These lions were enjoying their trophies and did not realize that they had intruded into the rhino territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food looked up. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting close

2024/07/0217:13:32 housepet 1476

These lions were enjoying their trophies, unaware that they had intruded into the rhino's territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food raised his head. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting closer to him, and he was afraid that he could not beat him, so he hid behind him. However, the other lion probably had eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, and did not take the rhino seriously at all, and continued on. They are both the top predators on the grassland. Which animal do you think is stronger? Vote for it and let's see what the outcome will be?

These lions were enjoying their trophies and did not realize that they had intruded into the rhino territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food looked up. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting close - DayDayNews

Rhinos have very strong attack power, no weaker than lions, especially in terms of their size. The most powerful attacking weapon of rhinos is the horn on the top of its head, which can grow up to about 150 centimeters. , even though their bodies are very bulky, they can run up to 45 kilometers per hour. With extremely fast sprinting and a sharp weapon hanging on their heads, this kind of lethality is unstoppable, not even lions. He is the king of the grassland. If there is a fight, it is really not certain who will win. I saw the rhino group watching carefully. This lion is not afraid at all when faced with the rhino crowd, even if it is only one of them. The lion was still eating the food here. The rhinoceros was not afraid at all when he saw this lion. He probably thought that it was very powerful and did not take the initiative to attack the lion.

These lions were enjoying their trophies and did not realize that they had intruded into the rhino territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food looked up. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting close - DayDayNews

The other lions around were also silently observing every move of the rhino group. They were much less courageous than the lion in front. They hid behind each other. The rhino group kept observing this lion for a long time. The lion was impatient and tried to intimidate them. He was the king of the grassland after all. When the rhino group heard the lion making a sound, they subconsciously took a few steps back. None of them dared to attack it. This lion It seems that it doesn't pay attention to the rhino herd at all. It only cares about when it can fill its stomach, and this opportunity is very rare for it. The companions around it are afraid to come forward. Only it can enjoy this delicacy alone. It can be said that it is a joke with its life just to eat something. The group of rhinos is getting closer and closer to the lions. The lions in the back are starting to get nervous, but the one in front of them is getting nervous. A lion is just like a normal person.

These lions were enjoying their trophies and did not realize that they had intruded into the rhino territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food looked up. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting close - DayDayNews

After eating and drinking, the lion stayed with its companions to enjoy the afternoon sunshine. This territory was the territory of the rhino, and they naturally would not leave. The lions who have been wandering around this group of lions seem to be in a better mood after eating and drinking. Many of them don't seem to want to start a war with them. They probably know in their hearts that these rhinos are not easy to mess with, and all of them are skinny. The meat is thick and rough. And now the rhino does not threaten the safety of the lion, so the lion has left the group. Who do you think will be more powerful if they fight alone? Welcome to leave a message below the video. See you in the next issue for more exciting content.

These lions were enjoying their trophies and did not realize that they had intruded into the rhino territory. A group of rhinos in the distance was also walking towards them. At this time, a lion who was eating food looked up. He noticed that the group of rhinos was getting close - DayDayNews

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