There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the "three stupid and four crazy" dogs. They are the following dog breeds. Do you have one at home? Four Crazy Dogs 1. Characteristics of the Dogo: Strong territorial awareness, friendly, an

2024/05/2513:08:33 housepet 1162

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the "three stupid and four crazy" dogs. They are the following dog breeds. Do you have one at home?

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

The four crazy dogs

1. Dogo

Characteristics: Strong territorial awareness, friendly, lively

Feeding Note: When raising a Dogo, you should ensure that it has sufficient exercise, otherwise it will be easily depressed. Many illnesses.

Origin: This is a bulldog , which originated from Argentina . It was originally used for guarding the courtyard and hunting ferocious pumas and wild boar as a working dog. It has a ferocious personality, so it is called one of the four crazy dogs. .

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

2. Brazilian File Dog

Characteristics: Sensitive sense of smell and loyalty

Breeding Note: This kind of dog is very alert. When encountering strangers, it will launch a violent attack, so the owner should walk the dog Always keep your dog on a leash.

Origin: Brazil. At first it was used to hunt slaves, but later it was also used to herd cattle and hunt jaguars. It has a stubborn and tenacious personality.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

3. Pitbull

Features: Fighting is not afraid of pain, strong bite force, well-developed muscles

Feeding Note: Pitbull is a kind of dog that is relatively afraid of heat and is prone to heat stroke, especially in summer. The owner must make preparations for it to escape the heat.

origin: comes from the United States. It is a kind of lethal dog bred as bullfighting . Moreover, this kind of dog secretes testosterone faster, making it not afraid of pain, so it can last for a long time. high-intensity combat.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

4. Tosa Inu

Characteristics: Strong fighting ability, loyal

Breeding Note: Tosa Inu is a dog breed that develops very slowly and requires the owner to be patient and socialize it

Origin: Japan, it is a large competitive fighting dog. Known as the King of Oriental Fighting Dogs and one of the "Four Crazy Dogs"

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

The Three Sillies Among Dogs

1. Samoyed

Characteristics: Clingy, very gentle when smiling

Feeding Note: Samoyed is known as the "Smiling Angel" Although he has a title, he is actually a little devil. He has pure white hair, but he likes to roll in the mud and make himself dirty. The owner should pay more attention to it.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

2. Alaskan Malamute

Characteristics: Timid, like to tear down homes

Breeding Note: The Alaskan Malamute is a very powerful dog that breaks down homes. It is big and has strong destructive power since childhood. Especially during Alaska's childhood, Alaska is very naughty during this period, so it is recommended that the owner trains Alaska's habits during this period to avoid Alaska developing bad habits.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

When training, of course, snacks are indispensable for encouragement. With the encouragement of snacks, Alaska will be easier to concentrate and the owner will be easier to train.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

3. Siberian Husky

Characteristics: is prone to doing unexpected things and likes to tear down homes

Feeding Note: This kind of dog has a particularly poor gastrointestinal condition. It has always been called a "glass stomach" and it is difficult to eat anything. Digested food will increase the burden on its gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and diarrhea. It is best to choose an easy-to-digest dog food as the main food for your dog. After all, dog food is scientifically matched and is more suitable for the dog's body.

But the article is coming to an end, so I won’t say more. The following brands of dog food are quite suitable. Interested pet owners can pay attention to them.

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the


I wonder if any netizens have these dogs at home?

There are many dog ​​breeds, but some dog breeds are given other names by people, such as the

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