According to Agence France-Presse, British Prime Minister Johnson delivered a speech on the 7th and announced his resignation as leader of the British Conservative Party, but will remain as prime minister until the ruling Conservative Party elects a new leader as the new prime mi

2024/06/1105:33:32 international 1113

According to AFP report, British Prime Minister Johnson gave a speech on the 7th and announced his resignation as leader of the British Conservative Party, but will remain as prime minister until the ruling party Conservative Party elects a new party leader as the new prime minister. According to the latest report from British Sky News on the 7th, Johnson's predecessor and former British Prime Minister Theresa May denied that she would serve as the caretaker prime minister on the same day, but said that the new leader of the Conservative Party should focus on "healing the division." .

According to Agence France-Presse, British Prime Minister Johnson delivered a speech on the 7th and announced his resignation as leader of the British Conservative Party, but will remain as prime minister until the ruling Conservative Party elects a new leader as the new prime mi - DayDayNews

Former British Prime Minister Theresa May (data map)

reported that Theresa May accepted questions from reporters when she gave a speech in London that day. When asked whether she would serve as caretaker prime minister, she said she did not see the need for another person to serve as caretaker prime minister. When asked what qualities she hopes the new leader of the Conservative Party has, she responded, "I hope to see someone who wants to focus on healing divisions and uniting the country and the party. This will be very important in the future."

Teresa May also took the United States as an example, saying, "When I see the political polarization in some other countries and the United States, I am very worried." “I think we need to make sure we avoid going down a path of political and social polarization,” she said.

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