The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge.

2024/05/2218:02:33 international 1162

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The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its skilled hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge.

This time the United States was caught invading China's network again. 360 and The National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center issued reports respectively, disclosing in detail the situation of US network attacks. What's going on with

? 360 has made great contributions again. Did we in the past misunderstand and Zhou Hongyi ?

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

American network attacks were caught. The current

computer originated in the United States. The world's first computer was born in Pennsylvania, USA. The earliest computer products were mainly used to help humans improve work productivity.

As the United States dominates the 4G Internet, it has gradually changed the nature of computer use. It uses superb computer technology to launch cyber attacks on various countries in the Internet world and steal information and data. There are many reports at home and abroad about the United States' cyber theft, but the United States rarely acknowledges or explains it.

usually likes to speak on various events, but rarely remains silent on these matters. Silence is precisely a sign of guilty conscience.

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

Although the online world is ethereal, it is impossible to leave no trace at all. The United States thought it would not be discovered when it launched cyber attacks, but in fact it has been exposed to public view. This time, the United States was caught in a cyber attack.

According to a research report released by 360 and the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, the tool used to launch cyber attacks in the United States is called "Acid Fox", which is controlled by the National Security Agency (NSA). The main feature of

"Sour Fox" is the distributed architecture, which is composed of multiple servers. During a cyberattack, an "authenticator" Trojan is implanted to gain the ability to remotely run the implanted device. A report released by

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

360 stated that the "authenticator" can be installed remotely and manually on Windows operating systems, and is compatible with various Windows operating system versions.

Faced with all kinds of irrefutable evidence, the United States has once again been accused of intruding on the Internet, and China must give an explanation. Not only China, the United States also uses "sour fox" on its next-door neighbor Russia, as well as some of its allies. This shows the deep thinking of the United States.

Seeing this, I believe everyone has also discovered a problem, that is, the "verifier" Trojan of the American "Sour Fox" is implanted into the Windows operating system. This is the world's largest desktop operating system, built by Microsoft.

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

Prior to this, the United States made requirements to Microsoft and other American companies that they were not allowed to share security vulnerability information with China unless they obtained permission.

Looking at it now, these seemingly unrelated things are inexplicably connected. Why the United States does not allow Microsoft to share security vulnerability information with China may be to prevent Chinese companies from making up for existing security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. The other party takes advantage of undiscovered loopholes to achieve what they want.

It seems that it is very necessary for China to build its own domestic operating system. Only by using a domestic operating system can we have the final say in network security.

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

Fortunately, the domestic operating system has made a major breakthrough. At the end of June, Kirin Software released the first domestic desktop operating system developer platform "Open Kirin", which is helpful for strengthening the domestic operating system root community and deepening domestic network security protection. Significance.

360 If you make another meritorious service, have you misunderstood Zhou Hongyi?

What you need to know is that 360 company is indispensable for the fact that the United States was caught this time. If 360 had not disclosed the research report, many people might have been kept in the dark and unable to respond in time. The more facts 360 discloses about U.S. cyber attacks, the more in-depth the prevention will be, and the other party will lose opportunities to take advantage of it.

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

However, in the eyes of many people, 360 is the representative of bundled software and FamilyMart ecology. After many users download 360’s application products, they always download various applications inexplicably. It turns out that in the inconspicuous corner of 360 ecological products, the option to download applications is checked by default.

In addition, 360’s online image is not as good as before, leading people to question whether 360 is reliable. As 360 disclosed key network security reports and made great achievements many times, we in the past may have misunderstood Zhou Hongyi. The company

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

360 has actually been guarding domestic network security and uncovering traces of network attacks hidden in the dark depths. As for why users have a relatively negative image, it may be inseparable from 360's lack of management of ecological products and limited profitability of a single business, resulting in a certain dependence on advertising business.

If you have an in-depth understanding of 360, you will find that this company's business model has changed a lot. It is no longer a pure Internet company, but strictly speaking a digital security company. Strengthen digital security prevention in the online world and solve a series of network security problems.

The United States has played tricks in the online world more than once, using its proficient hacking methods to invade other countries' networks and steal information. News about cyberattacks in the United States continues to emerge. - DayDayNews

It can be seen from the network security research report released by 360 that the United States has no intention of restraining itself even if a cyber attack is discovered. Before catching the "acid fox" in action, the United States was repeatedly exposed to launch cyber attacks. Therefore, companies like 360 ​​are more needed in China to invest in network security and protect information security.


The United States invented the world's first computer and led the development of the Internet industry. It is undeniable that the United States has contributed in these aspects. But this is not a reason for the United States to launch cyber attacks at will. I hope the United States understands that technology should be used in reasonable places to benefit all mankind.

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