Dog owners have a habit of petting their dogs’ heads whenever something happens. When you stroke your dog's "head", in his mind, this is what he thinks. ① "You must love me very much!" Some dogs don't like to be touched, but the owner insists on touching its head. The dog cannot

Everyone who owns a dog has a habit of petting the dog's head whenever something happens. When you stroke your dog's "head", in his mind, this is what he thinks.

① "You must love me very much!"

Some dogs don't like to be touched, but the owner insists on touching its head, and the dog can only accept it if it can't resist. I am still thinking: The master must love me very much, otherwise why would he touch me so often.

Only people who have the trust of dogs will take the initiative to let you pet them. What type of dog is yours?

② "You are praising me!"

When the dog completes a task and feels very proud, he will go to the owner to ask for praise. At this time, the owner touches its head, and the dog will feel that his efforts have been rewarded. In return, I will be happy.

When training dogs, give them more praise to make them more motivated to learn.

③ "Massage me?"

All dog owners have the habit of petting dogs. They hold the dog and knead it from head to toe. This behavior of the owner is seen by the dog as massaging it. If the technique is good, If so, the dog will appear very comfortable, squinting its eyes and enjoying the caress of its owner.

Petting your dog every day can cultivate feelings and make your dog love you more, which will also increase its obedience.

④ "Show me good intentions?"

When you are not familiar with your dog, touch its head to show your good intentions. In the dog's eyes, it means: Do you want to be friends with me? Play with me?

If the dog does not resist your touch and rubs your hand, it will respond to you like this, which means that it is willing to make friends with you.

⑤ "Did I do something wrong again?"

Sometimes the dog breaks down the house and bites things randomly. It does not understand that it has done something wrong. Only when it sees the owner's face is wrong and the tone is fierce, the dog feels guilty. Danger, I did something wrong again.

At this time, if the owner reaches out to touch its head, the dog will think that you want to hit it and will shrink back. I thought to myself: Did I do something wrong again?

Therefore, the focus of dog training should not be on beating and scolding, but also on correction. It is best to catch the dog making mistakes and then correct its mistakes. The tone should be serious. If your dog sees you being so cruel, he may not do it again next time, and he will develop good habits in the future.

If your dog behaves well every day, you should also encourage it and feed it some snacks it likes to eat, which will be good.

⑥ "Feed me breakfast"

A dog's biological clock is very accurate. It needs to get up at 10:00 every day, eat, go out for a walk and eliminate. If it sees that its owner has not gotten up yet, it will urge you.

If the owner touches the dog's head soothingly, they will know that you are about to get up, and they will have food right away.

When raising a dog, you need to feed it regularly. Don’t starve the dog, as this will be bad for the dog’s stomach in the long run. Try to choose dog food that is nutritious and easy to digest.

Conclusion: Does your dog like to be petted?