Red Net Moment Reporter Xiao Yi Correspondent Yiping and the northern end of the Xiangjiang River, the rise of Xiangyin! On July 13, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Mao Weiming came to the Changsha-Yueyang section of the Xiangjiang River to patrol

2024/06/2905:36:32 international 1810

Red Net Moment Reporter Xiao Yi Correspondent Yi Heping

At the northern end of the Xiangjiang River, Xiangyin is rising!

On July 13, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Mao Weiming came to the Changsha-Yueyang section of the Xiangjiang River to patrol the river. The group boarded the ship from the pier of the Tongguangang District Hub Channel Station in Changsha Port and went down the Xiangjiang River, inspecting and understanding along the way. The overall planning of Tongguangang Area and Yugong Port Area finally arrives at Qingshan Island Wharf in Xiangyin County. During the wet season, , the Xiangjiang River has flat tides and broad banks. The wind is blowing and sails are hanging, creating a lively scene.

When the midsummer sunshine of 2022 shines on the Xiangyin Yugong Port and the vast lake where the Xiangjiang River enters Dongting Lake, a shining new picture of high-quality development of Hong Kong-industry integration will soon slowly appear on the 1,620-meter-long coastline. Expand.

Following the pace of the provincial governor's inspection, the reporter also rushed to Xiangyin County to visit the Yugong Port Wharf site where the preliminary survey and design had been completed. The view of Chutianshu was as far as the eye could see. There is reason to expect that under the clarion call of the strategy of "Strengthening the Provincial Capital", in the near future, giant ships will ride the wind and waves on Yugong Port, making waves; ships will come and go frequently, and the whistles will sound endless; cars will shuttle around the port. The industry is booming... Born towards the river and striving towards the sea, a modern new industrial and financial city is flourishing.

Red Net Moment Reporter Xiao Yi Correspondent Yiping and the northern end of the Xiangjiang River, the rise of Xiangyin! On July 13, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Mao Weiming came to the Changsha-Yueyang section of the Xiangjiang River to patrol  - DayDayNews

Xiangyin County has been given an important mission and ushered in important opportunities in the strategy of “strengthening the provincial capital”.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to lead Changsha-Zhuzhoutan into the Yangtze River Economic Belt

Yugong Port is located in the northern part of Xiangyin, at the intersection of the Xiangjiang River entering Dongting Lake and the Xiangzi Yuanli River. The regional ports and logistics bases determined in the overall planning for the construction of a "social " are strategic resources for Hunan's opening up and rise.

At the symposium on the development of important ports in the middle and lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River held on July 13, Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor, clearly stated: Yugong Port Area should speed up preliminary research and plan and construct as early as possible, and strive to build it into Chenglingji Port. It is an extension port of , a bulk cargo distribution transfer port and a deep-water port serving the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Tan area.

In fact, as early as April this year, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government issued the "Several Opinions on Implementing the Strategy of Strengthening the Provincial Capital to Support the High-Quality Development of Changsha City", and Xiangyin Yugong Port was included in the list of important water transportation hub projects in the strategy of "Strengthening the Provincial Capital" Among them; in May, a seminar on the development and construction of the Xiangyin area of ​​Xiangjiang New District in Hunan was held. Experts gathered to provide advice and suggestions on accelerating the construction of Yugong Port... "As of now, Yugong Port has completed project feasibility review, social stability risk assessment, etc. Preliminary work such as survey, design and environmental impact assessment are also being accelerated. "The reporter learned from the Yugong Port Project Construction Headquarters that 12 5,000-ton berths and 1 support berth have been arranged at Yugong Port. Next, Xiangyin will return. We will continue to strengthen the docking with Changsha City, make every effort to solve related problems in the early construction of the terminal, and promote the early start of project construction.

The reporter noticed that the strategy of "strengthening the provincial capital" has already had a clear planning context for it - "support the Xiangyin area of ​​Xiangjiang New District to vigorously develop the port economy and advanced manufacturing industry , and rely on Yugong Port to build Xiangjiang New District port industry. Integration zone, improve the ability to connect rivers and seas, and promote Changsha's northern expansion to better integrate into the Yangtze River Economic Belt. "Optimize and expand direct water transport routes from rivers and seas, support the construction of the Xiangjiang River Changsha to Chenglingji first-class waterway, and promote integration with Yueyang Yugong Port and Chengling Ji Port and other river and lake ports develop collaboratively. "

shoulders the trust and expectation of "connecting the river to the sea". Yugong Port is leading the tide of Changzhutan's deep integration into the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and is advancing with the times and marching towards high quality. The drumbeat of development marches forward with all our strength.

Red Net Moment Reporter Xiao Yi Correspondent Yiping and the northern end of the Xiangjiang River, the rise of Xiangyin! On July 13, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Mao Weiming came to the Changsha-Yueyang section of the Xiangjiang River to patrol  - DayDayNews

Rendering of Xiangyin Yugong Port and Hong Kong-Industry Linkage Zone.

