Following the resumption of the federal Express Entry in July, the increase of 1,150 quotas for provincial nominations in Ontario, the extension of the tourist entry transfer visa to 2023, and the extension of the international student work permit for 18 months, Canadian Immigrat

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There is really good news about Canadian immigration recently! Following the resumption of the federal Express Entry in July, the increase of 1,150 provincial nomination quotas in Ontario, the extension of the tourist entry transfer visa to 2023, and the extension of the international student work permit for 18 months, Canadian Immigration Minister Sean Fraser made a decision at the Global Technology Conference A seemingly impossible flag was set: During the term of the Immigration Minister, Canada’s immigration quota must be increased to 500,000!

Following the resumption of the federal Express Entry in July, the increase of 1,150 quotas for provincial nominations in Ontario, the extension of the tourist entry transfer visa to 2023, and the extension of the international student work permit for 18 months, Canadian Immigrat - DayDayNews

Sean Fraser said very confidently at the meeting that immigrants will exceed 500,000 sooner or later. At the same time, he also promised that the quota increase will be carried out in a cautious manner, with the ultimate goal of meeting the employment needs of communities across the country.

He believes that he must be the first immigration minister to increase Canada’s immigration quota to 500,000.

Following the resumption of the federal Express Entry in July, the increase of 1,150 quotas for provincial nominations in Ontario, the extension of the tourist entry transfer visa to 2023, and the extension of the international student work permit for 18 months, Canadian Immigrat - DayDayNews

It's not a point of pride that I have to be the minister that gets to 500,000.

"It is not a point of pride for me to increase the immigration quota to 500,000. I would rather do it by admitting more immigrants. Meet the needs of various communities in Canada and give immigration applicants more opportunities to successfully achieve their goals through our immigration system. "

" Canada is accepting new immigrants at about 1% of the total population every year. If we continue on this trajectory. If it continues, I don’t know in which year we will cross this threshold, and what I want to do is to promote this goal as soon as possible.”

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser pointed out that Canada currently has a huge demand for new immigrants. Canada will accept as many new immigrants as possible without exceeding the community's capacity. This strategy will become a huge strategic advantage for Canada's long-term development.

Overall, the positive trend for Canadian immigration will continue, both in the short and long term.

Review of the recent good news

01, Federal Express Entry will resume in July

On July 6, 2022, the Canadian Immigration Department will officially resume the Canadian Federal Express Entry (Express Entry) lottery! These include the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) and Federal Skilled Worker (FSW).

For international students who have local jobs in Canada and academic qualifications, EE is definitely the most suitable way.

02, Ontario provincial nomination increased by 1,150 quotas

On June 28, 2022, Ontario announced its immigration quota target for this year. This year, the federal government allocated 9,750 immigration quotas to Ontario. Compared with 8,600 in 2021, there are 1,150 more.

As one of the few IELTS-free skilled immigration programs in Canada, the increase in quotas is undoubtedly a big plus for Chinese applicants!

03, The tourist entry transfer visa has been extended to 2023

In order to help the tourists stranded in Canada during the epidemic, and also to solve the local labor shortage problem, the Canadian government came up with a best-of-both-worlds solution in the early stages of the epidemic: allow Domestic tourist groups apply for work visas and stay in Canada to work legally!

Currently, this temporary policy has been extended to February 28, 2023 . In other words, if you apply for a tourist visa to come to Canada now, you have plenty of time to get a work visa through the temporary policy.

As we all know, foreign residents can only work legally in Canada if they have a work visa. Applying for a work visa converts visitor status into legal work status.By accumulating local work experience in Canada, work permit holders can subsequently apply to become Canadian permanent residents through various options.

04, International student work permit extension for 18 months

According to the latest news from the Canadian Immigration Department, all international students whose graduation work permit expires between September 20, 2021 and December 31, 2022 will be eligible to receive one Additional 18 months open work visa.

The additional open work permit will allow international students to extend their work status in Canada, help employers find the workers they need, and allow Canada to retain more international talents! Specific measures on how to apply for a PGWP extension will be announced in the coming weeks.

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