In order to implement the requirements of building a "3+1" theory-armed work system and further promote the "telling stories and learning theories" activities, Taojiazhuang Village, Zaoyuan Town recently organized a "telling stories and learning theories" activity to tell the par

2024/06/0812:17:32 international 1136

Telling stories

Learning theories

In order to implement the requirements of building a In order to implement the requirements of building a

In order to implement the requirements of building a "3+1" theory-armed work system and further promote the "telling stories and learning theories" activities, Taojiazhuang Village, Zaoyuan Town organized a "telling stories and learning theories" recently. activities, telling the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping to the party members in the village, and further improving the theoretical literacy and skills of the party members in the village.

In order to implement the requirements of building a In order to implement the requirements of building a

event site, using on-site teaching and personal self-study. Yan Gongshang, secretary of the general party branch, led everyone to study some chapters of "Xi Jinping in Fujian" and took the lead in giving lectures on their experiences. Members of the village's "two committees" compared their insights, discussed and analyzed, and shared their gains. By learning the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s hard work, we can learn the spirit of being responsible and courageous, and promote specific work to achieve practical results.

Everyone present said that through the "Storytelling and Learning Theory" activity, they had a deeper understanding of the party's theory, which effectively improved their enthusiasm for theoretical learning and the effectiveness of their work.

In the next step, our town will further strengthen its sense of responsibility and learning, innovate working methods, enrich learning content, learn theories from the brain into the heart, integrate and understand thoughts, take action and take action, strive to be the first to be first-class, and earnestly grasp Build a good foundation for theoretical learning activities, work hard to integrate learning, thinking, application, and unify knowledge, practice, and belief, combine arming the mind with guiding practice and promoting work, and reflect the results of activities with actual performance.

In order to implement the requirements of building a

Editor: Wang Liping

Proofreader: Wang Ping

Reviewer: Xie Yikang

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