There is a common topic among shit collectors: Is it better to have a cat or a dog? Everyone has different preferences for cats and dogs. Today we will take a look at the differences between raising cats and dogs. After reading this, you can make a decision! What is the differenc

2024/07/0211:44:33 housepet 1426

There is a common topic among scumbags, which is whether it is better to raise a cat or a dog? Everyone has different preferences for cats and dogs. Today we will take a look at the differences between raising cats and dogs. After reading this, you can make a decision!

There is a common topic among shit collectors: Is it better to have a cat or a dog? Everyone has different preferences for cats and dogs. Today we will take a look at the differences between raising cats and dogs. After reading this, you can make a decision! What is the differenc - DayDayNews

What is the difference between dogs and cats?

1. Living habits

Because dogs evolved from wolves that lived in groups, they are also very keen on social interaction. Sometimes the need for interaction with humans is greater than that of similar dogs, so dogs that are well socialized can be very enthusiastic and friendly to everyone.

In comparison, cats appear to be more independent. They are more sensitive and vigilant. At the same time, they also maintain an infinite curiosity to explore the world. In addition, they have a high degree of self-care ability, which allows them to have the freedom to move and sit still, so they do not It’s normal to be clingy.

2. In terms of personality

Many people may have heard the saying that dogs are loyal ministers and cats are traitorous ministers. Although this is the stereotype of many people, it also shows that most dogs are relatively close to each other, while most cats are happy-go-lucky and live comfortably with everyone.

Because dogs are derived from wolves, being gregarious is written in their DNA. In addition, they need to help humans hunt, which requires tacit understanding and obedience. Over time, the current dog personality is formed.

Cats have always been loners, and it is their nature to be aloof. In addition, cats’ jobs never require human participation. Even though many cats no longer need to catch mice, they have become accustomed to it.

There is a common topic among shit collectors: Is it better to have a cat or a dog? Everyone has different preferences for cats and dogs. Today we will take a look at the differences between raising cats and dogs. After reading this, you can make a decision! What is the differenc - DayDayNews

Suitable owners for cats :

1. Independent personality

Cats are not very clingy and will resist even being approached by their owners. If you cannot accept this trait, it is easy to cause frustration in the process of raising them. Feeling, and forcing the cat will also cause it to become stressed, which will cause greater harm to the body.

2. Considerate and attentive

Cats are more susceptible to stress and are particularly tolerant of pain. Many situations in life can cause them to have stress reactions , but they will still endure it, which requires a careful caretaker. The owner went to find something abnormal about the cat.

Note: Cats must undergo a physical examination when they are first brought home! Because many cats in cat houses and pet shops carry feline distemper virus, which is a virus with a high infectious fatality rate. If you are unfortunate enough to have feline distemper virus, don’t abandon the cat casually. You can use symptomatic treatment to treat it. Treat with antiemetics, antiemetic or antidiarrheal injections, Meowenda, and interferon .

There is a common topic among shit collectors: Is it better to have a cat or a dog? Everyone has different preferences for cats and dogs. Today we will take a look at the differences between raising cats and dogs. After reading this, you can make a decision! What is the differenc - DayDayNews

Suitable owners for dogs :

1. Have certain financial capabilities

If you want your dog to live well, it is not enough to just love it passionately. The dog needs to eat food, daily necessities, medical expenses, etc. Expenditure without a certain economic foundation will greatly compromise its life.

2. Love animals and be kind

Whether you want to raise a cat or a dog, you must have a love for pets and a goodwill towards life. This is the best mentality for raising dogs. If you only treat dogs as objects for venting and have no patience, then don’t keep pets.

3. Objective conditions permit dog-raising

Many people are not suitable for raising dogs due to their own conditions. For example, the apartment or building where they live does not allow dogs, or their family members do not like it, etc., and they insist on raising dogs. We really don't recommend it. When you have no choice but to abandon your dog, it has a huge physical and mental impact on them.

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