Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l

2024/05/0920:16:33 housepet 1354

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans.

Pigeons have a long history with humans. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver letters. However, in the modern era of historical evolution, pigeon meat is said to be rich in nutritional value.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica": Pigeon meat has certain medicinal value. "There are many colors of pigeon feathers, but white is used as medicine." There are many varieties of pigeons, and the pigeons that people often eat are a type of domestic pigeons, which are rich in nutritional value and are high-end nourishing products.

What are the nutritional values ​​of pigeon meat?

Old people often say that "a pigeon is worth 10 chickens", which is not without reason. A 2017 research report in the "Journal of Food Safety and Quality Inspection" showed that pigeon meat is rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, and also contains iron, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals. At the same time , the fat content of pigeon meat is also relatively low, is an ideal weight loss food .

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Pigeon meat is easy to digest, has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, replenishing qi and blood, dispelling wind and detoxifying. It has a very good tonic effect on physical weakness, dizziness, blood deficiency, amenorrhea, and memory loss after illness.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Pigeons are known as "sweet-blooded animals" among the people. Their meat is rich in hemoglobin, which has a very good effect on promoting wound healing after surgery.

At the same time, pigeon meat is also a great tonic. After a woman gives birth, her body loses a lot of blood, so postpartum mothers can enhance their physical fitness by eating it in moderation.

Pigeon meat can also replenish qi and blood, delay cell metabolism, promote blood circulation, reduce the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Squab bones are also rich in chondroitin, which can make the skin white, tender and delicate, and increase elasticity. It is a good beauty food.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

In addition, pigeon meat contains a large amount of pantothenic acid , also has a significant effect on hair loss and gray hair. (The above information is for reference only)

Pigeon meat is indeed very nutritious and has many effects on preventing and treating some diseases, but everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Who can’t eat pigeons?

It's the hot summer, when the weather is dry and things are dry, which is the season when you are most likely to get angry. If you eat a little bit of irritating or hot food , it will make it even more inflamed. Pigeon meat is hot in nature. Eating pigeon meat can easily lead to heavy sweating and collapse.

My body is too weak and it is not suitable to eat. Pigeon is a great tonic. If the human body is too weak, it should be replenished slowly. If it is directly replenished, the human body will not be able to bear it.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

It is also not recommended for people with poor gastrointestinal tracts. Pigeon meat contains a large amount of protein, which is difficult to digest and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Moreover, judging from the value of pigeons themselves, they are not recommended as food ingredients. Pigeons are intelligent and spiritual animals that carried letters to people in ancient times. They have a strong symbolic meaning and can bring good luck to people. They are the source of inspiration for many arts and are also friends of mankind.

Although pigeon meat is nutritious, it is not recommended to eat it

"Because of work, I stayed here with my mother for two weeks and couldn't stay any longer. People here like to eat pigeon meat, pig heads and all kinds of birds and animals. My I am getting less and less courageous. At a company dinner, I don’t know who ordered a portion of pigeon meat. Everyone was vying to eat it, but I didn’t dare to move my chopsticks. I felt that I was still uncomfortable with eating these game meats. Rejected from the bottom of my heart.”

. . . . . .

For pigeons, they may not understand why they have such a fate?

is obviously a diligent person and has always been a friend of mankind. Why is it now a delicacy on everyone’s dining table?

Although pigeon meat is delicious, there are many varieties of pigeons, some of which are nationally protected animals, although our common domestic pigeons homing pigeons are not nationally protected animals, but in thousands of years of history , it also assumes the responsibility of sending letters for people. is a powerful assistant for mankind.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Picasso 's masterpiece "The Dove of Peace" depicts a dove holding an olive branch, and the dove is therefore used as a symbol of peace. The logo of " International Year of Peace " is a pair of hands flying doves on the ears of rice, symbolizing a good harvest, friendship and peace.

On many important occasions, people will release doves to express their expectations for peace. For example, at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics , many cute children held up shining dove lanterns and left them for everyone. A deep impression; and at the opening ceremony of the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1988, tens of thousands of pigeons also flew into the sky.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Pigeons are also very smart animals. has a strong memory. For people who often take care of it, pigeons will remember the person's appearance and get close to them. They also have super flying ability and homing instinct, even if they are sent to the nest. Even far away, it can still find its nest.