The first phase of the project to expand the circle of friends is expected to start construction this year.

Throughout the country, ports have always been the node of a city's foreign trade , shouldering the important task of leading development. At the same time, they will also vigorously build port-side industrial zones for the cities where they are located. , Create good conditions for the development of manufacturing and other industries. The formation of big cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Tianjin, as well as the rise of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta , and Pearl River Delta economic circles, have also fully confirmed the huge role of ports in promoting the economic and social development of cities and even regions.

"Yugong Port has a perennial navigation capacity of 5,000 tons. We should strive to build it into the 'Xiangjiang New Area Free Trade Port' and the gateway to the Yangtze River and the Sea from Changsha, Zhuzhou and Tan." Liu, professor and director of the Economic Research Institute of Hunan Normal University Maosong once said this at a seminar on development and construction of Xiangyin area.

It is reported that the development and construction of Yugong Port can extend the golden waterway of the Yangtze River to the inland of Hunan for nearly 100 kilometers. It will not only become the most convenient large terminal for Changsha City and Xiangjiang New District to directly "connect the river to the sea", but also complement the provincial capital Changsha. The shortcomings of water transportation can make up for the shortcomings of the Changzhutan area being far away from Chenglingji Port. It can also facilitate the distribution of logistics in Yiyang, Changde and other surrounding areas at Yugong Port, promoting the Changzhutan urban agglomeration and the Yangtze River economy. Seamless connection and integration of straps.

At present, Xiangyin County has reached strategic cooperation agreements with Shenzhen Yantian Port Group and Hunan Xiangjiang Group. Among them, the first phase project of Yugong Port and Port-Industry Linkage Zone plans to invest 5 billion yuan, mainly building 4 5,000-ton berths and The port transportation system is expected to officially start construction this year and be completed and operational in 2025. In addition, the Yugong Port railway dedicated line has also been included in the province's "14th Five-Year Plan" railway development plan, and the dredging project of the Yugong Port to Chenglingji channel has been included in this year's start plan.

Focus on building the Xiangjiang New District Lingang Economic Zone with Hong Kong. It is worth noting that on June 14, the Provincial Chang-Zhuzhou-Zhuzhou-Tan Integrated Development Leading Group Office issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of the Chang-Zhu-Tan Metropolitan Area (2022-2026)" ", in terms of the construction of key areas, the plan points out that the Lingang (Changyue) area should be laid out and constructed within the urban area, giving full play to the location advantages of Yugong Port and its navigation capacity of 5,000 tons all year round and 10,000 tons in wet periods. Taking Xiangjiang New District as the main body, it will drive Xiangyin County in Yueyang City to strengthen the coordinated development of Yugong Port and Chenglingji Port, link up the development of Changsha Port , Xiangtan Port and Zhuzhou Port, and strive to create a hub for the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Tan metropolitan area to connect the river and the sea. Port and port industrial clusters.

In the future, Yugong Port may become the gateway to external relations and the hub of economic and trade exchanges in the Xiangyin area; it will become the leader in driving the county's economic development, and it will also become the bridgehead for Changsha, the provincial capital, to go to the ocean and the world.

Red Net Moment Reporter Xiao Yi Correspondent Yiping and the northern end of the Xiangjiang River, the rise of Xiangyin! On July 13, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Mao Weiming came to the Changsha-Yueyang section of the Xiangjiang River to patrol  - DayDayNews

Planning of collection and distribution channels in Yugong Port District, Xiangyin.

To develop industry through port and city through industry, “strengthening the provincial capital” must strengthen the port! In the future, Xiangyin will leverage the construction of Yugong Port to promote the development of port-facing industries, promote the port's construction with the great development of port-facing industries, and realize the development of port-city integration and industry-city integration. "We will vigorously develop open economic services such as port processing, warehousing logistics, and bonded services, actively build the province's logistics hub and export-oriented economic highland, and cultivate new growth poles for the future development of the Xiangyin area." Xiangyin County Party Committee Secretary Li Zhenjiang Expressed with confidence.

Only by looking back at the way we came can we know where we are going. Behind the vigorous promotion of the construction of Yugong Port is the heroic spirit of the Xiangyin people "the mainstay of the world is this peak", the ambition to "swallow thousands of miles like a tiger", the ambition to "stick to the green mountains and never relax", and even more so to "surge to the top of the mountain". Thousands of miles” spirit.

is the provincial capital with hundreds of teams vying for success! At present, Yugong Port is embarking on a new journey of comprehensive integration, aiming to connect the river and the sea! Xiangyin County will also always use rock-solid determination, seize the day and perseverance to further promote the integration of ports, industries and cities, and stride forward towards the goal of "strive to become one of the top ten counties in the province and build a satellite city of the provincial capital" OK, let’s write a wonderful new chapter for Yueyang to become a provincial sub-central city!

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