue of population base, the growth of Queensland and Western Australia is higher than that of Victoria and New South Wales in proportion, indicating that more people have chosen relatively smaller populations in the past year. Remote areas.

The epidemic has also had some impact on Australia's future population. It was previously expected that Australia would reach 28 million people around 2025. Due to the impact of the current epidemic, this population number will be postponed to around 2028.

According to statistics, Australia's agricultural industry has been one of the hardest-hit industries. According to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, the horticulture industry alone has a shortage of about 22,000 workers.

In response, the Australian Prime Minister said that the government could consider reviewing visa categories in sectors such as agriculture and tourism, which all rely on temporary visa holders. Specific policies include adjusting and relaxing immigrant visa conditions to meet the needs of regional areas. Labor demand.

Morrison said the government needed to consider how temporary visa holders could be used to fill severe labor shortages in order to truly create jobs in the economy, particularly in Australia's regional economies to sustain growth and services, but the reality was that Australian - DayDayNews

At the same time, many Australian lawmakers have called on the government to consider more permanent visa pathways in the immigration system. LabourImmigration spokesperson Kristina Keneally said, "We support immigration as an engine for economic growth, so while we are concerned about the high levels of temporary immigration, don't forget to provide more permanent visa pathways."

I think it must , under the double squeeze of Canada and the United Kingdom competing for overseas students and immigrants, it is rare for the Australian government to reach such a consensus!

Currently, the Australian Department of Home Affairs has begun discussing the immigration plan for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. It is estimated that one of the main purposes of the new plan is to reduce the pressure on major Australian cities, while improving the planning and population pressure of Australian cities, and promoting the development of remote areas. .

It seems that the Australian government has gradually woken up. As a country with a large number of immigrants, Australia will not be productive enough without immigrants. We look forward to Australia’s immigration policy being relaxed again in the near future.

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