Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,

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Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they go out with their dogs and meet other dogs, they sniff each other’s butts first when they get together. Why is this? Woolen cloth?

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews

Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed, but for dogs, there is a reason. Then let’s enter the world of dogs and understand it.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews


"The master took me out again today!"

"I'm so happy! The flowers are so beautiful."

"Hey, isn't there the little flower in the next building in front of you? Say hello!"

"Little Huahua~ How have you been lately? Okay? "

After two dogs meet, the behavior of sniffing each other's butts is a way of greeting the dogs, and the purpose is to make friends and chat.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews


"Xiao Hua, I hear you've been a little angry recently?"

"Your nose is fine, it's hot out here, and you'll get angry after eating."

Dogs' sense of smell is more than a thousand times more sensitive than humans. The butt and anus are the most smelly parts of dogs. Dogs can judge each other's health by smelling each other. Once they find that the other person is sick, they will stay away in time to ensure their own safety.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews


"Xiaohua, can that thing I told you before be done?"

"What is it?"

"My mother wants to have a grandson, so she is urging me hard! Didn't we agree to have one?" "

" It's not time yet, let's talk about it next time. "

Dogs will smell each other's butts to determine whether they are in heat, which is also a way to find a mate. If a dog sniffs the butts of other dogs during estrus, it is very likely that they want to mate. The dog owner should pay attention to the dog to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews


"Xiaohua, do you think that one looks like the little black next door?"

"It looks a bit similar, but the little black one is not as fragrant."

"Recently, there are too many dogs in our community, and I almost died again. Admit it! ”

Dogs sniffing the butt is also confirming the other person’s identity information to determine whether it is a dog they have been in contact with. If it is a dog they know, they will know the other person’s smell, which can help the dog make friends. .

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews


"Oh, I'm going home again. I haven't had enough fun yet!"

"Hey, I haven't seen this big yellow dog before. Take a look."

"You should stay away from it in the future. You can't beat it." ! "

Dogs can also judge the opponent's attack power and status by smelling their butts. If the opponent is stronger than themselves, they will give in and act as the younger brother or run away. If they are equally powerful and difficult to get along with, you can fight it out and become the king yourself.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews

In the world of dogs, some small physical fights are also common, but the poop scavenger should hold the dog and prevent the dog from fighting with other dogs. You can prepare some small snacks to divert the dog's attention in time. Use your strength to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews

In addition to paying attention to some of the dog's behaviors, dog owners should also pay more attention to the dog's dietary health. It is officially summer, and dogs will get angry easily. Owners can choose a light and irritating for their dogs. Dog food helps dogs spend the summer healthily.

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Has this happened to your dog?

Speaking of a puzzling behavior of dogs, many dog ​​owners will definitely say that when they take their dogs out and meet other dogs, they will sniff each other’s butts first. Why is this? ? Although we humans may not understand it, think it is indecent, and may be embarrassed,  - DayDayNews

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