July 14th is "World Chimpanzee Day". On this day in 1960, Dr. Jane Goodall, a biologist from the United Kingdom, came to Tanzania for the first time to study chimpanzees, which triggered more and more people's attention and protection of chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are one of the cr

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7 14th is "World Chimpanzee Day". On this day in 1960, Dr. Jane Goodall, a biologist from the United Kingdom, came to Tanzania for the first time to study chimpanzees, which in turn triggered more and more people's attention and protection of chimpanzees.

July 14th is

Chimpanzees are one of the creatures closest to humans. The coding genes of chimpanzees are 98% similar to humans. They are truly intelligent animals. They also have relatively complex social relationships and are animals that live in groups and inhabit tall and dense deciduous rainforests with hot and humid conditions in the tropics.

July 14th is

Beijing Wild Animal Park By learning about the living habits of chimpanzees and studying their needs for enrichment facilities, they planted green vegetation in the chimpanzee sports ground, built perches for them to climb and play, and added hanging ropes and hanging enrichment items. etc. to improve the enrichment environment of the sports field.

July 14th is

July 14th is

In order to ensure the health of the animals, we have always adhered to scientific feeding methods and provided sufficient food according to the food needs of the chimpanzees and the changes in the seasons. The chimpanzee family has been carefully cared for, and they play happily, freely, and live a carefree life. They are extremely happy.

July 14th is

July 14th is

Chimpanzees are really smart. They are good at saying hello, clapping, swinging , playing with rings, learning to walk, dancing... everything is their specialty!

July 14th is

The enrichment facilities that you see in the exhibition area are their usual entertainment venues and toys~ Many people can’t help but come up to interact with chimpanzees when they see such interesting animals, and they will also greet everyone enthusiastically. .

July 14th is

July 14th is

July 14th is

shows affection from time to time, looking at each other affectionately, hugging, kissing, combing their hair... Occasionally, they don't forget to perform a small show and play with everyone. When they are tired, they signal the keeper to have some "afternoon tea". It's a small life. Colorful and interesting moments, waiting for you to observe ~

July 14th is

July 14th is

Such intelligent chimpanzees are now highly endangered. 100 years ago, it was estimated that there were between 1 and 2 million chimpanzees in 25 countries in Africa. Today, however, wild chimpanzee populations are declining rapidly across the continent. To reverse this situation, we must do everything we can to stop habitat loss, the illegal pet trade, the bushmeat trade and all other threats to chimpanzees.

Beijing Wildlife Park calls on everyone to pay attention to the social and cultural knowledge that they rely on for survival. Protecting wild animals and plants is to care for humans themselves. Let us take active actions, starting from me, starting from now!

July 14th is


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