Recently, Henley & Partners released the "2022 Global Residency Plan Index" and "2022 Global Citizenship Plan Index" rankings, in which the Irish passport ranks fifth in the world.

2024/06/0222:57:33 migrant 1126

Recently, Henley & Partners released the "2022 Global Residency Program Index" and "2022 Global Citizenship Program Index" rankings, in which the Irish passport ranked fifth in the world. For many confused investors, this undoubtedly provides a powerful reference value for them to choose the country where they immigrate and settle.

Recently, Henley & Partners released the

2022 "Henry Passport Index" TOP10 ranking:

1, Japan, Singapore (192)

2, Germany, South Korea (190)

3, Finland , Italy, Luxembourg , Spain (189)

4, Austria , Denmark , France, Netherlands , Sweden (188)

5, Ireland , Portugal (187)

6, Belgium , New Zealand , Norway , Switzerland , United Kingdom, United States (186)

7, Australia, Canada, Czech , Greece , Malta (185)

8, Poland , Hungary (183)

9, Lithuania , Slovakia (182)

10 , Estonia , Latvia , Slovenia (181)

Recently, Henley & Partners released the 1 Irish passport with multiple advantages in one

Irish passport = British passport , the only Irish passport in the world has this privilege

Irish passport = 27 EU Member State Passport + Switzerland, Liechtenstein , Iceland , Norwegian passport

Irish passport ≈ Easily move to the United States , the US-Ireland E-3 visa program has been passed by the House of Representatives, and people with Irish identity may be able to work and live in the United States in the future.

Irish passports can apply for Canadian IEC work visas to achieve quick travel to Canada

This year is the 50th anniversary of Ireland's accession to the European Union. Since 2014, Ireland's annual GDP performance has been more eye-catching than other EU countries. This means that having an Irish passport gives you access to much more than just an international identity.

Recently, Henley & Partners released the

Recently, Henley & Partners released the 2 "The Cradle of the Rich"

Knight Frank's latest report predicts that the number of wealthy people in Ireland will increase by 209% from 2021 to 2026.

Another data from the Central Bank of Ireland shows that Irish household wealth hit a record high of 995 billion euros in the fourth quarter of 2021.

The growth rate of household wealth exceeded 7.8%, leaving Australia (7%), Germany (6%), New Zealand (5%), and the United States (6%) behind.

Under the epidemic, the wealth of Irish people has risen sharply against the trend, making Ireland a global "rich-making machine"! The number of ultra-high net worth individuals has soared in Ireland in 2021, with an increase of 11%, exceeding the global level of 9.3%.

Recently, Henley & Partners released the 3 is about to reach the top of the European Union.

The number of wealthy people in Ireland has increased significantly. Of course, it is inseparable from the favorable economic environment.

Even in 2020, when the epidemic was severe, Ireland became the only country in the EU to achieve positive GDP growth. It also achieved astonishing double-digit growth in 2021, per capita GDP ranking second in the world.

According to the latest forecast of European Commission , Ireland's economy will grow by 5.4% and 4.4% in 2022 and 2023 respectively, which is much higher than the average level of the EU and Eurozone. Ireland is expected to regain the first place in 2023!

Recently, Henley & Partners released the

Recently, Henley & Partners released the 4 Brexit , Ireland "explosive"

Ireland's unparalleled economic data relies on its strong economic resilience and also benefits from the impact of Brexit.

Brexit cost an expensive "breakup fee". Last year, Ireland announced that it would receive about 1 billion euros from the European Commission's "mitigating the impact of Brexit" fund, making it the largest beneficiary of the Brexit fund.

A report from the Irish Industrial Development Agency pointed out that since the British referendum to leave the European Union in June 2016, 135 financial companies have moved to Dublin, Ireland, ranking first in Europe, followed by Paris (102 companies), Luxembourg (95 companies), Frankfurt (63 companies) and Amsterdam (48 companies).

With a developed economy, first-class education, generous welfare, friendly citizens, and low taxes... With the Irish passport, which is ranked fifth in the world, you will have such high-quality resources that are "thousands of favorites in one". Who can not love it?

According to data released by the Irish Ministry of Justice, since the launch of the Irish Investment Immigration Program in 2012, a total of 1,197 investors have been approved, of which more than 93% of the applicants are from China, ranking first.

The Irish investment immigration donation project starts from 400,000 euros. It is approved first and then invested. There are no English requirements, no age restrictions, and no business background requirements for applicants! If you hold Irish residence status and meet the corresponding residence requirements, you can apply for an Irish passport according to relevant conditions.

However, there is a rule in the immigration field: preferential policies are always difficult to last! Recently, it was reported that Irish immigration will increase the investment amount and improve the review standards in July this year!

There is still time to catch the last train before the political change, so be sure to seize the opportunity!

Recently, Henley & Partners released the

Four ways to immigrate to Ireland

1. Qualified Fund Investment Fund: Invest 1 million euros for at least 3 years

2. Enterprise Investmen: Invest 1 million euros in unlisted companies in Ireland for at least 3 years

3. Real Estate Investment Trusts: Investment 2 million euros in listed REIT real estate funds for 3 years, with a minimum retention of 50% in the 4th year and a minimum retention of 25% in the 5th year. There is no requirement after 5 years.

4. Charitable donation Endewment: Donate 500,000 euros to Irish charities, five families The above can make a group donation of 400,000 euros/family.

To apply for consultation, look at the author's profile and add V, or the author's public account [Bo Minghan talks about overseas].

★ Application requirements

Ireland’s investment immigration policy has no English requirements for applicants, no age restrictions, no business background requirements, and there is no immigration supervision ! You only need to log in one day per year for the first 5 years, but after 5 years you do not need to log in every year. You can apply for naturalization if you have lived for 5 years in total within 9 years. Children under the age of 24 who are studying can be included in the application.

Recently, Henley & Partners released the

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