Over the past six months, U.S. inflation has stabilized at a more aggressive pace, ranging from 6% to 8%, and the trend has remained elevated.

2024/03/2200:59:32 international 1617

It is not difficult to see from Biden 's wanton squandering of national capital after he came to power. Although he inherited the inherent hegemonic ambitions of the United States, he lacked the economic acumen that he should have in a high position. As a result, the U.S. economy is currently experiencing a severe downturn.

Over the past six months, U.S. inflation has stabilized at a more aggressive rate, from 6% to 8%, and the trend has remained stubbornly high. According to statistics from relevant U.S. departments, if the tariffs imposed on China are lifted, the U.S. inflation rate will drop by 1.3%. This is undoubtedly the first choice for the crisis-plagued U.S. economy to get out of the cliff.

Over the past six months, U.S. inflation has stabilized at a more aggressive pace, ranging from 6% to 8%, and the trend has remained elevated. - DayDayNews

Biden intends to turn to China

Biden may also be aware of this, so he instructed US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo to conduct research and consider canceling some tariffs on China. Raimondo also changed his tough tone in the past. She said that relevant departments are considering it and emphasized that it is reasonable to remove some tariffs.

Raimondo said it would make sense to weigh the removal of tariffs on Chinese products such as household goods and bicycles. In addition to Commerce Secretary Raimondo, Treasury Secretary Yellen also advocates the elimination of some tariffs. She said frankly that the entire package of tariffs made little strategic sense. To relieve inflation pressure in the US, at least some of them could be eliminated. According to a research report by relevant experts, if the Biden administration cancels all tariffs on Chinese goods, the U.S. inflation rate is expected to drop by 1.3 percentage points. Despite strong voices in the United States, the U.S. Trade Representative remains indifferent.

U.S. Trade Representative Dai Qi said that the problem of fighting inflation is extremely complex and cannot be solved simply by removing tariffs on Chinese goods. Therefore, she does not advocate this approach to mitigating the crisis. Dai Qi believes that sanctions against China still cannot be relaxed, and the dispute between the two factions puts Biden in a dilemma.

Over the past six months, U.S. inflation has stabilized at a more aggressive pace, ranging from 6% to 8%, and the trend has remained elevated. - DayDayNews

The United States seeks help from China and suppresses China

The outside world has noticed that although the United States seeks help from China, in the context of Sino-US competition, the US government is unwilling to make more concessions. It is reported that US President Biden has announced a measure to promote the development of the US solar panel industry.

Over the past six months, U.S. inflation has stabilized at a more aggressive pace, ranging from 6% to 8%, and the trend has remained elevated. - DayDayNews

According to reports, the two core measures include a 24-month tariff exemption for solar modules purchased from four Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam), as well as authorization to use the Defense Production Law 》Accelerate domestic manufacturing of solar modules. Regarding this U.S. policy, many Western media said that this has not allowed China to make a huge profit? But the U.S. government says these policy exemptions do not involve China.

It can be seen that the United States still has double standards towards China. It wants to ask China for help and suppress China. Unfortunately, the United States' dream will still not come true.

(Source: Feng Honglin Archives) Please contact us for image or text infringement to delete

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