When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer

2021/06/2117:21:43 housepet 2527
The average lifespan of

corgi is 12-15 years, and they will begin to enter old age around the age of 7 or 8. When the corgis are old, the owner can do these 5 things well, and they can live longer!

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews, a good life and rest

This is the same as human beings, developing a good life and rest will help prolong the life of corgi dogs.

For example, regular and quantitative feeding can protect the gastrointestinal health of corgis, help gastrointestinal digestion, and reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Proper exercise every day can make Corgi happy and healthy, thereby prolonging life.

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews, can be sterilized

Corgi After sterilization, the temperament will be milder, which can make the dog less sick and prolong the life of the dog.

The neutered dog is not easy to see the opposite sex dog and run around, and it will be easier to control.

Corgi neutered dogs can avoid some reproductive organ diseases and effectively prolong their lifespan by two to three years.

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews, regular deworming and vaccination vaccine

Regular deworming and vaccination of corgi can effectively prevent many diseases and parasites , etc., and ensure health.

Generally speaking, corgis can be vaccinated in about 45 days, but make sure they are in a healthy state.

and should also pay attention to deworming of dogs, and deworming both inside and outside the body cannot be ignored. The external drive is generally once a month, and the internal drive is generally once a month.

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

4、Climb less stairs

Corgi's legs are relatively short, and every time he climbs the stairs, it may cause damage to his lumbar spine.

Especially the elderly corgi, will lose calcium in the bones, muscle strength will decline, and joints will also have problems.

If you often climb stairs at this time, it is easy to have lumbar spine problems, which can seriously lead to paralysis . Usually, it is best to supplement calcium .

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

5, weight control

Corgis can easily become fat dogs if they are fed too much, so they should control their diets when they are old.

Otherwise, obesity and excess will easily bring about a series of diseases, such as diabetes , heart disease , hypertension , skin allergies, etc.

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

For corgis with obese body, in addition to increasing the amount of exercise, they must control their diet. It is best to feed low-fat dog food.

The selection of dog food is a lot, so I won't expand this topic here. I will share a detailed article on dog food selection below. Interested pet owners can click to learn more:

[dry food recommendation] When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

Conclusion: your corgi How old are you this year?

When the Corgi is old, the owner will do these 5 things, they can live longer - DayDayNews

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