On June 29, Tu Yuanchao, Party Secretary and Director of the Provincial Health Commission, came to Guangbutun Community and Yinhai Yayuan Community, Luonan Street, Hongshan District, the sinking contact points, to visit and express condolences to the people in need, understand th

On June 29, Tu Yuanchao, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Health Commission, came to Guangbutun Community and Yinhai Yayuan Community, Luonan Street, Hongshan District, the sinking contact point, to visit and express condolences to the people in need, understand the work of the community, and listen to opinions. suggestion. He pointed out that we should work hard on co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and write a great article on "Party Building Leads Grassroots Social Governance". Deng Xiaochuan, member of the Party Committee, Deputy Director and Director of the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, participated in the visit and survey and presided over the research symposium.

Tu Yuanchao and his party visited the homes of needy people in Yinhai Yayuan Community and Guangbutun Community successively, communicated cordially with the needy people, learned more about their living conditions and difficulties, and sent them the care and warmth of the Party. At the Guangbutun Community Party and Mass Service Center, when he saw that the elevators funded by the Provincial Health Commission were put into operation and that people no longer had to climb stairs to do things, Tu Yuanchao once again emphasized that practical things should be done in the hearts of the people.

At the symposium, Tu Yuanchao listened to the report of the 14th batch of sinking community working teams of the Provincial Health and Medical Commission, as well as the opinions and suggestions of Guangbutun Community and Yinhai Yayuan Community. He pointed out that carrying out community visits and condolences is not only a requirement of the provincial party committee’s practical activities, but also an emotional bond jointly built by the provincial health commission and the community. It is necessary to improve ideological understanding, strengthen party building guidance, work hard on co-construction, sharing and co-governance, and effectively improve the level of grassroots social governance. It is necessary to promote the construction of health promotion demonstration communities, create health lectures at home, fully mobilize community resident medical resources, widely mobilize community party members to participate in health alliances, and build a health education model that the masses can feel, can be displayed to the outside world, and can be promoted throughout the province.

Tu Yuanchao emphasized that the community is connected to the people at one end and the party’s policies at the other. It is necessary to deeply understand the achievements and experience summarized by the 12th Provincial Party Congress, accurately grasp the new situation faced by Hubei in the new development stage, and focus on building a national The main task of building a pioneer area for the new development pattern is to adhere to the front-line work method, explain the party's policies to the people, and deliver the party's care to the people. He requested that the commissioned sinking community work team should implement what should be done and what can be done, strictly follow the "double reporting, double reporting" and "five one" requirements, assist community governance and health promotion, and carry forward a rigorous style of work. , strengthen the daily management and supervision of lower-level party members to ensure the effectiveness of activities. Relevant departments should carefully sort out the problems raised by the community, actively work with the community to study and formulate relevant assistance policies, and consider solving them.

The relevant person in charge of of Luonan Street said that they will give full play to the political and organizational leadership of party building work, and give full play to the role of sinking party organizations and party members and cadres in sinking communities by exploring and integrating resources from all parties, and use their heart and emotions Efforts should be made to solve the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems around the grassroots people, do a good job in community health promotion and health science popularization, and organically integrate with community governance work to make the function of grassroots governance in serving the society and benefiting residents truly "alive" and "popular".

Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and District Mayor Yan Zhongxing, Deputy District Mayor Zhao Qun, heads of Luonan Street and District Health Bureau and heads of relevant departments of the Provincial Health Commission attended the research symposium. Hosted by

| Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Hongshan District Committee, Hongshan District Integrated Media Center

Reporter丨Deng Zhou (Correspondent Liu Xingnian Wang Shiyu)

Art Editor丨Zhao Juan Editor-in-Chief丨Xia Minming

Coordinator | Zhang Bin Reviewer | Wang Juan