Pomeranian is a small dog with a very cute appearance and is loved by many people. However, when feeding Pomeranian, many poop owners will fall into these misunderstandings. Let’s see how many of them you have! 1. Not deworming. On the day they dewormed a Pomeranian, they saw no

Pomeranian is a small dog with a very cute appearance and is loved by many people. However, when feeding Pomeranians, many poop owners will fall into these misunderstandings. Let’s see how many of them you have!

1. No deworming

On the day when some dog owners dewormed Pomeranian, they saw no bugs on the dog and did not deworm it. This is wrong. Not seeing bugs does not mean there are no bugs on the dog!

Therefore, we must insist on deworming the dog, and deworm the dog both internally and externally on time to reduce the harm caused by parasites to the dog!

2. Feeding too many snacks

The purpose of snacks is to help dogs grind their teeth or to supplement some nutrients. It is also given to them as a reward and cannot be eaten as a meal. Feeding too many snacks will cause dogs Picky eaters don't eat dog food .

3. Feed pure milk

The nutritional value of milk is very high, but the content of lactose in milk is very high. Some Pomeranians may not be able to digest it in their intestines, leading to diarrhea and other symptoms. It is recommended to feed dogs Shuhua milk or pet goat milk powder. , the lactose content is low and will not easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort in dogs.

4. Frequent bathing

When the Pomeranian takes his Pomeranian out for a walk and comes back, the Pomeranian may have a little body odor. At this time, the Pomeranian feels that it is time to take a bath. However, in fact, the Pomeranian who has just arrived home cannot take a bath immediately, and the number of baths is not high. Too often!

Dogs’ skin is different from ours. Frequent bathing will wash away all the oil that protects their bodies, leading to skin diseases. The appropriate bathing frequency should be once every 1-2 weeks, and once a month in winter is also fine!

5. Not going out for a walk

Some people think that Pomeranian is so small that there is no need to take it out for a walk like a big dog. This is wrong! Although Pomeranians do not need too much exercise, staying in the same environment for a long time is not good for Pomeranians' physical and mental health!

You can also do some training when you go out, and reward some delicious snacks. If you don’t know which snacks to choose, you can click on the link to view:

6. Give it human food

Some dogs feed Pomeranians At that time, I was very casual about my diet and gave my dog ​​some human food. Most of the human food was too oily and salty. Eating too much would cause severe tear stains, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms in the dog. It would also be prone to unbalanced nutrition and cause the development of Pomeranian. too small!

Therefore, dog food is still the main food for dogs, but you should not choose dog food that is high in salt or oily, which can also cause hair loss and tear stains in dogs. Therefore, the main dog food should be light, low in salt, and nutritious. Balanced natural dog food mainly reduces dog hair loss and tear stains!

Conclusion: Do you know any other misunderstandings about ? Leave a message in the comment area!