This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte

2024/06/2716:44:33 housepet 1013

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't touch. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last!

The fifteenth sea urchin

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

There are at least 200 kinds of sea urchins. Although they have different colors and shapes, their habits are similar. They always like to appear around coral reefs, and the most common thing we see when snorkeling or diving is sea urchins. The sea urchin's weapon has two kinds of spikes and the venom contained in the spikes. It doesn't matter if you are just stung by the sea urchin's spikes. But if the spike that penetrates the body breaks, that's really bad luck because the venom in the spike will be released, and not only will the wound be painful but it will swell immediately. If you are unlucky, you are likely to die. Even if you don't die, you will have sequelae such as muscle soreness, drowsiness and even paralysis! If the spikes are not removed, the wound can become infected. So the best thing to do is to see them and stay away from them!

The fourteenth blue-ringed octopus

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

The blue-ringed octopus is subdivided into four different rings, each of which lives in the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Each is extremely dangerous. They are considered the most venomous animals in the world, with each octopus containing enough venom to kill 26 adults. The adult blue-ringed octopus is no more than eight inches long and has a colorful appearance that makes it very eye-catching. If you see them in the water or a rock pool your instinct will be to pick them up and take a look, but be sure to resist the urge! The scary thing about the blue-ringed octopus is that people don't feel it for the moment it bites. Octopus venom contains several powerful chemicals, including tetrodotoxin, dopamine, taurine and histamine, which are 1,200 times more toxic than hydride. It was only a few minutes after being stabbed that symptoms began to appear, including nausea, loss of blur, and paralysis. Most cases of octopus poisoning end up dying of being unable to breathe, and there is no anti-venom for this poison. Once the fatal dose enters the human body, one can only resign oneself to fate.

The thirteenth Fire Coral

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

Fire coral grows in The Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea are actually the yellow-green or brown growths around the coral reefs. It looks very similar to seaweed, so it is often mistaken for seaweed. But in fact they are close relatives of and . Their bodies are covered with almost invisible little tentacles, which are covered with alveoli . Once you come into contact with these explosive cells, they will burst and release toxic chemicals in an instant. These substances will produce a strong burning sensation on the surface of your skin. If you are unlucky enough to be scratched by Huoshanhu, the venom will be released at your wound. This can cause excruciating pain that lasts for weeks. Therefore, people who often dive know that they must avoid fire corals when encountering them!

The twelfth puffer fish

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

There are currently more than 200 known species of dolphin fish, and they live in relatively warm waters. Most species of puffer fish can teach a painful lesson to anyone who tries to touch it! This is because they have powerful defenses. Because they move slowly in the water and cannot escape from danger in time, when they feel threatened, they will suck water or air into their stomachs to expand their bodies into a ball shape. In fact, the surface of its body is already covered with thorns at this time, but most of the time it is difficult for us to see these thorns. The thorns also contain a powerful neurotoxin , which is tetrodotoxin that can kill humans. And even if it doesn't kill it, the pain after being stabbed is unbearable. But these spines of puffer fish will not have much impact on animals such as sharks. It just makes the shark think that the puffer fish tastes bad, so it will give up this prey.

The eleventh crown-of-thorns starfish

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

Although most starfish are completely harmless, there is a species of starfish that lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans that is completely untouchable! It is one of the largest starfish species in the world, reaching a length of up to 14 inches.Although it is still in the shape of a star, it is covered with a layer of sharp thorns. These thorns not only sting and scratch those who touch them, but what's more terrible is that the thorns also contain powerful toxins. Once broken in the human body, people will immediately feel stinging pain. In addition to the unbearable stinging sensation, the wound will continue to bleed, swell, and be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Crown-of-thorns starfish are even more troublesome to the sea environment. They eat coral polyps and are extremely destructive. In order to protect the environment workers in the sea, chemicals will be injected into the bodies of crown-of-thorns starfish to kill them!

The tenth Indian red scorpion

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

is native to India, Pakistan and Nepal. It was officially named the Indian red scorpion by scientists in 1798. The adults are about four inches long and are very beautiful in brown, orange-red, blue and many other colors. They tend to feed on small vertebrates such as lizards. As for its other habits, scientists don't know, because they always hide themselves in the grass or under leaves and are difficult to find. But they will choose hiding places closer to human-inhabited communities, probably because it is easier to obtain food in such places. Indian red scorpions are not usually aggressive, but if you want to touch them or catch them It will immediately sting you with its tail. And directly inject toxins! This can have serious consequences including severe pain, vomiting, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death! And there is currently no antivenom for the Indian red scorpion, and its mortality rate is between 8% and 40%! Most of the victims are children Brazil

The ninth walking spider

This is what happens if you touch an animal you shouldn't. There are many animals in nature that you shouldn't touch! Otherwise, you will pay the price. Especially when you see the following 15 kinds of animals, you must be careful. Each one is more dangerous than the last! Fifte - DayDayNews

In fact, there are 8 types of Brazilian walking spiders, and each one is one of the most poisonous types. In fact, they also have a Greek name, phonutria, which translates to murderous. Just by hearing the name, you know that we can't afford to mess with these creatures. They can grow up to eight inches long when they are adults, and as a spider, they are not even lazy to tie a web. Instead, they go straight to the jungle floor in search of food. They will not take the initiative to attack something they don't want to eat, but will immediately take a defensive posture if they feel they are in danger. First the two front legs will be raised as a warning, and if this doesn't work they will preemptively strike. Just go in and take a big bite. At the same time, the toxin is injected into the human body. This toxin is not only extremely painful, but also causes symptoms such as high and low blood pressure, unstable heartbeat blurred vision, and within half an hour. Severe cases will be accompanied by shock and death, and this kind of pain has no cure and can only be endured!

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