In order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by health work during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, effectively improve the city's health emergency response capabilities, and make every effort to do a good job in normalized prevention and control

2024/06/2416:03:32 international 1444

In order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by health work during the

In order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by health work during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, effectively improve the city's health emergency response capabilities, and make every effort to do a good job in the normalized prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic and emergency medical rescue On-site disposal work, from July 13th to 14th, the Municipal Health and Health Commission held a training course on health emergency professional knowledge of Taiyuan City’s health system. Sun Huisheng, member of the Municipal Health Working Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, attended the opening ceremony of the training class and delivered a speech.

In order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by health work during the

Deputy Director Sun Huisheng requested that all participants should clearly understand the situation, improve their stance, and continuously increase their sense of urgency and responsibility in epidemic prevention and control work. Currently, the global epidemic continues to spread, and the emergence of Omicron mutant strains continues to pose challenges to prevention and control work. Especially at present, many domestic provinces are reporting local sporadic or local clusters of epidemics, reminding us that we must adhere to prevention and control policies; Study hard, understand deeply, and accurately grasp the new requirements of the prevention and control plan. The launch of the ninth version of the prevention and control plan is to resolutely implement the general strategy of "preventing external input and domestic rebound", the general policy of "dynamic clearing of and ", and the general requirements of timely discovery, rapid disposal, precise control, and effective treatment. , all counties (cities, districts) must increase training efforts, conduct full-scale training, strictly implement national and provincial prevention and control requirements, and further improve the scientific nature and accuracy of prevention and control work; the requirements are to be pragmatic and combine learning with application , and continuously improve the emergency response capabilities for public health emergencies. In response to the early epidemic response, we must constantly summarize experience, draw lessons, improve the emergency response process, and submit information timely and accurately. In the process of flow traceability, we must give full play to the integration mechanism of , three public institutions, and (industry) to continuously improve the efficiency of epidemic response.

In order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements faced by health work during the

This training invited health emergency experts from the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and the Municipal Emergency Center to focus on health emergency management, flood disaster prevention, new coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control plan (ninth edition), and emergencies. Medical rescue on-site handling, emergency information reporting and other aspects were explained in detail; Xiaodian District , Jiancaoping District and Qingxu County respectively conducted meetings to communicate on the epidemic handling situation. Through the training, the participants' health emergency professional knowledge has been further enriched, the health emergency response capabilities have been improved, and a strong theoretical guarantee has been provided for effectively responding to public health emergencies.

Leaders in charge of the health and sports bureaus and disease control centers of each county (city, district), and the person in charge of the emergency office; responsible for the emergency, prevention, emergency and other departments of the emergency medical rescue hospital; directing the emergency response of all medical and health units A total of more than 100 people in charge of relevant departments such as prevention, protection, and emergency departments participated in the training.

Source: Taiyuan Municipal Health Commission

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