Many people still have fresh memories of the "Prism" incident. The Prism Project, a top-secret electronic surveillance program, aroused strong repercussions around the world at that time and once caused tensions between the United States and Europe.

2024/05/2108:39:32 international 1104

Many people still have fresh memories of the "Prism" incident. Project Prism, a top-secret electronic surveillance program, aroused strong repercussions around the world at that time and once led to tensions between the United States and Europe. In fact, this is by no means the only secret plan carried out by the United States.

According to the US news investigation website "The Interceptor", the US Department of Defense has used a secret agency called "127e" to provoke as many as 14 proxy wars in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions.

The news also pointed out that the United States uses this secret agency to allow the U.S. military to cooperate with irregular forces around the world to carry out so-called "anti-terrorism operations." The main means is to provide these militants with weapons support, intelligence support, and daily training to allow them to To target countries that are hostile to the United States.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

According to multiple former officials of the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. military has conducted "127e" operations in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia and other countries.

In the four years from 2017 to 2020 alone, the United States lost US$310 million in this operation, while causing a large number of civilian deaths.

Ironically, at the recent 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, US representatives were still criticizing so-called "false information," claiming that false information can undermine social stability, spread chaos, and shake public confidence.

Regarding the unreasonable behavior of the US representative, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian's response was sharp: The United States is indeed very experienced in this area, they themselves are masters of disinformation. The U.S. representative’s criticism of “false information” is tantamount to exposing one’s own ugliness.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

At the same time, Zhao Lijian also listed a series of common tactics used by the United States, such as describing civilian casualties as "collateral damage," describing murder as a "key operation," and describing torture to extract confessions as "enhanced interrogation." Talk about killing civilians as "consuming the enemy" and so on.

To give the simplest example, the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 resulted in more than 200,000 local civilian casualties. The then US Secretary of State Powell held up a bottle of white powder at the United Nations conference and claimed that this was what Iraq called "large-scale" Evidence of "destructive weapons", "washing powder" has since become a classic synonym in international politics.

The "127e" incident revealed by the American media this time is just the tip of the iceberg of various covert operations in the United States. Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia and other countries, just looking at a series of names, people will know how destructive the United States' "127e" is.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

In the past few years, almost all of these countries have experienced serious problems such as political turmoil, regime changes, internal wars, rampant terrorist attacks, and economic collapse. These are all "masterpieces" of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies. A country like

actually upholds "justice" and upholds "human rights" everywhere in the world. This is a travesty for all mankind. There are many reasons why scandals such as prism gate and "127e" occur one after another.

First of all, the United States does have the strongest comprehensive national power in the world. Before the rise of China in the past 20 years, there was no country in the world that was even slightly close to the United States in strength.

This has led to the United States acting unscrupulously around the world, putting its own national interests above other countries in the world, creating turmoil one after another in underdeveloped regions and small and medium-sized countries, completely disregarding the basic conscience of mankind. This is The disaster that hegemonic has brought to the world.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

Secondly, the reason why the US military is unscrupulous is directly related to its control of international public opinion. The current dominance of international public opinion on is completely in the hands of the United States and other Western countries, and things that turn a deer into a horse are repeated frequently.

Take this Ukrainian war as an example. Ukraine has a long-standing grievance with Russia. It is difficult to explain the right and wrong in just a few words. However, from the first minute of the war, the United States and other Western countries used the two words "invasion" Words characterize this war.

Over the past two decades, the United States and its allies have bombed Yugoslavia , Syria, and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a fact before us.

However, when these acts of aggression are mentioned internationally, ambiguous terms such as the Yugoslav War, Iraq War, and Afghanistan War are used. The hegemony of Western public opinion is evident from this.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

has the most powerful national power in the world, which allows the United States to have the capital to invade the world, allowing them to do evil everywhere without suffering international moral condemnation.

The reason why the United States is so angry at China is because China also has strong comprehensive strength and cannot be bullied casually. At the same time, China is also one of the five permanent members of the Security Council and a leader of developing countries. China often exposes US aggression internationally.

If it were any other country, the U.S. military, politics, economy, and public opinion would have been unable to hold on for a long time.

Many people still have fresh memories of the

Generally speaking, the United States is the main culprit of the world's turmoil. Wherever there is injustice, it will be there, and wherever there is injustice, there will be injustice.

If we want world peace, the peace-loving countries in the world must join forces to end the hegemony of the United States and at the same time bring order to international public opinion, so that mankind can start a new beautiful era.

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