Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power. In mid-January this year, on the occasion of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a five-episode TV special "Zero Tolerance" was aired, triggering a strong response.

2024/06/0700:35:32 international 1117

Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the operation of power

- Comprehensively win the tough and protracted battle against corruption ⑦

In mid-January this year, on the occasion of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a 5-episode TV feature film " "Zero Tolerance " was broadcast, triggering a strong response. The special film selected a total of 16 cases and interviewed more than 140 disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, relevant review and investigation subjects, personnel involved, cadres and the masses, vividly telling the story of the Party Central Committee's comprehensive and strict governance of the Party Party and promoting the anti-corruption struggle, and demonstrating the supervision of the Party and the state. The great power of the system.

Supervision is an intrinsic element of governance and plays an important role in managing and governing the party and the country. Not long ago, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its 40th collective study session on promoting the principles of not being corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt. General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically summarized the remarkable results our party has achieved in the fight against corruption from six aspects. One of the important aspects of the important experience accumulated is: "strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power, deepen the reform of the party's disciplinary inspection system and the national supervision system, achieve full coverage of intra-party supervision and full coverage of supervision of public officials, and strengthen the party's self-supervision and mass supervision, to connect the discovery of problems, promote rectification, promote reform, and improve the system, educate and guide party members and cadres to use power impartially, use power in accordance with the law, use power honestly, and use power for the people." To comprehensively win the tough and protracted war against corruption, we must improve the supervision system with unified party leadership, comprehensive coverage, authority and efficiency, enhance the seriousness, coordination and effectiveness of supervision, and form a power operation mechanism with scientific decision-making, firm execution and powerful supervision. , to ensure that the power granted by the party and the people is always used to seek happiness for the people.

The party and state supervision system is an important institutional guarantee for the party to achieve self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement under long-term governance conditions. From bringing all public officials who exercise public power into the scope of national supervision to gradually forming a "four full coverage" pattern, from vigorously promoting "tangible coverage" to moving toward "effective coverage"... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Xi Jinping The Party Central Committee with its core as the core regards the power of restriction and supervision as an important guarantee to maintain the physical health of the party, uses intra-party supervision to promote other supervision, and has embarked on a path of supervision with Chinese characteristics. Take inner-party supervision as the leading role and guide all types of supervision to find their correct position and play their role. Strengthen the dedicated supervision of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, promote the coordination and coordination of disciplinary supervision, supervisory supervision, stationed supervision, and inspection supervision, and promote the supervision of the National People's Congress, democratic supervision, administrative supervision, judicial supervision, audit supervision, accounting supervision, statistical supervision, and mass supervision. , public opinion supervision is organically connected and coordinated with each other, and can maximize the overall effectiveness of supervision. Practice has fully proved that our party can rely on its own strength to identify problems, correct deviations, deepen reforms, strengthen governance, promote the overall improvement of governance capabilities, and ensure that the red country will never change color by ensuring that the party never deteriorates.

Strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power. In mid-January this year, on the occasion of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a five-episode TV special

(Picture source: CCTV)

The essence of corruption is the derailment of power and deviant behavior. Many corruption problems are related to unscientific allocation of power, irregular use, and inadequate supervision. The most fundamental thing to restrict and supervise power is to improve the allocation of power and the operation restriction mechanism. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, whether it is standardizing the responsibilities and authority of the main leading cadres of the party and government at all levels, scientifically allocating the powers and functions of party and government departments and internal institutions, or implementing the power list system and disclosing the power operation process in accordance with the law, all of them have focused on authorization, In the aspects of power use and control, we should reasonably determine the ownership of power, draw the boundaries of power, clarify the power list , clarify what powers can and cannot be used, strengthen the control of the power process, compress the discretionary space, and eliminate all kinds of black-box operations. Put the exercise of power under the supervision of party organizations and the people to minimize the space for power rent-seeking.

Through continuous efforts, has improved the party and state supervision system . It has moved from laying foundations and pillars in the early stage to comprehensively advancing and building momentum in the mid-term, and has entered a new stage of system integration, collaboration and efficiency.On the new journey of , we must deepen the reform of the party and state supervision systems, take inner-party supervision as the leading factor, and ensure that all types of supervision are coordinated and coordinated to form a comprehensive, regular and long-lasting joint supervision force to ensure that power is not abused. We must focus on reducing opportunities for corruption, seize key powers such as policy formulation, decision-making procedures, approval and supervision, law enforcement and justice, strictly enforce responsibilities and authority, standardize work procedures, strengthen political power to restrict work, and reduce improper interference of power in work's microeconomic work activities. It is necessary to effectively prevent the growth of corruption, move the anti-corruption defense line forward, strengthen daily management and supervision, and accurately use the "four forms" to catch the small ones early, prevent the subtle changes, and build defenses at all levels.

Upholding and improving the party and state supervision system is an important content and important guarantee for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. With a thorough self-revolutionary spirit, unswervingly promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party, strengthen restrictions and supervision on the exercise of power, and persist in upholding discipline and anti-corruption, we will surely be able to break out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos, lead and guarantee The majestic giant ship of socialism with Chinese characteristics has made steady progress.

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