"Mom, how can I save it..." Recently, a video of a Xuzhou boy crying for three hours after his pet chicken died quickly became popular on the Internet. In the video, the pet chicken that the child had kept for some time suddenly died, catching him off guard.

2024/05/2704:11:33 housepet 1066

"You have to live!"

"Mom, how to save it..."

Recently, a video of a Xuzhou boy crying for three hours because of the death of his pet chicken quickly became popular on the Internet. In the video

, the pet chicken that the child had kept for some time suddenly died, catching him off guard.

The little boy could not accept the fact and cried heartbrokenly. He kept talking about saving the chicken and cried intermittently for nearly 3 hours.

In the end, the helpless family had to bury the chick and set up a monument. As soon as the video of

came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Many people were infected by the boy's simple kindness.

At the same time, I think of my own children, how stubborn and heartbroken they are when faced with the death of their pets, which makes me angry and funny at the same time.

"Erect monuments", "Handwritten letters of apology", "Kowtow", "Water burial" for pets...

Of course, when faced with the sadness and sorrow of children losing their beloved pets, the practices of different parents are also worth pondering.

Some parents are worried that their children will not be able to bear the accidental death of their pet dogs, so they think of buying the same dog as a replacement.

How can a child not notice a dog that can live with him for several years? How sad will he be when he knows the truth?

Some parents, in order to appease their children, came up with the method of "clothes themselves in mourning" for their pets. It is outrageous and funny.

Chenma can understand that parents want to take care of and comfort their children, but the method needs to be considered.

Because instead of comforting, what we should do most is teach children a death education class to teach them to understand death and face death.

Otherwise, if you blindly comfort the child, his heart will only become fragile, and he will never be able to face the matter of life and death!

Why is there death?

"This is the first time I have faced death. Why is there death?"

html When an 11-year-old boy attended the funeral of his pet rabbit , he burst into tears and asked adults why there was death while crying.

This may be the doubt and confusion that pops up in every child's mind when facing the death of a pet.

In this regard, some parents may remain silent because the death itself is extremely sad and sad, and they are worried that it will scare their children. Just because

can be avoided, it doesn’t mean death won’t happen!

Especially for ignorant children, they are curious and afraid of death. If parents talk about death blindly, they will only pass on the fear of death to their children.

In the variety show " Don't Look Down on Me ", the little girl Linlin's mother passed away. She cried in the show because she missed her mother.

But the father did not know how to use words to explain his daughter, so he used the clumsiest way - concealing it.

But white lies did not alleviate Linlin's longing for her mother, but instead deepened her fear of death.

A friend of Chen’s mother also did the same concealment work as Linlin’s father.

When her son was more than 4 years old, a sudden accident took away his grandmother’s life.

Because the child was brought up by his grandmother, his friend was worried that the child would not be able to withstand the blow, so he lied to the child and said:

"Grandma is going on a trip and it will take a long time to come back. You have to wait for her obediently."

and played Grandma Before voice to increase the credibility of the "lie".

can wait day after day, and the child's patience is slowly worn away, but when he asks every day, he can only wait for his mother's "wait a little longer".

Then, the child stopped asking his mother, gradually became depressed and resisted social interaction.

At this time, my friend realized the seriousness of the matter and regretted his concealment.

In fact, rather than concealing or confusing her children with ambiguity, Chen Ma is more inclined to teach her children a death education lesson.

In a way that children can understand, tell them:

Any living thing will die after birth. This is a natural law that no one can escape.

At the same time, it teaches them how to understand and face death, and learn to say a final farewell to the people and things they love!

"Mom, will you die?"

Your answer is very important

"Mom, will you die?"

"Grandma, will you die too..."

egg watch for the first time After the pet dog died at home, he sobbed and asked me with a crying face:

"Will mom and dad die too?"

Not only Dandan, many children feel sad when they are exposed to death for the first time. Afraid, worried that loved ones will die too.

At this time, parents’ different answers to death will also affect their children’s lives!

Just like in the recently watched movie " Life Events", the male protagonist Mo Sanmei explains to the girl Xiaowen that her grandmother has passed away.

The two answers before and after have very different effects.

At the beginning, Mo Sanmei and Xiao Wen were strangers, and she only appeared as the funeral director of Xiao Wen's grandmother.

