Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami

2024/05/1804:25:33 housepet 1054

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication.

But there are many things to pay attention to when naming a cat. Avoid these 6 taboos and donā€™t take it seriously!

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


When naming a cat, donā€™t name it the same as a celebrity. why? This is not a problem at first, but if you happen to call the cat's name and there are fans of that star around, he may come to you for an argument and let you know what cyber violence is.

And many people fall in love with a star after watching a TV show. Do you have to keep changing the cat's name to your favorite star? Even cats canā€™t remember it!

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


Chinese people always feel that "cheap names" make a living, so some of them will give their cats nicknames, such as "Ah Zhu", "Agou", "Gou Sheng", "Dasha" and so on.

But if you call such a name outside, such as when going to the doctor, physical examination, etc., it may attract a lot of strange looks. When the time comes, being looked at by so many people, you probably wonā€™t be able to bear it yourself, so give the cat a name Be careful with your name.

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


When naming a cat, it is best not to name it too long. It's like some people give their cats super long names in order to make themselves look special, such as Hut Nasi de la Tiramisu.

Such long and smelly names are not only difficult for cats to understand and remember, but also hard to pronounce themselves. Sometimes when someone asks you what your catā€™s name is, you may get stuck, so why bother?

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


Some pet owners are relatively simple and crude in naming their cats. They just call their cats "cat" and "mimi". It is best not to name such a name that has become popular, because it is really easy to have the same name. Maybe if you call a cat on the street, a group of cats will raise their heads and look at you.

And if your cat hears someone calling "Cat Cat", it may think it is an acquaintance and follow the sound, which will also increase the risk of getting lost.

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


When naming your cat, donā€™t choose a name that is too domineering. Some pet owners want their cats to have domineering names, such as "Sangbiao", "Scarqiang", "Tietou", etc. A name like

is actually not very good. People who donā€™t know it may think that your cat is very vicious and they wonā€™t dare to get close to it.

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews


When naming a cat, there is another taboo, that is, do not use uncommon words or names that are too difficult to pronounce, and do not take it seriously.

If you want to highlight your own culture and be different, and give your cat some unusual and difficult-to-pronounce names, then not only will the cat not understand or remember it, but you will also be lonely. It's hard to scream, it's simply asking for trouble for yourself.

In fact, you name your cat to better communicate with the cat, so forget about those obscure names.

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews

How to make cats understand their own names?

In fact, cats prefer names with higher tones, ending with a vowel, and simpler syllables, so pet owners may wish to give their cats names they like. After naming the cat, you also need to do name-calling training for it. Call the cat's name. If it responds to you, reward it with some snacks. Repeat this many times and the cat will slowly know that this is its name. .

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews

Conclusion: What is your catā€™s name?

Welcome to post pictures and tell the origin of your catā€™s name in the comment area~

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing, and now more and more people are raising cats. After many people bring a cat home, the first thing they do is to give the cat a name to facilitate future communication. However, there are many things to pay attention to when nami - DayDayNews

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