Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o

2024/07/0220:15:32 housepet 1214

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences?

If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its owner in its eyes! Follow me and read on!

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

Situation 1 of beating a cat: In terms of behavior

1. It may deliberately go to your bed or urinate and defecate on the sofa

2. It may scratch the cage when you sleep at night, affecting your rest.

3. Begins to be afraid of you and stay away from you, thereby Not getting close to you

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

4. They may often hide and have stress reactions when facing you. They feel that you want to punish them when you show up.

5. They may want to escape and don't like to be in the same space with you. It will feel that home is an unsafe place

6. It may go on a hunger strike and refuse to eat the food you feed it. In severe cases, it may go on a hunger strike until it dies.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

7. It may often hide behind the door, waiting for you to open the door. A sneak attack scares you at that moment

8. It may label you as an enemy, and when you get close to it, it will behave aggressively

Cat-beating Situation 2: In terms of personality

1. It may not trust you, and will become more aggressive. It is getting colder and colder. Even if you call it, it will ignore you.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

2. It does not want to be touched by you and will walk away when you get close to it.

3. It has no self-confidence and is even timid. It will be scared to hide at the slightest sign of trouble. When it gets up

4. It may become violent and destroy things at home, such as deliberately breaking cups on the table and scratching the sofa.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

5. It may become violent,

and will behave aggressively towards all creatures that come close to it

6. You may suffer from depression , your mind is hurt, you feel that you don't like it, and you are unhappy.

What are the harms of hitting a cat to the cat's body:

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

1. It may lead to a decrease in immunity and cause many diseases, such as the cat's respiratory tract. Problems, infectious diseases, cat plague , peritonitis , cystitis

2. Fractures may occur, and brain damage may occur if hit on the head

Therefore, whether it is accidental or intentional, please do not hit the cat. If you want to improve this problem, it is recommended to interact more with the cat and educate the cat correctly, which can be done with cat snacks. After all, it is a pet that wants to live with you for a lifetime.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

How to educate cats correctly:

1. Correct relationship

When the cat is young, it is necessary to establish a correct hierarchical relationship, so that it knows that you are the owner of this home, or let the cat regard you as its mother, so that it will If you listen to you obediently, your future education will become much easier.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

2. Good habits

Cats are generally well-behaved and obedient. Teaching them good habits from an early age will reduce the chance of making mistakes in the future.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

3. Stop the cat in time

If you catch a cat making a mistake on the spot, stop it in time, otherwise it will not know why you are angry, which will make it uneasy and not know how to get along with others, and it may develop other bad habits in the future. If the matter has already passed, there is absolutely no point in punishing the cat. If you want to catch it, just catch it.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

4. Clear rewards and punishments

Using methods of praise, rewards, and encouragement can truly have a positive meaning. Even if it does not work immediately, at least it will not be harmful in the future. But bad habits cannot be ignored, and rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. You can use a sprinkler to spray a little water on it, which is enough to show it that this thing is prohibited.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

5. No violence

Do not hit the cat with any object, it may cause harm to it. It will always remember it. When it sees you again, you will immediately run away. It will be very difficult to develop a relationship with it in the future.

Cats are relatively spiritual animals. In the process of raising a cat, if you hit it accidentally or intentionally, have you ever thought about the consequences? If your cat has the following conditions, it means that the cat no longer wants to rely on you, and you are not its o - DayDayNews

Finally, how do you educate your cat? Welcome to share and communicate in the comment area~

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