According to Reuters in Berlin on July 1, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk was criticized for defending Stepan Bandera in an interview. But in an interview published by blogger Thilo Jung on June 30, Melnyk said that Bandera was not a "murderer of Poles and Jews," ca

2024/05/1618:16:32 international 1423

According to Berlin news on July 1, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrei Melnyk was arrested for defending Stepan Bandera (former leader of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army") in an interview. He was criticized for participating in the massacre of Jews and Poles during World War II.

reported that Melinick is known for his active social media communication. But in an interview published by blogger Thilo Jung on June 30, Melnyk said that Bandera was not a "murderer of Poles and Jews," causing an uproar and drawing the attention of the Polish government and the Israeli ambassador. The museum’s condemnation.

The Israeli embassy wrote on Twitter: "The Ukrainian ambassador's remarks are a distortion of historical facts, downplay the Holocaust and are an insult to those killed by Bandera and his men."

According to Reuters in Berlin on July 1, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk was criticized for defending Stepan Bandera in an interview. But in an interview published by blogger Thilo Jung on June 30, Melnyk said that Bandera was not a

Data map : Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk

reported that Even the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs distanced itself from Melnyk’s remarks, saying that they did not represent the views of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Poland Foreign Minister expressed his gratitude to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its stance.

The report also pointed out that in the discussion about Germany's obligations to Ukraine, Melnyk was considered to have used his status as the Ukrainian ambassador to continuously put pressure on German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz.

reports that despite initial reluctance, Scholz has been increasing arms supplies to Ukraine.

Source: Reference message

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