[Source: Ziyang.com] Ziyang.com (All Media Reporter Wu Xiaoming) On July 12, Wang Jinhua, Director of the Department of Social Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and his delegation went to Ziyang City to investigate civil affairs mental health and community rehabilitation

2024/06/2022:58:33 international 1731

[Source: Ziyang Net]

Ziyang Net News (All Media Reporter Wu Xiaoming) On July 12, Wang Jinhua, Director of the Social Affairs Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and his delegation went to Ziyang City to investigate civil affairs mental health and community rehabilitation work for mental disorders. Zhang Yuxing, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor, accompanied the investigation. The

research team came to Ziyang Psychiatric Hospital to further understand the city's mental health situation and the development of community rehabilitation for mental disorders through on-site inspections, listening to reports, and communication.

[Source: Ziyang.com] Ziyang.com (All Media Reporter Wu Xiaoming) On July 12, Wang Jinhua, Director of the Department of Social Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and his delegation went to Ziyang City to investigate civil affairs mental health and community rehabilitation  - DayDayNews

In recent years, our city has accelerated the construction of mental health and welfare facilities, innovated development models, standardized management services, and promoted significant progress in civil affairs mental health and welfare services. It has further played the role of the civil affairs department in ensuring and improving people's livelihood and promoting social harmony and stability. At the same time, in accordance with the arrangements of the Ministry and the Province on accelerating the development of community rehabilitation services for mental disorders, our city has explored the formation of a "comprehensive, professional and social" community rehabilitation service work model for mental disorders that is based on families, supported by institutions, and relied on social workers. , helping patients with mental disorders return to society. As of now, the number of registered mental patients in Ziyang City is 17,007, and there are 7 mental health specialized hospitals, including 3 public hospitals and 34 private hospitals, with more than 4,400 actual open beds. During the

survey, Wang Jinhua fully affirmed Ziyang's outstanding performance in the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and file management of patients with severe mental disorders after their return to society, and demonstrated the purpose of civil administration for the people, and the people's government.

Editor in charge: Nie Feng

Reviewer: Gan Debin

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