When your Bichon Frize is angry, as an owner, can you detect it in time? In fact, when it is angry, it will show it through its behavior. The "angry" the Bichon Frize is, the more obvious these 8 symptoms are. ①: Feeling aggrieved and miserable, Bichon Frize dogs have rich emotio

When your Bichon Frize becomes angry, as an owner, can you notice it in time?

Actually, when it is angry, it will show it through its behavior.

The more "angry" the Bichon Frize is, the more obvious these 8 symptoms will be.

①: I feel wronged and extremely uncomfortable.

The emotional expression of Bichon Frize is very rich.

will look aggrieved especially when it is angry.

So when it stops smiling at you,

may be angry.

Happiness and unhappiness are all written on his face,

is like a child.

②: Stay away from you and have a cold war with you.

A Bichon Frize with an arrogant personality,

has an even bigger temper when angry.

In order to show its unhappiness,

it will do many opposite behaviors.

is like staying away from you, not as clingy as usual.

③: Puss and urinates at home

How well-behaved a dog is at ordinary times,

how rebellious it is when angry.

In order to express its dissatisfaction,

it will even confront its owner.

Go out to pee? It doesn't!

It is meant to be peed at home,

and specially chosen in a corner.

By the time you find it, it will already stink to the sky.

④: Barking at you with a deep voice.

Don’t think that the Bichon Frize is easy to mess with.

It will also curse when it is angered.

In order to express its dissatisfaction,

it will bark at you,

to express its dissatisfaction.

⑤: Doesn’t listen to you

When it is happy, Bichon Frize is a good boy, but when

is unhappy, it is a rebellious child. When

calls it, it doesn't listen. If you catch it, it still runs.

just won't listen to you and wants to fight against you.

⑥: Not letting you touch its things

The angrier the Bichon Frize, the more possessive

will be of its own things.

Whenever it wants to touch its things,

it will make a snatching behavior,

not letting you touch it.

⑦: The behavior of biting you

When the Bichon Frize is angry,

although it says that it will not really bite its owner,

but in order to vent its little emotions,

will still pretend to bite the owner a few times,

let you know It's awesome.

⑧: Picky eating behavior

When it is angry,

will express dissatisfaction with the owner's behavior,

will also start to be picky even when feeding.

feeds it, but it doesn't eat and is picky about food.

Will your Bichon Frize be like this?

But the picky eating behavior of dogs may also be related to dog food itself.

If the palatability of the dog food is not good, it may also affect the Bichon Frize's appetite.

Therefore, if your Bichon Frize is also picky about food, it is recommended that you choose a more palatable dog food.

In addition, the editor here also gives you a little trick.

In fact, the Bichon Frize is very easy to coax. When it is angry, you can hug it appropriately, so that its arrogant mood will be relieved. Furthermore, you can also feed it some small snacks appropriately, so that it will be happier.

Conclusion: What does your Bichon Frize look like when he is angry?