They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking

2024/05/2721:53:33 housepet 1822

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Speaking of "mouth"

what can you think of now


For example, the mouth of the little mythical beast at home~

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Or something like this

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

They all have one The common feature is that when eating, they can pass through the mouth The cooperation of various internal organs chews food . (This is the most important role of mouth in daily life)

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

What do you think of the picture below?

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

(I know you are thinking about vaccines again, right?!)


Have you ever thought about

This might also be a type of mouth?

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

You may not be able to figure it out for a while, but in fact, this is the same principle as the mouths of some insects! The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts, Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts , piercing and sucking mouthparts, siphoning mouthparts .

Follow the editor to learn~

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

insect mouthparts business card

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews. Chewing mouthparts

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews


What’s special about : is the most original mouthpart of and is considered the originator of mouthparts. Other mouthparts are It is considered to evolve from it.

Food: Leaf or other insect

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

has a chewy mouthpiece, a pair of pair of claws, the inner side, which There are teeth used for crushing and chewing.

It is composed of five parts: upper lip, upper palate, tongue (one piece each), lower jaw, and lower lip (two pieces each). The upper lip, upper jaw, lower jaw and lower lip. The cavity is called the preoral cavity, and the real mouth is located between the base of the lip and the tongue.

Insects with chewing mouthparts, the structure of each part of the mouthparts will vary slightly depending on the insect's state, feeding habits, and habits.

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews. The special feature of the piercing-sucking mouthparts: it is composed of a long tube called a beak. This beak can pierce plant and animal tissues, absorb liquids, and secrete saliva containing digestive enzymes to replace it. Good digestive food to aid absorption.

Representative insects: mosquitoes , leafhoppers , bedbugs , aphids

Food: plant liquid or blood

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

3. Siphon-type mouthparts

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews


Siphonic mouthparts consist of a tube-shaped mouthpart called a "long mouth" Tissue composition, sucks nectar from flowers like a straw.

When not feeding, the beak coils like a clockwork, and when feeding, it uses the pressure of muscles and blood to straighten it; some fruit-sucking moths have sharp beaks that can Puncture the skin of the fruit.

Representative insects: butterfly, moth

Food: nectar

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

In addition, there are licking and sucking mouthparts and chewing and sucking mouthparts, licking and sucking mouthparts Representative insects include house fly and fruit fly .At the end of the beak tube in the mouthparts are two spongy pituitary glands, which contain many small tubes - pseudo-trachea , which secrete enzyme-filled saliva through capillary action.

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Representative insects with chewing and sucking mouthparts include bees and wasps. A tongue-like mouthpart composed of a mandibular forceps and a front-end beak tube. This structure can better lick nectar.

Since this kind of mouthparts is suitable for both chewing and sucking, it is called chewing-sucking mouthparts.

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Interestingly, the types of mouthparts in the larval stage of many insects are completely different from those in adults. For example, caterpillars use chewing mouthparts before emerging into butterflies or moths, but change into siphoning mouthparts after adulthood. How about

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

? Isn’t it interesting for insects to eat? Children can also simulate it with their parents at home during the holidays.

Experimental props:

bread (simulating leaves);

drinks (simulating plant juices);

straight straws (simulating piercing mouthparts);

elbow straws (simulating siphoning mouthparts);

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

experience steps:

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews.First , parents can simulate chewing mouthparts with their children and further experience the principles of chewing mouthparts by "eating bread".

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews. Secondly, we simulated the piercing and sucking mouthparts. The cicada's mouth is similar to a thorn. We used a straw to simulate it. It will be folded when flying and extended when foraging. It will first pierce the bark and then suck the juice.

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

3. The last step is the licking and sucking type (parents should lead the children to wash their little hands first), and then the children can rub their hands first, then spit, and then lick.

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

popular science tips

The mosquito that makes everyone hate it has done a great job!

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Scientists designed a "painless syringe" based on the structure of the mosquito's "mouth". The thin needle of this syringe is covered with sharp serrated protrusions. The injection needle is made of titanium and is about the same thickness as a mosquito's mouth. (Only 1/10 of today’s general needles), which greatly reduces the pain during injection.

Inspired by this "painless syringe", scientists further invented a " needleless syringe " . Eliminates people's fear of needles. Also eliminates pain. It is currently widely used in the injection of small doses of liquid medicines such as insulin and vaccines.

Did you suddenly feel that mosquitoes are not useless anymore?

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Congratulations on your success in getting the knowledge about insect mouthparts

I believe that after such experience

children will have different feelings and memories about insects

Treat insects - an indispensable part of nature,

also There will be new angles and feelings!

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews

Source: Xiamen Science and Technology Museum online

They all have a common feature, which is that when eating, they can chew food through the cooperation of various organs in the mouth. The mouth of insects is also called mouthparts. Today, I will introduce you to three types of mouthparts: chewing mouthparts, piercing and sucking - DayDayNews


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