But I haven’t seen my parents since I was born, and only my grandmother’s little stories are left in the world. I can’t understand my grandmother’s death at all.

She didn’t understand why grandma couldn’t wake up when she woke up.

The ignorant Xiao Wen could only hide in the cupboard, listening to the suona sound of the funeral outside, and watching the people coming in and out to look at her grandmother's body...

Until they took away her grandmother's body, she felt sad Xiaowen couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out.

But how can her small body stop the power of an adult? It is no more than a small body shaking a big tree!

In the end, grandma’s body was sent to the cremation ground, becoming wisps of black smoke emitted from the chimney.

The collapsed Xiao Wen kept chasing the car and asked Mo Sanmei's residence all the way. He kept asking him:

"Where is grandma? You gave me grandma back..."

At first Mo Sanmei He would only tell Xiaowen indifferently:

"Your grandma is dead and will not come back. Her body was burned. Did you know that she is dead..."

It is so simple and crude, and it is useless for Xiaowen who has lost his only relative. It was like adding insult to injury, causing her to break down and cry.

But after she fell in love with Xiao Wen, Mo Sanmei began to learn to use a wonderful story to mark her grandmother's death. Ellipsis .

He told Xiaowen:

"Grandma did not leave, but went to the sky and became a star, always watching and accompanying Xiaowen..."

This move was successfully accepted by Xiaowen. After her grandmother left, regarded the stars in the sky as a spiritual sustenance for missing her grandmother.

So, when your child asks you: "Mom/Dad, will you die?"

Please tell him gently:

"Everyone will grow old and leave one day, but mother still has a long, long life." I will stay with you for a long time. Even if we leave, we will always love you and look after you~"

Only when you understand death can you understand life,

You can also cherish life better

In the eyes of the public, death is an unlucky thing Words, anything related to death, are taboo.

Some parents even glorify death too much, comparing death to a journey or an adventure...

But do you know?

Too much beautification of death will also dilute children's awe of death and life.

Only by truly understanding what death means can we know the value of life!

As Ran Krevi said: Only when you understand death early can you deepen your life.

Looking at life, news about children jumping off buildings, committing suicide, and hurting others happens from time to time. Every time it appears, the heartstrings of parents are tightened.

Calm down, we also have to think deeply:

Why do children not cherish life so much and can hurt themselves or others so calmly.

Perhaps the real crux lies in children’s lack of death education, which makes them so indifferent to life.

The recent news event "an 8-year-old child pushed a 3-year-old child downstairs" once again shocked people at the "evil" coming from children.

It is unimaginable that at such a young age, he could be so vicious in his heart and beat and kick a 3-year-old child so cruelly.

The point is that they do not have deep hatred or irreconcilable conflicts. This is even the first time they have met.

But no one could have imagined that hidden under his polite and kind smile was an evil heart tempered with poison.

's fickle face and ruthless behavior...it is completely impossible to see his respect for life. Isn't this a failure of his parents' responsibility?

In addition, the lack of reverence for life will not only ignore the lives of others, will also make children lack the cherishment of their own lives.

A small setback, frustration, or criticism from others can cause a child to have a mental breakdown and then do something that hurts himself.

4-year-old boy, after being scolded by his parents, he picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed himself 6 times. The knife cut to the bone. He angrily said:

"If you don't let me play with my mobile phone, I will die!" , join the death game, self-harm and harm yourself...

Aren't the tragic incidents of blood and tears enough to remind us that we should pay attention to the death and life education of our children.

After all, children's problems are ultimately adults' problems.

In life, we should accompany our children as much as possible, create a relaxed and happy living environment for them, reduce the burden on them and ourselves.

The most important thing is that you have to plant a concept in your children's minds:

The big things in life are nothing more than life and death. Apart from life and death, they are all small things!

No matter how much your heart is shattered, you must control yourself and not do stupid things that hurt yourself!

Because no one or anything is worth the price of your life, let alone hurt yourself and others for unwarranted things.

" Coco " said: Death is not the end, forgetfulness is!

When facing the death of a beloved pet and the departure of a family member for the first time, it is human nature that the child cannot bear it. The important thing is that we must teach him to recognize and face death.

made him understand that those people and things who left did not really leave, but existed in another way, turning into the moon in the water and the stars in the sky, always accompanying us!

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