Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called "The Rebirth of the Eagle". What is wrong with this article?

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With the development of network technology and the popularization of the Internet, the speed of information dissemination is also accelerating. In the circle of friends and in Baidu recommendations, we can see many Internet cool articles , these "chicken soup" "It does play a role in motivating others and inspiring people to a certain extent, but there are also problems of mixed quality, difficulty in distinguishing true from false, and some wrong rumors even lead in the wrong direction.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must be the Internet article called "The Rebirth of the Eagle". What is wrong with this article?

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

The Rebirth of the Eagle

This refreshing Internet article titled "The Rebirth of the Eagle" has been circulating in the cyberspace for a long time, and the content it tells is indeed very touching. According to Shuangwen, the eagle, as the longest-lived bird in the world, can live up to 70 years . However, if the eagle wants to live such a long life, it needs to make a very difficult decision and achieve the most important transformation in its life.

That is when they reach 40 years old , their body functions will experience very serious aging. Its claws are no longer sharp and cannot catch running prey; its beak has also begun to become long and curved, making it unable to bite prey and obtain food; at the same time, its feathers have become thick and heavy, making it difficult to Take a long flight. At this time, it faces two choices: The first is to wait for death to come; the second is to actively realize the rebirth of life .

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

If you choose the reborn eagle, you will face a very painful and difficult period of time. During the 150 days rebirth time, it will not be able to eat effectively and can only endure the attack of hunger.

First, it must complete its nest building work on the highest mountain top and find a good habitat for its 150 days of rebirth. Then it will begin its crazy and painful rebirth process. It will aim its long and curved beak at the cliff and bang it hard to make these aging beaks fall off, and then wait for the new beak to slowly grow out.

After the new beak grows out, it has to endure the pain of plucking out its nails one by one, and also plucks out all its feathers, and then waits for all the nails and feathers to grow out. The process lasts 150 days.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

After 150 days, the eagle will regain a new beak, feathers and nails, and then fly freely for another 30 years. The story of is widely circulated. The earliest version in China can no longer be found. The English name of the story abroad is rebirth of the eagle, and it is also accompanied by a video and English explanation. The pictures in the video are really shocking and make people feel. All difficulties can be overcome, and you cannot give up easily in the face of any difficulties.

However, the voices of doubt about this cool article have never stopped. What is going on?

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

Reasons for questioning

The first point is the questioning of the translation method. The prototype of the story "The Rebirth of the Eagle" comes from the United Kingdom, and it has been widely questioned since it was translated. The name of the English version is "rebirth of the eagle", and the corresponding Chinese translation is the rebirth of the eagle, but there are errors in this translation process. The translation of the word Eagle as "eagle" is actually inaccurate. It should be more accurately translated as "eagle", and the animal in the foreign video is also an "eagle".

Although both eagles and eagles belong to the Accipitridae animals, the eagle belongs to the buzzard subfamily , and the eagle belongs to the Accipitridae . Moreover, the size of the eagle is significantly larger than that of the eagle, and the eagle is more vicious than the eagle. , has a stronger hunting ability. It can be seen that the creature in the foreign story originally referred to an eagle, but an error occurred during the translation process and was mistranslated as an eagle.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

The second point is the question about age. Currently, the longest-lived bird in the world is the sunflower-cockatoo . Its average lifespan can reach 80 years. However, this longest-lived bird is already on the verge of extinction.According to the video, there are only a handful of birds that can reach the age of 70. Another large bird named macaw has an average lifespan of about 70 years. For the protagonists in the story, whether they are eagles or eagles, their average life span is difficult to reach or approach the age of 70.

Currently, the average age of eagles living in the wild is about 20 years old. Among them, the longest-lived eagle is the world's largest bird - Andean condor . This kind of condor can live up to about 50 years old. . The life span of artificially bred eagles can reach about 40 years, but it is far from the 70 years mentioned in the article.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

The third point of doubt is the biological doubt about the possibility of rebirth. We need to know that aging is definitely not the unilateral aging of a certain part or organ, but the all-round aging of the entire body. Aging refers to the gradual decrease in the physical and psychological adaptability of the entire body to the environment and its gradual death.

From a microscopic perspective, the cells in the body are aging, and the activity of the cells is less than before. At the same time, all cells in the body undergo general aging, and this aging is harmful and irreversible. Therefore, according to the current level of science and technology, humans are powerless against aging.

Mammals like eagles will certainly not change the aging of cells throughout their bodies by simply changing their feathers and nails, so this kind of aging cannot be fundamentally reversed.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

The fourth point is to question the ability of the eagle's beak to regenerate. The eagle's feathers can be regenerated after being plucked, but it is difficult for the beak to be regenerated. The growth of the beak is controlled by the eagle's internal DNA. As an important part of the eagle's body, it is non-renewable like human limbs. Once damaged or broken, it cannot be regenerated. For example, in July 2016, a beak-breaking incident of a red-crowned crane occurred in a zoo in Northeast my country. This red-crowned crane accidentally broke off its upper beak due to a fight with other red-crowned cranes, which seriously hindered the normal eating of the red-crowned crane. In order to help it resume normal eating, the staff had no choice but to print a new prosthetic beak with titanium alloy through 3D printing , and surgically attached it to the broken part of the red-crowned crane, which helped it regain its normal eating ability. .

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

The eagle's beak plays a very important role for the eagle. Eagles prey on small animals through their hard beaks, and they can use their beaks to bite hard food and peck open nuts. At the same time, this beak can also help them build eagle nests on cliffs. It can be said that when an eagle loses its beak, it is equivalent to losing its ability to survive.

The fifth point is the doubt about the authenticity of the eagle's active self-mutilation. needs to know that if the eagle goes through the so-called rebirth according to the process described in the story, this is a proper act of self-mutilation. It cannot hunt for 150 days. Can its food reserves be sustained? And for mammals that need to survive competition in the wild, they will consider the consequences of anything they do, and have a strong tendency to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This very cruel act of self-mutilation would never happen to normal birds.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called

If it is really said that which kind of bird will pluck out its own feathers and nails, then this kind of bird must have symptoms. Many birds with higher intelligence, such as parrots, may engage in various self-harming behaviors after being unreasonably imprisoned. In the UK, there is an African parrot named Ross. Because of his unreasonable imprisonment for three years by his breeder, the parrot has suffered from depression since then, and then he plucked out all his feathers.

Among these rumors, the most widely circulated, touching and exciting one must belong to the cool Internet article called


Through the above analysis of the article "The Rebirth of the Eagle", we found that there are indeed certain problems with the authenticity of this Internet cool article, and it is most likely another article that uses the eagle for over-packaging. In fact, many of the cool Internet articles created using animals or other specific items have authenticity issues.

Therefore, I hope that all readers of "Chicken Soup" can read this kind of "Chicken Soup" articles reasonably and rationally, find positive spiritual encouragement and spiritual pursuits, and at the same time discover mistakes, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so that Only in this way can we be "like a fish in water" in cyberspace.

Author: Yaya First reviewer: Weiyang Proofreading editor: W

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