Everyone must have heard of rabies. Once infected with rabies virus, it is almost equal to death. According to the international definition of the mortality rate of rabies virus, its mortality rate reaches 99.99%. And it is also recognized globally as the most lethal and dangerou

  rabies Everyone must have heard that once infected with rabies virus and then develop symptoms, it is almost equal to death. According to the international definition of the mortality rate of rabies virus, its mortality rate reaches 99.99%.

  and it is also the globally recognized virus with the highest fatality rate and the most dangerous virus. The reason for this is mainly affected by the following three aspects:

 1, attacking the nerves

  Rabies is a zoonotic disease. Its essence is rabies virus infection. It mostly exists in dogs, wolves, cats, etc. in carnivores. Rabies virus enters the body when a human is bitten by an infected or diseased animal. However, is different from other viruses. It belongs to the Coronaviridae family and is a neurotropic virus.

  Therefore, after infection, its will only stay in the muscle tissue for a short time, and start to modify and copy in small amounts. Then the virus will invade the patient's nerve endings, spinal cord and brain , and brainstem , cerebellum and other parts of the neuron attack , which is also the most dangerous point of rabies virus;

2, evading immunity

In fact, many viral infections are self-limiting diseases, such as common cold caused by rhinovirus infection , even if Even without any treatment, the virus can be killed by your own immune system. The reason why rabies virus is not recognized by the immune system is mainly because rabies virus has characteristics that other viruses do not have.

  During the process of invasion and infection, will secrete a kind of interferon , which suppresses the NF-kb response of the immune system. This kind of interferon can confuse the immune system , resulting in immune function failure. Normal recognition and removal of rabies virus. When the immune system detects the virus, it has often invaded the nervous system ; The length varies, and can even last several years. The reason for this is mostly related to the age of the infected person, the location of the wound, the depth of the wound, the number and toxicity of the invading virus.. Usually, the incubation period of most rabies is within 3 months.

  Once the rabies virus begins to develop in the neural pathway , it will advance to the central system of the infected person at a rate of 3mm per day. The course of the patient's disease from onset to death often does not exceed 10 days.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that so far, no rabies virus infection or patient has survived without vaccination of rabies vaccine .

  Therefore, everyone must not ignore the bite problem of cats and dogs, especially after being bitten by wild cats, wild dogs and other predators, the wound should be treated as soon as possible, and then go to the local CDC or hospital for rabies virus testing Vaccination treatment is the only way to minimize the chance of rabies.