Therefore, even though pigeon meat has many nutrients, we should treat pigeons more as friends, and these nutrients can also be obtained in some other foods.

What ingredients can be substituted for pigeon meat?

Generally speaking, umami is mainly related to glutamate. Glutamic acid is a kind of amino acid. It plays an important role in protein metabolism in the body. Many poultry meats contain glutamic acid. Acid, but the glutamic acid content of pigeon meat is higher, and can reach 2.5% to 2.9%. In addition to glutamic acid, its amino acid composition is also very ideal. Add a little salt, and the pigeon meat will be naturally delicious.

But there are many foods containing glutamic acid, such as kelp, potatoes, beans, etc. Moreover, food rich in inosinates tastes very delicious when cooked. This substance is generally found in beef, chicken, pork, fish and shrimp.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Although pigeon meat has the effect of strengthening the brain and kidneys, corn is beneficial to the lungs, calms the heart and spleen, appetizers, lowers cholesterol, is beneficial to the brain, calms the liver and promotes gallbladder. Using corn instead of pigeon meat is still To achieve the effect of preventing neurasthenia.

Tremella can also replace pigeon meat to achieve the effects of nourishing the liver and qi, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. This is because pigeon meat itself has the functions of nourishing the liver and strengthening the kidneys, replenishing qi and blood, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and beautifying the skin. Tremella also has the effects of replenishing qi and stomach, nourishing the liver and spleen, enhancing human immunity, moisturizing and removing freckles. The two effects are equivalent.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

In addition, pigeon meat has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, replenishing qi and blood, clearing away heat and detoxifying, while crab can also relax the muscles and replenish qi, regulate the stomach and digestion, clear away heat and nourish yin, and achieve the effect of tonifying the kidneys and replenishing qi. If you want to achieve the effect of nourishing the kidneys, you can use crabs instead.

As for pigeon meat’s beauty and skin whitening effects, chestnuts and yam can be used instead of . Chestnuts can nourish the stomach, strengthen the spleen, and resist aging. Yams can help digestion, nourish the lungs and kidneys, relieve coughs, and protect the skin. To strengthen the body, using chestnuts and yams instead of pigeon meat can also achieve the effect of nourishing the kidneys and spleen, and can also beautify the skin.

Everyone must like pigeons. Wild pigeons appear in the streets and alleys and are very close to humans. Many pigeons raised in squares are not afraid of humans. The relationship between pigeons and humans is also very long. In ancient times, people often used pigeons to deliver l - DayDayNews

Although pigeon meat is nutritious and delicious, it is not the only choice of health food. Many foods can also achieve nourishing effects through reasonable combination and careful cooking. There is not only one way to health. If you want real prevention In addition to eating a healthy diet, you also need to pay attention to a reasonable daily routine and exercise.


From a food perspective, eating pigeon meat regularly has many benefits for the body. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish qi and blood, protect the cardiovascular system, relieve menstrual pain, improve anemia, relieve fatigue, etc.

However, if you only treat pigeons as food, you will actually reduce the value of pigeons themselves. In human culture for thousands of years, pigeons have played an important role. They not only help people deliver letters, but have also become people's treasures. Friends, and more importantly, pigeons also carry people’s yearning for peace and spiritual sustenance. Therefore, in the face of such beautiful and spiritual animals, we should protect them reasonably and always have a heart of awe for nature.


【1】. Practical diet and nutrition knowledge[M]. Mainstream editor. 2016

【2】. Comparative analysis of meat quality and main nutritional components of European meat pigeons and other livestock and poultry[J]. Chang Lingling, Tang Qingping, Wang Qing, et al. 2017

【3】. Analysis and comparison of amino acid content of pigeon meat at different ages [J]. Huang Wenqing, Zhao Yongju, Lin Yanhua, et al. 2016

【4】. Long Ju, He Yingxia, Ye Jing. Pigeon meat Analysis and evaluation of nutritional components[J]. Food Industry Science and Technology, 2011(12):447-448.


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